Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Another day, another nonsensical story from Paul Berger at the Forward

Is what every 12-year old in Crown Heights knows now a "secret?"


  1. Put up a synopsys of todays hyperbole, I don't fargin them enough attention to give them one more click on their site.

  2. Hirshel
    I disagree with you,
    there was some news in there.
    Number one,That Goldschmidt is still alive,and number two, the Rebbe was searching for fights, in order to be Moshiach according the Rambam. But for a lamdan like Goldscmidt, he should rather crown Rav shach of the Hapeles movement. Nobody after the war has such a rap sheet on picking fights as the Maran of BB. I saw lately that Shach had in mind to destroy more lives then we thought.
    He was out to demolish Rav Segal of Manchester who did not follow his capricious demands and Rav Fisher of Itri.. I guess that they had certain Zechusim that Maran paws did not reach them.

  3. what could damage chabads reputation more than meshichistn?

    what a non-article.

  4. ויפתח ה' את פי האתון והמציא היסטורי' חב"דית יש מאין.

  5. Yanover
    "what could damage chabads reputation more than meshichistn?"
    but 20 year old news is not news, unless there is a new twist in the facts.Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme, is not news anymore even it is massive and 50 billion bucks

  6. No daf hashavua this week, or the good rabbi needed some extra time to prepare the shiur?

  7. I think it's so cute that there is a Tom Clancy book in the Chabad Library in New York. What's the story behind that?

  8. I think it's important to get a bit of a perspective on to how and who chose/entered the books that went into the library. There are in fact two collections that were united into one. There was the collection of the FR, whos libarian was chaim liberman. That collection included alot of books in yiddish and hebrew that were ona wide variety of topics. For example, there a whole secyion dedicated to communist/bloshevik yiddsh books, The new testament in hebrew etc. There was also a decent side collection of books in other languages i.e. russain ,french, german etc. that were brought over from eaurope or acquired in america buy chaim liberman who would regularly buy books for the library. No additions were made to this library. The other collection was the Rebbes, the librarian was Berel levin and Yitzcak Wilhelm. The two collections were generally kept apart but were not systematically organized and cataloged up until fairly recently, say 1993-1995. The collections are both available online, though unless you know the specific code of the 'Madur' you can not easily tell whcih specific collection the book belongs to. Which brings me to the next point. The FR collection, once defined, did not reciev new additions. So whatever is there is most likely from the times of the Fr or CL. not so the Rebbes. New books are being added all the time often, i should add, quite indiscriminately. The people doing the adding are not necessarily Berel Levin or ytzchak wilhelm. The character/content/appropriateness is usually not vetted very well. As a result titles can come up that would raise many an eyebrow ( clancey is childs play.)So understand, the dante or clancey books, in all likelihood were not ( necessarily) seen but or read by The Rebbe or even the main librarian.
    I hope this was informative.


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