Thursday, November 8, 2012

א רבי אין אוניווערסיטעיט

The Kaliver Rebbe of Williamsburg giving a shiur in Yeshiva University yesterday. As you can tell by the watermark this is an exclusive picture sent to us by a participant. I seem to remember hearing about Reb Shimon Shkop only teaching there before it was a University and that Reb Elchonon W not wanting to step in there while visiting NYC and even saying a פסוק that we say when passing a tifleh. At least according to Reb Sholom Schwadron. It seems like the Rebbe does not follow in those footsteps, he travels to spread Torah wherever he is welcome.

See our post about the KR from some time ago.


  1. Could no one offer the hoyz bochur a seat?

  2. in LA he once made a major major trast by telling dozens of school children to stop or do less of some of the things they did at home. vda"l


  4. It seems to me that the Kalive Chasidim are all holy and pure that the Rebbe has nothing more to tell them so he is running all over the world to make them perfect!

  5. RABBI WOLFSONS been doing it for a few years!

  6. This Rebbe actually learnt in CH Chabad cheder when he was a small kid. Went by taxi with a few other kids every day from Willi. It was in the 40's. I guess it rubbed off somewhat.

  7. The Rebbe has devoted much of his time to the non chasidic crowd - i dont believe he has much of a following - similar to
    Rabbi Michel Twerski

  8. I'm in Denver. I'll never forget many years ago when another chassidic Rebbe, our own Rabbi Twerski (now of Flatbush) went on leil-Shabbos to speak in Temple Emanuel, a large reform congregation. Yes, it seems chassidic rebbes will spread Torah wherever they are welcome, baruch Hashem.

  9. I do not believe that Lashon Hora from anon 11:44. An issur is an issur.

  10. ouch!

    Better a rebbe in the universitiy, than a rebbe from the university.

  11. Oldtimer
    "This Rebbe actually learnt in CH Chabad cheder when he was a small kid. "
    why did he go to CH? did his father live in Willi already?
    He learned as a Bochur in Belz by Belzer Ruv Z"L same era as Reb Liebish Liezer, I think they are the same age.He himself is a Belzer Einikel, his mother was a Rokeach.


  12. :יודישע נייעס
    האדמו"ר ר' ישראל הגר, מויזניץ תובע לכנס את 'מועצת גדולי התורה' בארץ ישראל

    יצויין עוד כי ר' ישראל מויזניץ מאוד רוצה להשתתף בישיבת 'מועצת גדולי התורה' הוא לא זכה לכך עד כה ולא נראה שיזכה לכך בקרוב, רק בערב בחירות יש איזה סיכוי של כינוס כזה, אז הוא שלח חץ מניו יורק לישראל בתקוה כי אולי יזיזו את העגלה
    הוא חזר כמה פעמים ואמר כי רק כינוסה של 'מועצת גדולי התורה' היא הישועה והפתרון לבעיות שבארץ ישראל

    מפטירין כדאתמול, הרבי לכבוד עצמו הוא דורש! רבי לעב'ן האסט שוין גענוג גירעדט אין גילעקט, כי בזה הוא רוצה לפייסם על שלא בא להכנסיה שלהם בניו יארק! גיי אהיים אין זעץ זיך לערנען, פירוד לרשעים נאה להם

  13. anon: "Rabbi Twerski (now of Flatbush) went on leil-Shabbos to speak in Temple Emanuel, a large reform congregation."

    To step in a temple there is a spcific issur on that from the chasam sofer! even when there is no davening!, The kalever it seems seats in an 'outside' room! it may not be tasteful.., but no issur there.

  14. Oldtimer said...
    This Rebbe actually learnt in CH Chabad cheder when he was a small kid. Went by taxi with a few other kids every day from Willi. It was in the 40's. I guess it rubbed off somewhat.

    It certainly did, that's why he married of to England and became succesful in Real Estate, But his younger brother reb lebish a"h was a pious man and a talmud cucem, it was rumored he will be the new kalever rebbe! although a talmid from reb arola belzer z"l, unfortunately he died very young, and things turned out different!

  15. There are rules and exceptions to the rules. The above commenter is masiyach lefi tumo. We are therefore obligated to be dan lekaf zchus the Rebbe from Denver. I'm sure he had a hetter. There are plenty of "non moderne" who do plenty of kiruv inside all sorts of temples.

  16. 'מורד א said... "מפטירין כדאתמול, הרבי לכבוד עצמו הוא דורש! רבי לעב'ן האסט שוין גענוג גירעדט אין גילעקט"

    מענין לענין, די נייעס שרייבער אין מדינת ישראל, באציכענען אז דער קאלובער רבי איז פון די גיציילטע רבי'ס פון וויליאמסבורג וואס האט אויפגענומען דעם ווישניצער רבין זאל לעבין פון מדינת ישראל. דער קאלובער רבי א ריכטיגער מקרב רחוקים

  17. Mored Aleph
    "יצויין עוד כי ר' ישראל מויזניץ מאוד רוצה להשתתף בישיבת 'מועצת גדולי התורה' הוא לא זכה לכך עד כה ולא נראה שיזכה לכך בקרוב, רק בערב בחירות יש איזה סיכוי של כינוס כזה, אז הוא שלח חץ מניו יורק לישראל בתקוה כי אולי יזיזו את העגלה
    הוא חזר כמה פעמים ואמר כי רק כינוסה של 'מועצת גדולי התורה' היא הישועה והפתרון לבעיות שבארץ ישראל"
    He is named after the Ahavas Yosroel, who was from the founding founders of Agudas Yisroel, and he his not a Ober chochem... so he follows the derech hakodesh of his great Father, Grand Father, who were Kdoshim Utehorim beMidas Hayesoid....

  18. Mored A
    " גיי אהיים אין זעץ זיך לערנען, פירוד לרשעים נאה להם"
    first use your enbergy to get the Titelbaum brothers out of Arkues and stop being Marim Yad Betoras Moshe....this is a shulchan orech not a Midrash in Shir Hashirim...Dont worry how much Reb Sruel Hager is learning...

  19. Udvarer
    ", it was rumored he will be the new kalever rebbe! "
    Stop with your family bickering.. It was rumored.. where was it rumored.. I knew Kalev by the old Rebbe there was almost no minyan there.. who Rumored..
    It is always easier to talk hypothetically when someone is not alive.
    Whoever makes a shiduch of out of town, is there something wrong with him?

  20. Kalever fin Amul
    " there is a spcific issur on that from the chasam sofer!"
    By Russian Rebbes they did not hold every issur of the Chasam Sofer,
    Plus where is the Issur from the CS printed? It could be its from a generation later.

  21. actually, r shimon schkop was in YU when it was already a university, as he was there when rabbi dr revel was there. of course there is a bias, but the roshei yeshiva in YU say that when revel brought r shimon schkop to the boat, he said that he was leaving because he was needed in europe, not because he had something against YU.
    as we know, r' elchonon was notoriously against. any university. this is by no means a universal view. many gedolim went to university, and there were plenty of big names in YU, even other than the Rov.

  22. tibi lotzi said: "I knew Kalev by the old Rebbe there was almost no minyan there.. who Rumored.."

    I davent friday nites by the old kalever rebbe z"l on hewes street for years! he was my next door neighbor.. I know the ish halokim he was!!!z"l, and i know his two sons! so you old tinuk shnisba bien.. shut for once up!

  23. A qustion after Havdalah in Europe: Didn´t the last Lubavitcher Rebbe go to university in Paris?

  24. The Kaliver Rebbe is a very sweet man. Last year my youngest son spent a Shabbos with him together with a small group of boys from his yeshiva. They all had the opportunity to speak privately with him for a few minutes. When my son told him the name of the small town where we live he correctly guessed " your father is the Chabad Shliach there." My son was very impressed with him.

  25. Kaliver Fin Amul
    So who rumored?
    how many people davened there?
    I knew the old rebbe too, so what?

  26. Yes, the Denver Rebbe had a heter to do so, from R' Dovid Cohen, I heard... though it was not without controversy

  27. 'מורד א said... : "ר' ישראל מויזניץ הוא חזר כמה פעמים ואמר כי רק כינוסה של 'מועצת גדולי התורה' היא הישועה והפתרון לבעיות שבארץ ישראל "

    :יודישע נייעס
    למרות שהאדמו"ר מויזניץ בשבוע שעבר שיבח את אגודת ישראל באמריקה שלכאן לא הגיעה המחלוקת, אגודת ישראל באמריקה היא בעיקרה ליטאית, ומי שמגיעים לשם הם בעיקר רבנים וציבור ליטאי, לא רואים שם חסידים פרט לקבוצה של חסידי גור - לא החסידישע -שמגיעים מידי שנה לשמור על חברותם באגודת ישראל למרות שהם שם נטולי השפעה, ואוכלים בחדר אוכל נפרד הם לא רוצים לשבת בחדר האוכל גברים ונשים יחדיו! כפי שנוהגים הגדולים
    !!הליטאים זה עשרות שנים

    כמו בכל שנה יושבת ועדה ומכינה סדר יום במה ידונו, השנה היתה להם בעיה. על 'הדף היומי' אפשר רק לספר על איך שזה הצליח, לשוב עוד פעם אל אותו נושא האינטרנט והטלפונים זה כבר יוצא מהאף. אז יש להם קצת מזל שהיארצייט החמישים של ר' אהרן קוטלר בתקופה זו

    וחסד גדול עשה עמהם הקב"ה שהביא הוריקן על ניו ג'רסי ואין טעם לארגן עתה ועידות כאלו, אז הם הודיעו כי הם דוחים בחודש את הועידה. זו תתקיים לא בחג האמריקאי ששמו 'טענקסגיווינג' אלא בסביבות החג הנוצרי ששמו כריסמעס

    נא למאן דהו לומר להרבי לעבין הווישנאצי, טול מה שבחרת! האגודה דאתמול כי יעבור

  28. Derech Emes said.: "so he follows the derech hakodesh of his great Father, Grand Father, who were Kdoshim Utehorim beMidas Hayesoid.... "

    :יודישע נייעס
    למרות שהאדמו"ר מויזניץ בשבוע שעבר שיבח את אגודת ישראל באמריקה שלכאן לא הגיעה המחלוקת, אגודת ישראל באמריקה היא בעיקרה ליטאית, ומי שמגיעים לשם הם בעיקר רבנים וציבור ליטאי, לא רואים שם חסידים פרט לקבוצה של חסידי גור - לא החסידישע - שמגיעים מידי שנה לשמור על חברותם באגודת ישראל למרות שהם שם נטולי השפעה, ואוכלים בחדר אוכל נפרד הם לא רוצים לשבת בחדר האוכל גברים ונשים יחדיו!!! כפי שנוהגים הגדולים הליטאים זה עשרות שנים!!!* ע"כ

    ?מה לרבי בבית הקברות
    !קדושי האגודה?, פירושים יותרים

    .יסוד צדיק בשבעה* נעלם


  29. !כפל שמונה' דיקSunday, November 11, 2012 9:17:00 AM

    tibi lotzi said: "first use your enbergy to get the Titelbaum brothers out of Arkues and stop being Marim Yad Betoras Moshe"

    Blasphemy at it's worst! I chalange this lotzi nitwit to post any iota of truth to his false accusations! that either of the 'Titelbaums' ever went to a secular court without רשות בי"ד !

    1. Post a heter beis din dated before the first depositions of any of their many court cases, in the usa or in EY.

      You can't, because they don't exist.

  30. קדושי האגודה said...
    הם לא רוצים לשבת בחדר האוכל גברים ונשים יחדיו! כפי שנוהגים הגדולים
    !הליטאים זה עשרות שנים

    רביה"ק המהרי"ט ז"ל, כותב שכל הארגאנעזאציעס יסודתם בתערובות אנשים ונשים, כנראה התכוון גם

  31. Kedoshie aguda
    "ומי שמגיעים לשם הם בעיקר רבנים וציבור ליטאי, לא רואים שם חסידים פרט לקבוצה של חסידי גור - לא החסידישע - שמגיעים מידי שנה לשמור על חברותם באגודת ישראל למרות שהם שם נטולי השפעה, ואוכלים בחדר אוכל נפרד הם לא רוצים לשבת בחדר האוכל גברים ונשים יחדיו!!! כפי שנוהגים הגדולים הליטאים זה עשרות שנים!!!* ע"כ"
    the Aguda was not created that the Rebbe should eat on the same table with the Livaks wife, The holy Reb Avrohom Mordechai, who was a kodesh vetohar, did not have this intentions, but he wanted that all people who are charidem lidvar hashem, should sit on a round table to save Yiddishkiet.
    Reb Hershele Lisker and the Yetev Lev had more chumras then all the oberlander rabonim, but they still shared one organization.

  32. Kofel Shemonadik
    "that either of the 'Titelbaums' ever went to a secular court without רשות בי"ד"
    that same Reshus Bies Din gave the heter to go in to the Keneset, eventough it is no place written that it is Osser, It is just a strech of the V M,but Leyeser Seies they had 3 Rabonim
    Lutzker Rav
    Pressburger Ruv
    Brashoer ruv,
    I did not list Chebiner Ruv since the Satmar lie machine is on his case,and my genarator will run out of fuel till I will finish clear all your lies, rechilas and nivul peh, so I did not list him

  33. moshemoshel said: "You can't, because they don't exist. "

    א) לא ראינו אינו ראיה
    ב) המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה
    ג) לאו בעל דברים את
    ד) א"א היה הדבר, הבי"ד היה מוחה ע"ז
    ה) הריב לא לך הוא, אינך יודעת כלום
    ו) דעת תורה היפך דעת בה"ב שלך
    ז) לא קיימת השבע חקירות, סתם הולך רכיל אתה כרגיל

    !מושל מקשיב על דבר שקר. כלו שקר אתה

  34. lotzi: "but he wanted that all people who are charidem lidvar hashem, should sit on a round table to save Yiddishkiet."

    men and woman togheter all of them of course, Sicko! That's why no cheridim of any kind shows up, and the gerer lizeim who did, ate in seperate rooms!

  35. why are you bringing the lies and nonsense from the menivel shoulson?
    so he davend at meshaneh what?
    so did the the blogger

  36. When does the kinnus internet show start?

  37. Apparently the silence on Hirshels end today is because of some up close reporting on site at the Kinnus??

    Did that shabbes when you hosted Mottel L, pay dividends?

    Will we the first to get a report?
    And if you do, please,please none of the uncritical leckerai reports, that leave for the organized pr departments

  38. “actually, r shimon schkop was in YU when it was already a university, as he was there when rabbi dr revel was there. of course there is a bias, but the roshei yeshiva in YU say that when revel brought r shimon schkop to the boat, he said that he was leaving because he was needed in europe, not because he had something against YU.”

    My Great Uncle was in YU at the time, and his older brother was actually the assistant to RSS at that time. He said that RSS left because he was not happy with the secular studies in YU at he time. On the other hand, Making of a Godol and other family sources (including his grandson in law Rav Zelig Epstein) claim that he left because he couldn’t get his family over to America

  39. Gud achas
    "רביה"ק המהרי"ט ז"ל, כותב שכל הארגאנעזאציעס יסודתם בתערובות אנשים ונשים, כנראה התכוון גם
    its not the only thing that he wrote that is not factual,

  40. the kaliver rebbes grandson told me that the Kaliver rebbe had a relationship with the Lubavitcher rebbe that led to his traveling kiruv work.


  41. .מדחציף כולי האי, שמע-מינה ממזר הוא*

    ובמסכת כלה פ"ב: עז פנים ר"א אומר ממזר ר"י אומר בן הנדה ר"ע אומר
    .ממזר ובן הנדה

    במה דברים אמורים סתם חצוף, אבל חצוף עשיר, בטלה חזקה זו לגביו, משום שעשיר יענה עזות ואפילו אם אינו ממזר, וזהו שאמרו: "כסף מטהר ממזרים" חוצפה של עשיר אנו רשאים לתלות בעשירות, ולאו דווקא בממזרות

  42. Shiniver, aka our dear satmarer friend here, cannot handle when anybody says something against his rebbe, but of course he has no problem denigrating etc all the real gedolim on a daily basis.
    What he doesn't "chap" is, that mahritav in hindsight is no big major leader of klal yisroel. All he had going for him was a lot of ingerisher & romainisher flaysh plus some good old fashioned terrorism.

  43. "all the real gedolim on a daily basis"

    במקום גדולים על תעמוד! ווייל עס שטינקט

  44. "plus some good old fashioned terrorism."

    Hey it worked by the anshi hagru, kalisker lubab, sanz sadigere, belz, ger, viznitz, lubab, ponovitz, lakewood, sefardim,
    plus in your medinat yisruel of course. almost forgot the mapilim!!! our original zionim!

    "חוצפה כלפי שמיא מהני"

    It may not work here with your cutzpah! or your rebbe the klusher, but all in all it works no? I mean the medina stands already 60 years, (never mind americas money and millitary) and the cutzpah your cohorts voting for Romneys/israel! if that's not cutzpah what is!?

    מתוך דבה"ק במכתב מהרה"ק מוהרצ"ה מזידיטשוב זצ"ל להרה"ק מאפטא בעל
    :אוהב ישראל זצ"ל זי"ע

    לפלפל בזה עם אדמו"ר בדור הזה אני מתירא מן התלמידים!, וכמו שאמר רבי כשהלכתי ללמוד תורה אצל ר"א בן שמוע חברו עלי תלמידים וכו' ע"כ

  45. My dear satmar friend, you wrote midechutzif kileh v'chu on another jew. But you forgot the mamar kol ha'poisel b'mimoi poisel

  46. Truth be told : "What he doesn't "chap" is, that mahritav in hindsight is no big major leader of klal yisroel.'

    Dear mr truth, In the spirit of full disclosure can you tell us readers, who is 'your' godol! (and tour fathers) that you learned by and abide to by this godul all-the-way, and not the ones cut-to-your-size useful when needed and discarded when not, like RMF and RAK, KLUSH and -----.

    ps: your asinine comments amounts more to hidemyass than to hindsight.

  47. Truth be told : "you wrote midechutzif kileh v'chu on another jew. But you forgot the mamar kol ha'poisel b'mimoi poisel"

    Will that help you!? maybe than you should do a site
    or would you say two is company, three's a crowd?, just trying to help.

  48. i have a lot to say on the matter, but against my will i"ll be short.

    do you have any idea who the skvere rebbi lets in to his 5 bathroom house?
    he himself never goes anywhere except on long vacations. belz on the other hand is so full of themselfs (oh, dont get me started).

    so unlike our holy master, the real manhig of bobov, what the rebbis of bobov did till this day for world jewry is unmached. it was bobov who build yeshivos, and thought what shabbos means.

  49. Bobov Chusid said: "it was bobov who build yeshivos, and thought what shabbos means. "

    Does your rebbe eat jerusalem kugel? if not here is the recipt, copy it on the back of your kvitel! the rebbe will appreciate it.

    4 1/2 cups water
    1 Tbsp. salt
    3/4 Tbsp. black pepper
    1 pound (400 grams) fine egg noodles
    2/3 cup oil
    1 1/4 cup sugar
    4 eggs

    1. Grease a baking pan with non-stick cooking spray.
    2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).
    3. In a pot, bring water, salt and pepper to a boil. Add noodles. Cover pot. Reduce flame to low. Cook until water is absorbed.
    4. Your careful attention (be careful not to burn yourself) and patience (don't leave this unattended) is needed to make the caramel. Place oil and sugar in a light-colored (so you can see the color of the melting sugar), heavy-bottomed saucepan. Heat on medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Slowly the sugar will start to turn yellowish-brown and combine with the oil. If the sugar turns dark brown too quickly, turn the heat down. Stir until a bubbly, liquid caramel has formed. Then immediately pour caramel over cooked noodles and continue stirring until thoroughly blended.
    5. Let cool for a few minutes. Then add eggs one at a time, mixing after each addition.
    6. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 1 to 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) until nicely browned.
    7. When done, remove immediately from pan.

  50. Yerushalmi, u just made my day!!
    was having a miserable morning & your insight into the bobover shabbos was brilliant!!

  51. Bobov Chusid said...
    "so unlike our holy master, the real manhig of bobov, what the rebbis of bobov did till this day for world jewry is unmached. it was bobov who build yeshivos, and thought what shabbos means."

    1) i would realy like to know to which bobov you belong, are you a sample of what reb shlomo had?

    2) did the bobov rebbi ever go anywhere with the only mission on mind - to be mechasik yidden?

    3) what yeshiva exactly did reb shlomo build? he build a warehouse to store bochorim, he took them for tishin, weddings, chanuka, scach & sucka decorations. when he had no use of them, he nicly put them back in the warehouse (aka mesivta).

    4) all one can remember of bobov is dancing, singing, and storytelling. from all thousands of pictures you seldom see one where he has a gemarah open.

    5) regardless to which bobov you belong, both of them, still go on this path, with slight modifications acording to the time we live in. (ok drop credit to 45 that the rebbi their sits and learns even gives shiurim on the gemarah).

    i"m sorry i read your comments here, i had to give out of the system.

  52. reb tarfin: "i'm sorry i read your comments here, i had to give out of the system."

    Next time please do your farting in the toilet!.

    בכל הש"ס לא תמצא דבר הלכה מרחב"ד או מרפב"י רק מילא דחסידות ודברי מיסור! כמו כל שרוח הבריות נוחה הימנו וכו' א"כ מה בכך שאין שומעים פלפול מהרבי? לעומת זה יש כמה פוחזים וריקים שיכולים לפלפל טוב והמה ממחריבי עולם! כבר אמר הנביא אל יתהלל החכם בחכמתו... כי אם השכל ויודע אותי... עושה חסד משפט וצדקה... כי באלה חפצתי נאם ד

    You ain't no reb tarfin you're an imposter.

  53. Ok, can anyone here quote one positive vort from ryt that warms the jewish heart & brings one closer to yisruel, oiraysa, & kib"h?
    I have heard in my lifetime plenty, plenty of fire & brimstone, plenty of sharp retorts, but nothing of the sort i mentioed.
    I'm sure you can find some somewhere, however that's not what he was famous for

  54. hence my assertion that he was no leader of

  55. Truth said..: "can anyone here quote one positive vort from ryt that warms the jewish heart & brings one closer to yisruel,"

    בגמ' חגיגה יג, אמר רבי אמי אין מוסרין דברי תורה לגוי, שנאמר לא עשה כן לכל גוי ומשפטים בל ידעום

    Please forward your ספר היוחסין before we can accept you in our torah classes.

  56. but amazingly, nobody here is bringing a vort of the positive sort.
    all I hear is more of the satmarer rishes that they imbibed with their mothers milk

  57. I'm bobov and proud said...
    Next time please do your farting in the toilet!."

    if u bobovers would stop trying to convince the world (and yourselves) of Reb Shloimos lomdus and geoinus, the world would respect him as:
    1. someone who built a kehilla out of nothing
    2. a 1st class gentleman who no one can quote a negative thing he said about anyone
    3. social leader who spent hours and days making sholom bayis
    4. a leader in setting up yungeleit with respectable parnossa

    instead you're selling myths that no one believes, and you're denigrating him in the worst way.

  58. Hanholah
    Please forward your ספר היוחסין before we can accept you in our torah classes"
    I heard that all of Unterland was not keeping Tahars Hamishpoche till Reb Mendele Viznitzer came to that region..I think that the Yismach Moshe in the Korban Mincha sidur writes that they dont do here Hefsek Tahara...
    So who checked the Sefer yochsin of all Kroller Orshiver sigeter?

  59. lotzi: "So who checked the Sefer yochsin of all Kroller Orshiver sigeter?"

    sorry I'm from russia, I only know the russian Sefer yochsin.

  60. You are foaming at the mouth lunatic from the satmarer cheder


  61. Truth or lier, lotzi or rotzi, you really hate cheridim any kind don't you? I suggest you move to israel, where they hate them even mosre than you do! if that's possible. BYE!

  62. r` aron kotler, lubavitch, satmer, rabbi hutner, chzson ish, or even Rabbi soloveitchick from YU or harav shach, is on the lips from time to time, what they said or did.

    but nobody bothers or cares about bobov, he was suce a non factor, except for his few hundred chassidim, why do they try so hard to spread lies about reb shlomo.

    our `bobov chusid` is a true sample what bobov realy is a hoax, please don`t make bobov or reb sholom something he was not.

  63. kyke?
    did I get that right? It is so much fun responding to you I have to tell you. it is so easy to get your goat! (Tzig I should say)

  64. hes a bobover with chabad style rebbe worship. the two dont mix.


  65. נוכחתי בחדרו של רבי אלחנן כשבא אליו אחד
    האישים הבולטים מגזברי הישיבה ישיבת
    יצחק אלחנן איל הון מפורסם גביר אדיר
    ודיבר אליו עזות: אני שואל בפעם האחרונה האם
    תקבלו הזמנתינו להגיד שיעור בישיבה שלנו או
    תמשיכו לעמוד בסירובכם. אני מוסיף מוטב לזכור שבאתם הנה במטרה לגייס כספים …אני בעצמי מסוגל לנדוב סכום גדול מאוצרותי …לישיבה שלנו יש אפיסעס
    בהרבה קהילות שתבקרו, רוב הרבנים למדו בעבר
    אצלנו…ובגלל סירובכם העקרוני תגרמו
    ל"אפיעל" שלכם נזק לא ישוער.

    לבסוף הפר רבי אלחנן שתיקתו ואמר: החפץ חיים נהג לומר שבכל עיר חייב להימצא משוגע עירוני "א שטאט משוגע'נר", היינו אדם בלתי שפוי המסוגל לדבר מחוץ לשיטה. מה
    טעם, לפי שממנו בלבד יש סיכוי לשמוע אי פעם
    את האמת בעת בזמן שאחרים לא מעיזים להשמיע אותה. ובכן אם זה גורלי למלא תפקיד של ה"שטאט משוגע'נר" בכלל ישראל שאינו כובש האמת בליבו, אינני יכול להתנהג אחרת. -א"א כרך ב' דף קע"ז קע"ח

  66. Meshugener
    א"א כרך ב' דף קע"ז קע"ח

    What is that?

  67. I saw the Kaliver rebbe here at YU last year. HE did not give a shiur in YU . he used a small BM in Rubin as a place where he saw individual students for broches and etzos. he may have delivered a pep talk, BUt a shiur ? Giving a shiur in YU is not somehting every rav can do the rpesent honholla are not bar debei chad yumas if you know what i mean...Next other rebbes have also visited yU like the Koidenover rebbe who also delivers a pep talk and gives out etzos and brachos. The Sadigorer was here also int he apt of Rav Goldvicht . It wa sa beautiful event.
    Also before he became rebbe Reb Naftolche of Bobov ZTL was here at YU and rav Steinwurzel zTL gave an actual shiur in Nigle all in honor of Marcos katz a so called Bobover chasid.If anyone doubts it I ahve a special kuntres publsihed of this event right here at my desk with pictures shvartz af vais !
    Before you get carried away about Reb Shimon , he actually was a rosh here for a year or so and vas hoben gefelt men like the Lomzher rav, Reb Dovid Lifshutz Reb Mendel Zaks , Reb Yeruchem Gorelik, Rav Lessin , vechuli ? The long time mashgicah here was Rav Zelmanowitz a Gerer chasid and rav of the Peylishe shtibel in Williamsburg Many European roshim delivered shiurim here at YU before the war.
    It has become pretty well accepted that both Reb Yankev and Avi Ezri wre interested in accepting positions in YU .

    Yes perhaps Reb Elchonon and Reb AAron did not deliver shiurim here but msot others di.. and MORE. Let me just add that instead of sending 17 year old bachurim from OT to YU the people at 770 sent some serious senior roshi yeshiva(like rabbis Shapiro, Kalmanson, Shochet, Heller) here they could accomplish something otherwise its just more baloney.

  68. Tibi Lotzi said: "I think that the Yismach Moshe in the Korban Mincha sidur writes that they dont do here Hefsek Tahara..."

    טויבער לאטצי וגונדא דילי' דליכא דידע לישנא בישא כמותם, ומשקר בכ"פ אף במילתא דעבודי לגלי' במומו פוסל, כי ונהפוך הוא! הישמח משה ז"ל כותב כי בימיו רוב מנין מהכלל ישראל הם שומרי תורה ומצות, ומבעיא לי' א"כ למה עדיין ב"ד לא בא! ותירץ מה שטירץ. אבל מה שהגס רוח דנן לא יודע שהיש"מ שבק לן כמו למאה ושבעים שנה, ומאז עד עתה אין לנו יום שאין קללתו מרובה מחבירו שמתחלת עם המשכילים ואח"כ הציונים והממשיכים אחריהם, הן הנה הי' באחרינו למעול מעל בד' עד שיצא העגל הט"ל הזה שפוער פיו ורוקד עם 'השעיר' לעזאזל עלי דשא על ראשי עם קודש בכל עת מצוא. וד"ב

  69. Mr divrey sheker, blah, blah, blah
    Brother lotzi, I have no clue who you are brother, but keep it up!

  70. הירשל ציג said: לא שעיר אלא גדי

    :רש"י מנחות
    גדי היינו בחור, שעיר היינו זקן

    :ע"פ קבלה
    בענין ב' שעירים הנזכר בפרשת אחרי מות הם סוד ב' אנשים מרגלים ב' מוחין חו"ב דקלי' נוגה

    מחלקת! החקירה והדקדוק
    .פאנ-א-וויטש, קאמפאניע

  71. Truth said: "Brother lotzi, I have no clue who you are brother, but keep it up!"

    תרין רעים דלא מתפרשין
    .שקר מיט שלימזל אינק

  72. Truth said: "Brother lotzi, I have no clue who you are brother, but keep it up!"

    The real Truth, Lotzi himself doesn't have a clue he is! a little scary but true!

    !בשוב ה' את שיבת ציון היינו כחולמים

  73. Shneur, your comment is fascinating.
    "It has become pretty well accepted that both Reb Yankev and Avi Ezri wre interested in accepting positions in YU."
    Can you shed a little more light on this statement?


  74. YU is an אור ליהודים just like medinat israel is an אור לגוים

    היינו טעמא דשופר! היינו טעמא דמגילת עצמאות הצד השוה שבהם שניהם בקשו לקעקע ביצתן של ישראל סבא

  75. barry can you stick to one name per thread???
    still LOLING!

  76. "Yes perhaps Reb Elchonon and Reb AAron did not deliver shiurim here but msot others did"

    Actualy, rav Aaron ALSO did. In around 1936 on a fundraising trip to the USA. Never again

  77. Twistelton-Twistelton : "Actualy, rav Aaron ALSO did. In around 1936 on a fundraising trip to the USA. Never again

    reb aron was a weak character, No back bone certainly not reb wasserman's or even the rav harashi of NY.

    . הכסף יענה את הכל

  78. Tzig.
    Last week on WED I was busy studying real chassdius(and doing just a wee bit of work) and had no time for the Kaliver Rebbe shlit"a , but I saw him last year and I suspect this was a repeat performance !
    The Koidenover is friend of mine and I appreciate his gadlus so much !
    A shiur implies a shiur in "lernen " not a mussar shmuess or a dvar Torah or divre hissorerus.
    As I said giving a shiur in Nigle is not a feat all can do even if you have a sheiner bord and a shenerer robe. The roshe yeshiva here are big lamdanim like Rabbis Willig, Twersky, Simon, and others
    Reb Yankev. His son R. Nosson relates the fact that his dad wanted to come to YU.I heard him relate such myself. Also my friend Dr. Marc Shapiro has unearthed correspondence between Dr. Belkin and rav yankev about this subject.
    The son of the Avi Ezri relates that his father wanted to come to Yu(after all his previosu posts wer ein Luninetz(Karlin) Tel Aviv Mizrachi and I think Hadarom (Rechovoth Mizrachi-RCA yeshiva)Mizrachi so why is this so out of line ? By the way the son Dr. Shach studied here at Yu and gained a doctorate here.
    I think our readers need to know that classical Litvishe rabbonim and roshe yeshiva were not kanoim. Even Reb Elchonon was not such a kanoie.
    Reb Moshe was a kanoie ?Reb Yankev ? Rav Ruderman ? Rav Isser Zalman ? Rav Chaim Ozer ? Rav Moshe Mordechai ? Rev Dovid Lifshitz ? Rav Gustman ?

  79. Divrie Yatziv
    "טויבער לאטצי וגונדא דילי' דליכא דידע לישנא בישא כמותם, ומשקר בכ"פ אף במילתא דעבודי לגלי' במומו פוסל, כי ונהפוך הוא!"
    Did you ever read the Mayan Toihar..or you just gargling

  80. shneur, thanks!

    that was very informative about r yakov and r shach.

  81. schneur said..
    I think our readers need to know that classical Litvishe rabbonim and roshe yeshiva were not kanoim. Even Reb Elchonon was not such a kanoie.
    Reb Moshe was a kanoie ?Reb Yankev ? Rav Ruderman ? Rav Isser Zalman ? Rav Chaim Ozer ? Rav Moshe Mordechai ? Rev Dovid Lifshitz ? Rav Gustman ?"

    Wow this is a great topic to follow up on. How did kano'us get into the litvishe stream that they sound almost like satmar today?

    It seems (with no proof whatsoever) that everyone is trying to live up to some brisker standard, and kano'us is one way to do it.

  82. SruelChaim Menashe said.: "Did you ever read the Mayan Toihar..or you just gargling."

    עיין בספר נדחי ישראל לרבינו החפץ חיים זצוק״ל שכתב בהתלהבות עצום מקונטרס "מעיין טהור", וסיים שאסור ״לסור אפילו מאחד מהדינים אפילו כחוט השערה״ עיי״ש

    Did the cufetz chaim of radin wrote this for the ungarishe, or for the polishe and Ukrainer? vd"l

  83. YU became a University in 1945. Rav Shimon Shkop died in 1939, leaving YU in 1929. He may have left because of secular studies there at the time, but not because it was about to be or already a University.

  84. Yeshiva College was firmly in existence well before R' Shimon's day. Discussing when the college got university accredation is off-point.

    Had Rav Shimon actually left because of a problem with Yeshiva College, why did his talmid, Rav Dovid Lifshitz, ever join? Even if he had disagreed with his rebbe on the subject of secular studies, wouldn't it be a bit of a lehach'is (spite?) issue to join an institution one's rebbe left as treif?

    In 1920, well before R' Shimon went to America, his brother-in-law, R' Yoseif Leiv Bloch founded a Mechinah in Telzh which also offered secular studies.

    Not only did Rav Shimon tell R/Dr Revel he was leaving because he was needed back in Grodno, the letters from R' CO Grozhinsky and the Chafeitz Chaim begging him to return before Shaarei Torah (Grodno Yeshiva) fell apart. I assume the family issue was a contributing factor as well.

    But as for having problems with secular studies.... RIETS was not the first time Rav Shimon Shkop taught in a yeshiva attached to an institution that offered secular studies. When he gave shiur in Telzhe (1885-1903), the yeshiva ran a Mechina (193


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