Wednesday, March 6, 2013

הידיים של הרבי הריי"צ מחממות אותי עד היום הזה

Just like the Baal Shem Tov in his generation, one encounter makht varem agantz leben


  1. According to my Lubavitcher friends, The Rebbe was Moshe Rabeinu of the generation. Isn't it an insult to only compare The Rayatz to The Heilige Baal Shem and not someone greater, like The Ari Hakadosh or R' Shimon?

  2. Moshe Moshell

    By Chasidim all the Chasidic Matikie Shemua, is 1 golden chain,(look in Igrois Chazon Ish for the same concept)its all one Kabolas Hatorah with no Yeridas Hadoirois.
    To measure who is holier or greater, is for Vieber and males that act like them.

  3. Your claiming there was no yeridas hadoros for 7 generations and then the whole thing fell off a bottomless cliff into the abyss?

    The Gemora says the manhig is according to the dor.


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