Monday, August 20, 2012

Rav Elyashiv was almost the גאב"ד עדה החרדית - - TWICE!

Here too the baaleibatim interfered and did not let it happen. No matter how great the Rabbonim were at the time. Rav Bengis, the "Minchas Yitzchok." It wasn't good enough. The laymen understood better. So we see that not only does this happen in the AI, but also in the holy of holiest, the עדה החרדית, did it happen - and still does! But in hindsight, imagine if that DID happen.


  1. Sho Tova is the enquirer of the charadie comunity.

  2. The eida member communities elect their rabbonim through some sort of process. He never could have won an election. Just as he never could have won in Kan Tziva, just imagine how much better off we would be.

  3. he did say that the knesset was a makom avoda zora and that frumme yidden shouldnt be there... yet at the same time he backed the degel party?

  4. The Agudah of today is also daas baal habatim rules, just like R' Chaim Brisker predicted it would become.

    The baal habatim overruled the Agudah's own beis din who said the rov did nothing wrong to lynch a rov because he gave a shiur to women Shavuos night. They just wanted to get him becuase he was the only Agudah shul rabbi who had shaychus to YU. One of the dayanim also gave a shiur to women Shavuous night. He said they are not targeting him because he is yeshivish enough for their standards.

    The Agudah also does not listen to the gedolei Eretz Yisroel in several areas. The gedolei EY are the true gedolei hador today

  5. could have would have should have and what if, imaginary history writing is always speculative while being interesting, nonetheless generally left for fiction writers.

    why stop with rav elyashev becoming gaave"d, why not got back and speculate what would have been if r kook would have accepted the psak of the imrei emes, sokolover and bendiner rov and shared the rabbonus of yerushalayim with rycz!!! think of how that would have changed history!


  6. הנהלת העדה בא"י הי' מלפנים ציית להאגודה כמ"כ הקנאי המפורסם ר' עמרם ז"ל הי' מאנשי האגודה בא"י
    כי האגודה בא"י הי' תחת הרושם הכוזב שהם לוחמים נגד הציונים ובכללו נגד קמות המדינה, אולם באיירפא החרדים האמיתים כבר ידע האמת מה שהאגודה רצה להתעלם מהם וממנהיגיהם שהאגודה רוצה 'במדינה'
    אבל כשרבה"ק מסאטמאר הי' בשנת תרצ"ב בעיה"ק שמה, הסביר להם הענין באריכות וגילה להם פני הלוט, ואח"כ כשיודע הדבר שהצדק עם רביה"ק נפרדו העדה מהאגודה, אולם האגודה זממו על העדה לכבוש גם המלכה עמם בבית! ובבוא המועד שרבם הגה"ק רז"ר בענגיס שבקל"ח האגודה רצה לכבוש את העדה ולעשות
    הראב"ד אחד משלהם! אולם כבר הקדמנו להם רבה"ק מסאטמאר, אף שלא רצה להיות ראב"ד בשנת תרצ"ב כשהעדה רצה והפציר לו לקבלו, אבל עכשיו בדעה אחרת הי' והסכים להכריז במטתו של הגה"ק רז"ר בענגיס, (יש מכתב מרבה"ק מסאטמאר ע"ז) יחי אדונינו מורינו ורבינו! אף שלא הי' בדעתו הקדושה להחזיר שמה, והבטיח להם שיבוא להם אחת בכל ד' שנים, ובזה הציל את העדה בחותם של הכהן הגדול מאחיו וזממואשר זממו לעשות האגודה שככה, כי מי יבוא אחר המלך מאן מלכי רבן של כל בני הגולה שמשכנו בגולה, ומצידתו פרוסה על ירשלים

  7. The Badatz was recently hijacked by the extremist elements aligned with the Sikrikim. They have forced out most of the moderates. Dayan Weiss is the posek of the fanatics. When the fanatics were making machaos at Intel Corp because they don't like kollel veiber working, Rav Elyashev ztl sent a message to Dayan Weiss that he will send all the yeshivaleit in the country to be moyche at his doorstep if the attacks on Intel don't stop. Dayan Weiss is also backing the yungerman who is mentally ill & r"l killed his own infant son. The fanatics are attacking the Charedi rabbonim & doctors who rightly say the yungerman is the perpetrator.

  8. "Rav Elyashiv was almost the גאב"ד עדה החרדית - - TWICE!"

    Nice whitewash! Brisker ruv z"l had a big saying if not final in the eida, would not support a candidate student of heichel shloma, which brisker ruv regarded as a place for heresy! Brisker ruv had the final word who understood to offer the eida rabbunes to SR z"l

    ! אמת מארץ תצמח

  9. No one is immune to trouble from political operators. The tzorus that Rav Schwey had with Badatz CHK was also due to interference by baal habatim with agendas.

  10. R' Gershon Edelman, the alter Litvak rosh yeshiva of Ponivizh came out against the Sikrikim that they make chilul Hashem.

    The Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok Rebbe said there is a big difference between R' Amram Bloy that everything he did was driven by ahavas Yisroel & the Sikrikim who are a bunch of prusta mashchisim.

  11. when r'blau came to the aguda knessia & went to speak to the Chofetz Chaimz"tl againstHRAYAH KookZTL, the CC said he was sorry he came and refused to return to the kenessia.
    if the aderet would have survived, hos sil would have been the Rav of the eida
    today is the yahrtzeit of HRAY Hakohen Kook ZT'VKL

  12. Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:21:00 AM

    Dee Kranke Baaleh Baatim Fin Coo Gardens zehnen oich baaleh baatim oif velcheh godol darf men frehn un velcheh godol is 'oop'ge'fraikt'.

  13. If only the REBBE zyovaky'o would have taken the gavad position he would have been assassinated by theziyoinim. and He knew that good and well. Don't forget. The ziyoinim from those days were different then those of today.

  14. Ey...שקרן... Entel was the first and only factory to open on שבת...not as you said
    The wallis boy died of an accident as was established by medical experts

  15. The term sikrikim was invented by the haradi yellow leblerim... They don't exist

  16. Perfectly understandable. Even though he shed his early Zionist credentials with the Langer episode, his rabbinic background coupled with his still-enduring respect for R'Kook would not fit the Eida's constituents.

  17. Baal Shem
    הנהלת העדה בא"י הי' מלפנים ציית להאגודה כמ"כ הקנאי המפורסם ר' עמרם ז"ל הי' מאנשי האגודה בא"י
    כי האגודה בא"י הי' תחת הרושם הכוזב שהם לוחמים נגד הציונים ובכללו נגד קמות המדינה, "
    I think you are lying, Amrom was always against his brother Reb Moshe who was the rosh of AQgudas yisroel.. amrom was considered the loony brother..

  18. Baal Shem
    "אולם באיירפא החרדים האמיתים כבר ידע האמת מה שהאגודה רצה להתעלם מהם וממנהיגיהם שהאגודה רוצה 'במדינה"
    was Rav Duschinsky, Rav Unger of Nitra,Rav Sofer of Pressburgh. were not Charadiem amittiem..
    What a idiotic satmar farce and spew such a statement..

  19. Baal shem
    "אבל כשרבה"ק מסאטמאר הי' בשנת תרצ"ב בעיה"ק שמה, הסביר להם הענין באריכות וגילה להם פני הלוט, ואח"כ כשיודע הדבר שהצדק עם רביה"ק נפרדו העדה מהאגודה, אולם האגודה זממו על העדה לכבוש גם המלכה עמם בבית!"
    who brought Rav Duschinsky to the Eidah... Sender deutsch? Lazer epstien? Y M Sofer? Usher zelig Margolies? semnitzer?
    Or Reb Moshe Blau of Agudas Yisroel who was his right hand till he passed away
    Stop with your Satmar hogwash...

  20. Min alright said: "I think you are lying"

    Does anybody give a rat's a-s of what you think or don't think?

  21. Tzig: Rav Elyashiv was almost the גאב"ד עדה החרדית - - TWICE!

    omg! almost / כמעט ?

    איתא כשבישר השטן את שרה שנעקד יצחק בנה וכמעט שנשחט פרחה נשמתה

  22. dos is doch stam geploidert. I guess the next post would be that Barry Guraray almost became the Lubavitcher rebbe twice !!


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