Thursday, August 30, 2012

הגר"מ הלוי.... The man who would be Chief Rabbi

Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik's invocation prayer at the RNC Convention this week. If Chabad doesn't try to stuff lots of feathers in their hats as it is, Meir went to Cheder Lubavitch in Chicago, and don't you forget that!!! He has fond memories of being off for a week from cheder during the ה' טבת festivities some 25 years ago. The comments and text in the player is how I got the clip.

מאיר יעקב
רבינו חיים הלוי


  1. Seems like a far stretch that he'll be Chief Rabbi. Too young & not enough halachic knowledge & experience. Seems like, if anything, Michael Broyde will get the post. It's sad that Jews' College cannot produce one of their own of a caliber befitting this prominent shtele.

    -- ZiY

  2. Broyde is so off the Left Deep End like no British Chief Rabbi in history has been. If the Charedi rabbonim walked out of the room when Lord Immanuel Jakobovits entered, I'd hate to see the reaction if Broyde gets the post. His own wife does not cover her hair which he advocates for everyone else.

  3. for shame

    chabad will have less nachas from him than from steinzaltz מלגלג על דברי חז"ל הק' ר"ל

  4. there arent any english rabbis to be chief rabbi of Britain?

    this video creeps me out. cant place the reason why.

  5. Zalman Schachter-"Shalomi" who started the meshugenna Renewal movement was once a Chabad shaliach on college campuses. He was kicked out of Chabad when he started promoting use of LSD for "ruchniyusdik" purposes. Is it true he was actually put in cherem?

  6. Hippie said...
    Zalman Schachter-"Shalomi" who started the meshugenna Renewal movement was once a Chabad shaliach on college campuses. He was kicked out of Chabad when he started promoting use of LSD for "ruchniyusdik" purposes. Is it true he was actually put in cherem?"

    He was never put a cherem ch"v. The LSD is a rumor, it was other things that caused the separation. After all of it, he still kept a back channel connection to the Rebbe. On a sunday dollar line, the Rebbe told him that since yomtov is coming soon, u should have me in mind when u do birchas kohanim. search youtube for zalman schechter and u can hear his take on it.

  7. HaGram? This guy was assistant rabbi to Lookstein at KJ on the Upper East Side. He grada had to leave because he was too frum for them, but that's lav davka saying much ven me redt vegen KJ.

  8. On page 365 of "Jewish Polity and American Civil Society" (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers - 2002), the authors Alan Mittleman, Jonathan Sarna & Robert Licht write that Zalman Schachter did experiment with LSD.

    Why would the Rebbe want Zalman's brochos when he was davening in Reform & Reconstructionist temples after leaving Lubavitch?

  9. Yanover

    It creeps you (and me) out because he did an absolutely lousy job on a very big stage, looked goofy doing it, confused a political address with an invocation in his shout-out to Israel (hence the very tepid does not interrupt an invocation with hand-clapping) and very inappropriately mixed in Loshon Qodesh in front of a Jewish audience.

    the performance was SOOOOO weak I'd call it a borderline Khilul HaShem and say that he sunk whatever small chances he had of inheriting Sacks' Shtella

  10. הגר"מ הלוי.... The man who would be Chief Rabbi

    נישט איך, אין כנראה נישט די באטייליגטע, כ'מיין אז ער אויך נישט, האבן קיין השגה וואס ער רעדט אבער וואס ער וויל! אמן

  11. "Why would the Rebbe want Zalman's brochos"

    לעולם אל תהי ברכת -כהן- הדיוט קלה בעיניך

    מגילה ט"ו -


    Shlomo Carlebach left the yeshivishe velt to join Zalman Schachter as his shtef in shlichus on campuses. What a shame that these two brilliant minds left shlichus to focus on hoylelus.

  13. According to the official bio, Shloyma Carlebach learned in a yeshiva in Lita for half a year before immigrating with his mishpocho to NY. Does anyone know which yeshiva that was?

  14. hoylelus? are you kidding? you may disagree with his methods but he did mean whatever he did l'shem shomayim (carlebach not zalman). don't tell me your basing your opinion on an article in a tabloid rag that came out years after he died.

  15. Don't be naive. Hoylelus was actually a very mild & charitable way of putting it.

    Yes, the accusations of Carlebach's assaults came up afterwards as they do in most cases of abuse from earlier eras. And the people leading the charge against the accusers are choshud themselves if you know something about them. What are you going to do btw with the chazaka mentioned in Rishonim of kala delo pasik? If accusers from different time periods & locations are making accusations, you can nem on it is true. This chazaka is for stam people. For a manhig of any sort we posken that even a single accusation is enough to be mechayev removing him from his position. See the teshuva from Rav Wosner on Mordechai Tendler that brings down all the raid.

    As far as the relatively more benign chibuk venishuk, this is established fact that everyone saw. He was criticized over it by gedolei rabbonim.

  16. Hi I think that your blog is very nice!

  17. I heard from someone first hand that Carlebach did teshuva two hours before he died on flight to LA. I'll get you names shortly.

  18. to Yanover
    I heard that you heard

  19. Lets look at MS's resume He has never been a rabbi of a shul. He has published several popular artilces mostly about Christianity. He does not hold a doctorate.
    Yes he is smart but so are dozens fo other youbng rabbis RIETS peopel and Chabad people including several fine rabbis in the UK..
    If his name was not Soloveitchik , I doubt anyone would even pay attention to him.
    Compare him to rabbi Yaakov Kermaier the incumbent at the 5th Avenue Syn.
    He has been chief rabbi of Hong Kong . Has publsihe din TRADITION. has held his current position for over 5 years and even built a Mikve on the UpperEeast Side. Does anyone mention him for the British chief rabbinate.
    For MS the issue is not he chief rabbinate but to fartummelen American Jewry that he is so great that he IS being considered .


  20. Schneur, Reb Meir has a PhD from Princeton

  21. could we please get a post about this guys history and family tree how they went modern


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