Wednesday, November 7, 2012

מאה שנה ל"המשך בשעה שהקדימו תער"ב" - מאת הרב נחום גר"וו

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One commenter said it correctly when he commented on the Col Live post about the video: "Rabbi Grunwald is Chabad's biggest secret." Reb Nuchem would surely disagree with that statement. There are lots more "secrets" like that. We often only see and hear the crazies, which is unfortunate, so this is good news.


  1. Yup - Di Ingerishe kenen besser. He's from the very choshuva 'Arugas Habosem' Grunwald mishpocho (a nephew). I knew his Zaideh Reb Amrom z"l. A big Talmid Chochom.

  2. A Puppah Lubavitcher finds himself most comfortable in Lakewood.

  3. Pupabavich
    " I knew his Zaideh Reb Amrom z"l. A big Talmid Chochom."
    where did you meet his ziede?

  4. Here is a link to another discussion about המשך תרע"ב


    The other speaker is also quite interesting (despite being a meshichist...)

  5. As someone who know Reb Nochum, I think he is the last guy that wants to to have his horn tooted in public. To put it mildly.

  6. What's then name of his journal?


  7. The essence of lubavitch is to hoot their horn in public,
    If not individually,then he is settle for collectively

  8. Do you feel a special kinship with him because he is a meshumad like you? Just a lot more gelungen.

  9. I do feel a special kinship! And he is more gelungen, than both of us.

  10. Gelungen
    "Do you feel a special kinship with him because he is a meshumad like you? Just a lot more gelungen. "
    why the hate?????
    whoever leaves the box is a meshumad???
    Wow Wow so harsh

  11. "why the hate?????
    whoever leaves the box is a meshumad???"

    Have you heard how Lubavitchers talk about the ones who left them??

  12. Reb Nochum is a tremendous Talmid Chochom and scholar afilu l'sheetasam. I met him once and his koach hasbara is wonderful to behold.

    Thank you for this clip.

  13. Eli
    "Have you heard how Lubavitchers talk about the ones who left them??"
    NO No please inform the crowd of a particular incident.

    1. Isn't the word "jewish" and "tv" an oxymoron?

      They should call themselves LubavitchTV r"l.

  14. Moshe Moshel
    "Isn't the word "jewish" and "tv" an oxymoron?"

    isnt a Asifa for Kedishas Yisroel and Mets Baseball stadium a Oxymoron"

  15. Yes, but it has a teretz sanctioned by gedolei yisroel. Television only is sanctioned by Lubavitch and Belz, as I once wrote about, ayin shom.

  16. "Reb Nochum is a tremendous Talmid Chochom and scholar afilu l'sheetasam. I met him once and his koach hasbara is wonderful to behold."

    Sorry to nitpick, but as a rov, with secular education, you probably want to post comments with clarity.
    Here goes:You underline that he is a talmid chochom and a scholar even "leshitasam", who are you referring to?Nobody here said he is not a talmid chochochom, did they?
    Additionally, curious to know how you know he is a "tremendous talmid chochom"? just because you met him once?Or were you just referring to his "koach hasbara" that you saw by meeting him once?
    Whichever one it is, you should know, at least as a rov, that meeting someone once, does not tell you all that much about them.
    I don't know Rabbi Greenwald at all, I"ve not met him even once, but from this video, he appears to be a thinking person, with good commmunication skills.

  17. I wasn't saying anything "l'kanter", or to retort to a misnaged. I was simply sharing my impressions of the man.

    By "L'shitasam", I meant the 'academic' world of scholarship, and l'havdil the Torah-article part of the frum world.

    I know he is a talmid chochom from having read many of his works over the years. Having spent an afternoon with him, I discovered that what was true in writing was also true "live" as well: We discussed matters and his impressive ability to explain issues was apparent.


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