Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Boston attack in pictures

Thanks to he who sent it to me. Pretty simple stuff. How come the police and other security personnel can't see what others can?


  1. Is this still the Saudi student canard? The police cleared him, he was only guilty of looking like an Arab. Bomb? that's a camera with a telephoto lens. Looking the wrong way? This was TWO HOURS after the winners came in, after that it's an endless stream of runners, you don't look at them every second. Have you ever been to, say, the NY Marathon? Guys from my shul would set up a table to distribute water, because people from the shul would run.

  2. Simple? Looks pretty complicated, actually. Your correspondent seems to be following 2-3 different people, wearing different outfits, and then the running-man video is wearing a fourth outfit, black shorts on a chilly day.

    Has he sent his "evidence" to the police, to show that there was a conspiracy among several people, all of whom were present at the time? Or will this circulate as samizdat?

  3. cancel the first comment - I hadn't looked at all the pictures to realize he was portraying a multi-person operation, rather than continuing to pile on the Saudi student.

  4. On the Rebbe Meir Baal Haness pushka it says the possuk, the eyes don't see till The Holy One enlightens them.

  5. ot dos iz dos?
    you could not find anything, so you came up with this?

    at least go after broyde a bit

  6. Looking at CNN, I see one of the same pictures. So your correspondent did send them to police. And it may have led to a suspect. Good detective work.

  7. "How come the police and other security personnel can't see what others can?"

    Who said they didn't see all of this

    don't jump to conclusions

  8. everyone knows the Illuminati Zionist Occult did this.

    its either them or their fault.

  9. Thanbo, the Saudi student was not "cleared"; he was deported for a reason. His al-Harbi clan is tight-knit, and has numerous terrorist connections.


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