Monday, December 3, 2012

The next Lubavitcher "hit" you'll hear at every simcha, courtesy of Sruly Werdyger

In a modern arrangement, but without losing much of the original flavor. From the new אודה לקל CD.


  1. well done!
    is this a single? or a song on a disc?

  2. moshemoshel72.blogspot.comTuesday, December 04, 2012 12:53:00 PM

    The first question I asked when I first heard the cd was if an alte chosid would recognize it.

  3. This song is as Lubavitch as a "kasket"...
    It is not even DISTANTLY related to ANY of the trends in Lubavitch - maskilim, ovdim, baalei ahavas yisroel or baalei mesiras nefesh.
    I doubt this song will do anything to bring people closer to the mayanos haBesht.

  4. Its a bit modern to my taste but it still hits my deep feelings that I have for Chabad nigunim.

    I like Sruly and I have a zchus to be his friend

    Yosef 718

  5. An abomination.

    Take a ruchniyusdiker niggun and add sexual beats (yes, that's what that type of beat is) -- well done.

  6. what makes a beat se-ual?

  7. What is the history of the original?

  8. Chussid, if that is sexual, you should see a therapist because it might be dangerous for you to go to an apartment store or even be in a lift.

    The niggun is nice, it's catchy. It's just a slow tempo techno feel with those horrible pre-programmed drum machines.

    Then again, Oilom Goilom seems to be comfortable with "one man" bands. Och und Vey, those cultural deserts.

  9. Yosef 718: "Its a bit modern to my taste"

    בוודאי אינם בעריש ווישיווער'ס וכדומה, ניגונים מלא חן דקדושה, והתרוממות דאצילות אשר קדושים וטובים שפך לבם עמם! לא כן הניגיני דריקא בר ריקא'ס שאין בהם שום ממש, ומטמא השכל העליונה

  10. remember the days when music was made by plucking strings and blowing into tubes?

  11. Yanover said: "plucking strings and blowing into tubes?"

    It's called a 'handkerchief' Macy's still sells them dime-a-dozen.

  12. "Anonymous Yanover said...

    what makes a beat se-ual?

    OpenID pitputim said...

    Chussid, if that is sexual, you should see a therapist because it might be dangerous for you to go to an apartment store or even be in a lift.

    This is ignorance because you don't know anything about music. Everyone would agree that a ruchniyusdiker niggun can arouse a spiritual feeling in a person. On the flip-side, there are niggunim that can arouse various kinds of feelings for various aveiras.

    Disco beats were created by professionals looking for beats that would arouse a person sexually for use in clubs and discotheques. If anyone would see what goes on in clubs to these kinds of beats, they would clearly understand what I am talking about -- znus with clothing on.

    So here's a chassidishe niguun with a disco beat -- kind of a toivel v'sheretz b'yadoi.

    The only reason frum people are in denial about this is because of musical ignorance, and not having grown up going to clubs -- so they have no clue what these types of beats are really about.

  13. It's unbelievable that Tzig would think that this is more than the corrupt commercial trash than it is--musically, culturally, spiritually and Jewishly. It is especially pitiful after he dismissed the heart-felt, spiritual and tasteful renditions by Yair Kalev as being "unauthentic."


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