Friday, February 15, 2013

The Lipkin (Salanter) Family Tree

Acomprehensive family tree, courtesy of בנימין מפתח תקוה, ארה"ק

Did you know that Reb Chaim Ozer was a grandson  - via mariage - of Reb Yisroel?


  1. R Yisorel has a son who emigrated to San Francisco and was a trolley conductor. I dont see this son listed.

  2. I dont recall his name, but I was told this by a Navardok Rosh Yeshiva in the know.

  3. Rabbi YD Soloveitchiks wife Tonya was also a grandchild and related to RCO

  4. Azigra

    he had a son that fried out, but I never heard he went to the USA

    1. Whats the MUSER haskel of a son that fried out?

  5. Huge fan that normally keeps quietFriday, February 15, 2013 11:30:00 AM

    In making of a godol R N.K. speaks about this son at length a lot of fiction but some interesting facts as well

  6. Azugra.
    I believe you are confusing R' Yisroel's with the youngest son of the Alter fun Skabodka, Ruvaleh, who moved to Detroit became frie and was a trolley conductor.

  7. Azugra.
    I believe you are confusing R' Yisroel's with the youngest son of the Alter fun Skabodka, Ruvaleh, who moved to Detroit became frie and was a trolley conductor.

  8. He had a son that became a professor in a University (I think in Moscow).

    Upon his appointment, one of the Haskalah newspapers made a big deal over his appointment. Rav Yisroel put an ad in the paper the following week stating that he has no nachas from this son, or from his appointment as a University Professor.

  9. Ari,

    i specifically recall hearing it about R Yisroel, but you may be right.

  10. "Did you know that Reb Chaim Ozer was a grandson - via mariage - of Reb Yisroel"

    I thought everyone knew that. This fact is famous, because in reply to a letter from Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Grodnenski the son-in-law of Rav Yisroel Salanter to his Father in Law extolling the Gaones of his future SIL, Rav Yisroel Salanter responded that the torah states “ Es Bitte Nasati Lish”. The first thing is to make sure that he is a Mentsch.

    Wikipedia recounts the story below, which I do not believe occurred (at least in the manner written) “ Both Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Grodnenski — the leading Rav of Vilna and the son-in-law of Rabbi Yisroel Salanter — and Rabbi Elinke Levinsohn of Kretinga desired the young Torah prodigy for their own son-in-law. The two went to Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor of Kovno to decide which family would merit this honor. After hearing each one's position, Rabbi Spector asked to meet Rabbi Chaim Ozer, and spoke at length with him on various Torah topics. Afterward, Rabbi Spector told the two prospective fathers-in-law: "The truth is that if I had a daughter to marry off, I would take him and leave you both out in the cold. Since I have no such daughter, however, I have decided in favor of the Rav of Vilna".[

    1. Ba chasidim (emes'e) volt azans nit geshen

  11. There is a book available on Otzar HaCHochma called במחיצתם של גדולי הדור which was written in Yiddish by Yaakov Mark who was close to many Litvishe Gedolim of his time including Reb Chaim Brisker and Reb Yitzhok Elchonon etc. He has some facts about the son of Reb Yisroel Salanter, including the fact the he died unmarried during the lifetime of his father. There are many interesting facts/fables in that book. I can email you a copy if you want.

    1. Can you send me a copy please,

  12. If only we had the capacity to apreciate the mesiras nefesh of our Grandparents that DIDN'T frei out!...

  13. The grandchildren of the son that became a maskil are Lubavitchers today.
    The Lipkins in Crown Heights.

  14. There is a family Shurwinter in the Yeshivishe velt. There is a yungerman living in South Fallsburg. They are descended from the daughter of Reb Yisroel Salanter who was married to someone called Shurwinter.

  15. R Yisrael Salanter's non-observant son was a professor in St. Petersburg, I believe.
    Thanks for posting the link of the family tree.



  18. Hi, I am a direct desendant of Reb Yisroel Salanter and I am trying to full trace my family tree. My Grandma, Anita Lipkin who lives in Britain said that I am 7 generations direct. can anyone please help me trace this.

    My email address is

  19. I am wondering about rav yisroel salanter' s daughter, Malka Hinda.Did she have decsendants living in sweden?


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