Sunday, December 23, 2012

דער רבי וועלכע איז געפארען צו די ווייטע פלארידע מבקר חולה זיין א קריסטליכע מיידל

Edwarda O'Bara died on November 21st of this year after 42 years in a coma. She was cared for by her father, mother and then sister with the utmost sensitivity and devotion. In this photo Rabbi Shlomo Friedlander, the Lisker Rebbe, who lived in the Bronx and Manhattan and passed away in 1980, visits her and seemingly blesses her. Source, and more about the Lisker Rebbe on Ivelt


  1. some called him the Intercom Rabbi, he had an intercom in his gabbis room and when anybody came the gabbi had to ask him why he came and the rabbi used to listen thru the intercom, when the person entered the rabbis room the rabbi started saying with his ruach hakoidesh the reason why person came. it was very big moifsim....

  2. the lisker rebbe was the rebbe that was the one that had a intercom and heard what was said to his gabbay and then told the chasid i know whats bothering you and he was caught

  3. גענוג לה"ר אויף א בנש"ק א שוכן עפר

  4. its a goos story for Nittel

  5. The Lisker Rebbe in Manhattan was very into Bikur cholim. His home was not too far from Columbia and Cornell on the east side. It was a place where people visiting at the hospital could come and find a minyan and get a Shabbos meal etc. He would visit the hospitals as well.

    His rebbitzen continued this after he passed away. I visited their shul and home about 15 years ago. I don't know how it is now.

    I'm not putting a place to this picture. I have no clue about it. I'm just writing a comment about him. Spin the conversation the other way, perhaps.

  6. Rabbi Rakeffet mentions in one of his shiurim that the Lisker was the Rebbe and confidante of a non-Jewish Catholic actor who visited him weekly in the Bronx and took care of him. Rabbi Rakeffet mentioned the name of the actor which I can't recall.

    An Admirer of the Blog from the Far East...currently in Phuket.

  7. Lisk has a nice shtibl on 50th by 15th across from Nitra. the rebbe shlita is one of the few to have the minhag not to eat matzos on pesach except by shiur mitzvah on seder nacht. His son is of course the famous Ezra friedlander. His elder son is very erlich too. His son just married the daughter of the Rimanover rebbele.

    thing about the current lisker rebbe, he doesnt pretend to be anyone special. hes not a faker like some. He sits in his chair by the aron and reads mishpacha by mincha leil shabbos... an hour after zman.

  8. Isaac? What are you doing in Phuket?

    How's the fleish there?

    1. Mr G it's not Isaac and the fleish was great considering there were no other options!

  9. this shlomo are you calling him a rebbi of some sort? he never ever attened a tish ect. from the holy bobov rebbi, like every other rebbi of his generation.

    to belz of today, i understand hews a modern belz rebbi and so is the square rebbi of springvalley.

    this rebbi fought with his brother of BP, because he did go to bobov, square, lubavitch, and satmer.

    no wonder he with the strokis & kulpik wend down in history as a clkown with a big joke.

  10. which rebbi went to bobov except the tomoshov rebbi when he was in the drop of `kuvid` mode.

  11. i just wonder how much money he got in return for this visit, for a nice sum i too whould visit and bless. this actor/rabbi was well known for his episodes, we still remember the Jackey Gleason story.

  12. jackey who? what story?

  13. he probaly means the story of jackie gleason of `the honeymooners` - solomon friedlander charged him hundreds and thousands of dollars in return for his blessings and super natural miracle powers that later found to be a houx, and friedlander had no license to preform such wonders for money.

    friedlander was jailed for a few years for counterfeiring money.

    in other words he had quite a history.

  14. Who is this alleged "Isaac"
    Not me! I've never been to Phuket.

  15. Not Issac? Then you must be David.

    And I'm not tlaking about fleish you eat, I'm talking about fleish you see mit di fleishige oigen!

  16. The questionable Lisker Rebbe of the Upper East Side (the Intercom Rebbe) passed away under very suspicious circumstances, but that was close to a decade after 1980.

  17. the guy who the mafia drowned in the water was his son-in-law, another epsoide to that crazed bronx rabbi life.

    he once called up the lubavitch rebbi and over the phone he requested the rebbi to come over to his house in the bronx because he has an important matter to disscuss...

  18. This is the father of the current Liske rebbe on 50th street?


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