Monday, December 24, 2012

(Dis)honorable mention from Rabbi Aron Rakeffet

He mentions us in sort of a negative way in his latest lecture/shiur. No calling us out by name, but it's pretty clear who he means. We had discussed the fact that he had nary a negative word to say about RAK, despite the ideological differences. Skip ahead to minute 31:30 ותמצא נחת.


  1. But why should it bother anyone if he doesn't say anything "bad" about RAK. It's quite clear from his tapes that he moved on from BMG and found his Rebbe, the Rav, as his Rav HaMuvhak.

  2. Isaac,
    Because Lubovitchers have elephant memories and want to hear bad about Lubavitchers "perceived" enemies

  3. Don't miss out: 39:30. Talks about recent YU scandal. Makes analogies to YC in Melbourne. Talks about YDG and the Groner family...

  4. it seems to me that rabbi rakefet has a smidgen of knowledge about everything, but is not an expert in anything.

    1. Everything but torah... There he knows nothing


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