Saturday, September 1, 2012

!הרב "מזמור-שיר" טוט סטרייקן

(Corbis Images)

Man Eating Lunch While Picketing.

 Original caption: A unique development in the picket line at Wilson & Co. this morning (January 16th 1946) were the rabbis who are employed in the kosher department of the company. Here, Rabbi Mizmir Shir takes time out from picketing to eat his lunch The four major companies were tied up by the strike which started today.


  1. .זעמעל מיט פוטער, ענד קאMonday, September 03, 2012 5:03:00 PM

    מזמור, ס'איז מער
    שיר, אראפגיפאלן
    ליום, ביינאכט
    השבת, די דאכענע

  2. moshemoshel72.blogspot.comMonday, September 03, 2012 7:49:00 PM

    he is a cousin of talmid bavli that lives in skver and is listed as such in the phone book

  3. is that a real name? maybe he gave them a false name so the owners wouldnt fire him.

  4. said...
    he is a cousin of talmid bavli that lives in skver and is listed as such in the phone book

    excuse me "talmid bavli" is not a phone book, even you should know that much


  5. This picture is very powerful and symbolic! There is no shame of being a cheredi man in full garb and working hard to make a decent living, actually there is pride in that! In no small measure the success in the renaissance of cheredi yiden which started here in America after WWII was because they where encouraged and helped in any way possible by none other than the late satmar rav! to do so and if possible to go into business by themselves! And hire cheredi yiden no job to small or big!

    פעם אמר רב"י בסעודת פורים וברוב עם, כטוב לב 'המלך' ביין בזה": קיינעם אויף די וועלט בין איך נישט מקנא! נאר א יוד וואס לעיבט מיגוע כפיו אין איז קובע עתים לתורה! איך בין גיווען יונג אין כ'האב זיך גילאזט אריינדרייען -אין די רביסטעווע- אוויא דריי איך זיך ארויס דערפון

  6. Please see "Readings on Traditional Jewish texts on Labor and Worker Rights" - here:
    >> Arieh Lebowitz, Associate Director, Jewish Labor Committee


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