Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kinus haShluchim banquet live feed link

Click and enjoy. Try and keep comments relevant to the topic discussed.


  1. I guess there are no relevent comments!


  2. Mendy, sandy, shmandy.
    The show must go on...

  3. Kotlarsky said
    "Reb" Binumen Nitanuhu
    I guess the alte rebbe was Schneuer Zalmen Rubashov

  4. Kinnus was 95% about the Rebbe, 5% about all the rest.
    Missed watching most of it live, but watched some of the videos.
    Get the feeling that Sandy did a job on it, or it's just getting long in the tooth already

  5. Anonymous oizveu torah said...

    Kotlarsky said
    "Reb" Binumen Nitanuhu
    I guess the alte rebbe was Schneuer Zalmen Rubashov.
    I guess its like taking all tinokos shel bies Rabon of Willi to Lee cor Ross for Rebe Reb Mierel BLOOMBERG, machaber Sefer Metzitza Bepeh Behalocha....

  6. The whole kinus thing is getting a bit long and I believe it already ran its course, time to move on its way past it's prime , put the millions to use for a more worthy cause.

  7. Tibi Lotzi said: " machaber Sefer Metzitza Bepeh Behalocha...."

    Why not trow in in your litzonis
    !מהודרה שניה עם ציורים I'm sure your rebbe the cufetz chaim will approve.

  8. BMG BUm
    "Why not trow in in your litzonis"
    Litzonois is not my forte,The Kelipa of Lietzonas is residing in 11211. starting from Ursheve Krolle. etc...

  9. Why do they allow Shmulley Boteach to attend?

  10. Why do they allow Shmulley Boteach to attend?

    beats me

  11. Bibi said...
    The whole kinus thing is getting a bit long and I believe it already ran its course, time to move on its way past it's prime , put the millions to use for a more worthy cause."

    you'll be surprised how many shluchim are privately saying this, and more and more guys just don't bother showing up.

  12. The kinus is more than a fancy fundraiser by the way. its an oportunity for networking and there are courses and seminars for how to run the chabad house, manage funds, as well as seminars on practical halacha and Q&A sessions on halachik shailos that arise in the outside world. it is important and not outdated. the kinus started on thursday and the dinner was the closing event.

  13. I'm no Louie, but any org that gets a great speech from R Sacks one year, and R Lau the year after, Miz Mir Zikh Ba'Rekhen'en Mit Dem.

    Halevai Alle Yiddish Kinder Azoi OisGeshpilt

  14. I hear the viznitz and satmar rebbe banned his chasidim from the kinus because Lau spoke and they didnt speak yiddish.


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