Friday, July 20, 2012

LOTD: Chakira Blog

Rabi Ovadia Hedaya, Reb Menashe Klein, and the Holocaust


  1. Rav MEnashe Klein ZTZVKL"L was a tzaddik and saraf, unparalleled.

  2. Where in משנה הלכות is this?

  3. BTW the Teshuvah is written to R Chaim Rapoport

  4. Menashe Hakuttun "unparalleled"? Please. He knew enough learning that he had a recht to be cholek on R' Moishe but he was not his equal. His psak to protect molesters is also against everything in the Torah.

  5. I find him to be an interesting character. He wasn't afraid to go his own way. Major bekiyut which surpasses RMF. Well known for a tiny slice of whats in Mishnah Halachos, without proper context for the whole as a major, original contribution. Obviously the misogyny is a turn off. But what he does, for example here, with the Holocaust is fascinating. I will probably post more of what I see as really interesting/revealing teshuvos if people are interested.

  6. Josh, how do you know what R' Moishe's bekius was? Did you know for instance that even Rav Ruderman was someone who was familiar with the contents of every single Rishon & Acharon that was available in print in his lifetime?

    A major posek of today told me there is no question R' Moishe was much bigger a gadol baTorah than R' Menashe Klein. And do we need a bigger haskama than the Brisker Rov who said on a young R' Moishe of the 1950s that he would have been a gadol baTorah in the time of Rebbi Akiva Eiger?

  7. More things quoted in the teshuvot. Not for me to say who knew more or who was "bigger."

  8. It depends in what. For example, although Rav Menashe Klein's sefer on eruvin has some strnage things in it, it's clear that overall he takes R. Moshe's even stranger teshuvos on the subject to pieces.


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