Sunday, April 7, 2013

עוז והדר איז מודיע אז אין בריסק, ויז'ניץ און דז'יקוב צינדן די מיידלעך שבת ליכט....

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  1. R'Hirshel,
    I don't know if you know about the untimely passing of Itzhak Schier, who used to post here quite often, frequently using his own name.
    Apparently he passed away during the pesach seder at Chabad of Bankgok at the early age of 47 from an apparent cardiac episode, Hashem Yerachem.
    I had some disagreements with him here and elsewhere, but he meant well. zichrono livrucheh

  2. guess they didn't feel lubavitch was worth mentioning too

  3. Hirshel,
    What are you pointing out? That other kehillos besides Lubavitch have the minhag that non married girls light lecht, or that Oz Vehodor, didn't mention Chabads minhag?

  4. rav yaacov emden in his siddur also says that girls should light candles for shabbat

  5. Actually, MANY Litvish have that Minhag. RBB family among others.

  6. Wow such a baby, I wasnt bothered that chernobel and other russian chasidim werent mentioned.

  7. Esther
    "rav yaacov emden in his siddur also says that girls should light candles for shabbat"
    are you sure?

  8. Vohliner chusid
    " I wasnt bothered that chernobel and other russian chasidim werent mentioned"
    in Chernobel it was only for the exclusive noble family that learn and participate in the Chai Perokim Mishnayoth daily program, but chabad is a community of 1000's of families.

    1. Well check ur history again b4 u state FACTS.

  9. Send in a written letter to your neighbor in dayan shia leifer and see what he responds...

    It won't take much to discern if it was done out of malice or amaratzus.

  10. it's a well known thing that in some rebishe mishpachos they light candles, the difference between Lubab and others are that in Lubab the girls only light one candle like we do on Tisha B'av and in all other places the girls light two candles like normal people..........

  11. I just want to point out that it IS a halachicly suspect Minhag (See Shla amongst others). Although only the Sefardim (who won't have two people make a Brocha on lighting in the same house) have the right to cast stones.

  12. Anon
    "the difference between Lubab and others are that in Lubab the girls only light one candle like we do on Tisha B'av and in all other places the girls light two candles"
    whats the Reason of chabad?
    " like normal people.........."
    Who decides whats normal???

  13. Voliner Chusid
    "Well check ur history again b4 u state FACTS."
    I well go thru the Emden Sidur to check for it....I have a hunch its not there.

  14. if i'm not mistaken it was common before the war for a lot of girls to light shabbos candle but after the war that minhag (and others) changed (or was it forgotten?)


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