Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rav Pinchos Teitz being maspid Rav Avrohom Yaffen on his radio program

Very high praise for Rav YaffenNovardok and their activities in Europe from Rabbi Teitz. Which makes me wonder; why is someone like Rabbi Teitz forgotten and sidelined by the "Bnei Torah?" We see how much he did for the Olam haTorah and how he raised money for them, and how he trumpeted their cause! Weird.

Wiki Page on Reb Avrohom, who passed away on Erev Pesach, 5730


  1. Rav Teitz was from the rare breed of rabbonim who belonged and were respected in both the agudas harabonim and the mizrachi. I don't believe that he is any more forgotten than Rav Lazer Silver. Those who know the war periods history well are all aquainted with his memory.

    His biography is a terrific read. Love Torah, Learn Torah, Live Torah.

    Is Rav Henkin forgotton by that same yardstick...?

  2. I think that those Rabonim who did not have children that fit into the Olam HaTorah, or did not head Mosdos that were part of the Olam HaTorah, have been forgotten.

    Not ignored, just forgotten.

    Moshe Moshel comparison to Rav Henkin and Rav Leizer Silver fit this criteria as well.

  3. I don't think that RPMT gets the same respect as Rabbonim Silver and Henkin when their names are mentioned

  4. C'mon! You know why he was sidelined. He insisted his son go to college. He was complacent to let his Kehila stay on their מדריגה and seemed to not want anyone in has ד' אמות to move more to the right. His son today is ממשיך like that, and as we all know in אידישקייט you are either going up or going down. Its not possible to just stay the same. So today כידוע that community is הולך ומתדרדר.
    תלמידים פון א געוויסע ישיבה קענען דערציילען ווי דער ישיבה לכתחילה האט געדארפט עפענען אין זיין סביבה און חאטש אז ער האט כלומרש זיי געזאגט ווי צופרידען ער איז אז זיי זאלען קומען בויען די ישיבה דארטען אבער ווען עס האט געקומען צו די למעשה...
    ליטווישער יונגערמאן

  5. Simple. He was a Rav and not a Rosh Yeshiva or big Posek.

  6. I'm surprised your praising him.He was on Lubavitch's Most-Wanted list. He made a break away organization from Agudas Harabonim - together with R' Yaakov Kaminetzky -because it was Lubavitch controlled.

  7. unless I'm missing something, Kovner, Rav Teitz was a good friend of Lubavitch and traveled to Russia at the Rebbe's behest many times

  8. As far as I remember that's what happened. It was in the late '70s. The new Agudas Harabonim fizzled out quite quickly.

  9. No, Hirshel, you don't miss anything. It is indeed was like that.
    he was indeed "territorial", but the same thing could be said of virtually everybody.
    When r.Kanelsky was to start shlichus in Elizabeth, NJ, Rebbe told him explicitly to get permission for basically anything from r.Teitz, which r.Teitz very much appreciated.

  10. i went to a navardok yeshiva,learned derech ayson for many years. thanks for posting this.

  11. Zigg,thanks a million for this,this recording brought back sweet memories from the 1950's,when as a young kid growing up in Montreal,our family used to sit every motzei shabbos next to the radio and listen to Harav Teitz and his daf hashevuah.
    What a beautiful and aristrocatic Yiddish he spoke.
    Ziggele,keep up your good work,a lot of us enjoy your blog immensly.
    chaim schonbrun

  12. What's the scoop on the new mordy tendler book/sefer?

  13. Chaim,
    You just hurt tzig's feelings. you didn't mention the wonderful Tanya shiur that followed (or preceded)the Daf hashavua shiur... :)


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