Sunday, December 30, 2012

אדמו"ר רבי מאיר'ל לייפער זצ"ל - קליוולאנדער רבי

Reb Meir Leifer was the son of Reb Ber'tche of Satmar, son of Reb Mordche'le Nadvorner, zt"l. He passed away on 12 Nissan 5701. Truth be told I did not know that Reb Meir (Hagadol) of Premishlan - not to be confused with Reb Meir'l Premishlaner - was niftar that long ago. Way back in 1773! I mention that because the Klihvlahnder was his descendant and namesake. Why do I post this now, when there's no real occasion for it? Probably because I was having a hard time finding time for anything else... (funny how even Cleveland can be made to sound so holy and old-time'ish.)


His brother Reb Sholom Leifer was the Nadvorner Rebbe of Brighton Beach who passed away on 19 Teves 5740. That would the current Nadvorner in Boro Park his nephew.

His Matzeivoh


  1. this is what keeps us coming back!

    great pics!!

  2. See more about him in the book by the Bostoner Rebbes wife from Artscroll. He was here stepfather.

  3. "Why do I post this now, when there's no real occasion for it? Probably because I was having a hard time finding time for anything else."

    It's yom tov in der vochen in Crown Heights, especially on Sundays, with the "dollah"ren" or "dahlaz" (. (funny how even $$$$ can be made to sound so holy and old-time'ish.)
    But you and (shoulson)won't discuss it......
    You"ll discuss anything but the sad state of latter day Lubavitch of course.

  4. IIRC, he was niftar in LA, and he's buried in the agudas achim cemetery.

  5. Pittsboorg and milvakke too, don't forget Bustin.

  6. Pittsburgh is in EY and Milwaukee and Boston are Yankee doodles. That leaves Klihvland only.


  8. His great nephew is a great big rebbe in lakewood.

  9. I grew up in Willi in the 50's. We davened weekdays by the Klivlander Rebbe. He was a son of the Stroznitzer Rebbe who was a son of Reb Isumerl. I believe that he was the SIL of our Rebbe here. He was a very Choshuve aidel peson. He is buried in the Monsey Cemetery, in a corner in the back of the cemetery in a small Ohel. ZT"L.


  11. I knew the Klivlandehr Rebbe of Williamsburg. It's amazing that he mamesh looked like his shver. Can someone please post his picture.

  12. hes talmiday baal shem tov and is buried near r' menachem mendl of vitebsk in tveria.

  13. Where did you get the second picture from? I showed the picture to the daughter of Reb Sholom Leifer of Brighton Beach and she says it looks like one of her uncles, but not her father.

  14. I got it from a relative. enough said. It's reb Meir'l.

  15. Ah, BOTH are the Clevelander Rebbe. OK. My grandfather, who lived in Cleveland (born there in 1899) knew the Rebbe and help him during the Prohibition in making, selling & transporting Ritual Wine (& sometimes something a little stronger). Grampa spent a night in jail for his efforts.

  16. nesanel dovid

    can u provide more details and info about the story you bring, and about Reb Meir'l in general


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