Wednesday, May 22, 2013

S H O C K I N G ------- מבית היוצר של חצר הקודש סקווירא

ס'איז נישט ווייניגער ווי אן ערד-ציטערניש לדעתי, ולדעת גדולים וטובים ממני הק'. סקווירא זאל מודה זיין אז א בן רשע ביים סדר איז נישט קיין בושה???? מ'שיקט דאך דארט אוועק פון טאטע-מאמע נישט קיין געזונטע קינדער וואס ללידען פון דאון-סינדארם וכדומה כדי עס זאל שאטען פאר די אנדערע קינדער. און יעצט זענען זיי גרייט דרוקען אז א  בן רשע  ביים סדר(!) איז נישט נאר אויסגעהאלטען נאר עס דארף אזוי צו זיין? איז דאס אלץ צוליב דעם רבינ'ס אייניקל? קען איין אייניקל ווירקן אזא שינוי אינעם אייזענעם פארהאנג אין ספרינג וואלי? ימים יגידו


  1. Hirshel
    what about the Down syndrome kids? is their a New Square policy on that?

  2. דער שרייבער פון דעם ארטיקל איז א ר-ש-ע

  3. is it from the Rebbe, or still from his father?

  4. פאר דערמאנען פריוואטע צרות פון מעטשען

  5. וואס מיינט איר דעם אייניקל'ס בלוט איז וואסער?

  6. איך בין דער רשע מיינט איר? נו נו

    איך צאפ דען זיין בלוט? איך וואונטש אים א גליקליכן לעבן

    און ביי די וועי, ס'נישט קיין צרות אויך נישט. ער איז א פיינער אינגערמאן

  7. אנטשולדיקט

  8. Please someone explain to non-yiddish speakers like myself why this is a shock?

  9. it's shocking that they not only admit that there are "reshaim" in their midst, but that they "accept" having "bad" kids and condone having them around and not being embarrassed by them!

  10. Thank you for responding to my question. But who is "they"? Who do they consider "reshaim"? Are you referring to New Square and children with special needs?

  11. "they" are the good people of New Square. Reshaim are the kids who go OTD

  12. the chasam sofer says "vedoiver sholom lechol zaroi" that even Mordechai Hatzadik wat olo ligedule, was busy as Rosh Hayehudim, mishne lamelech he still didn't give up the chinuch of his own children! lechol ZAROI!
    this square episode is a mussar haskel, don't come to conclusions when there's unfortunately an otd in a family probably they have internet or other stupiditys! it's a lack in education!

  13. FTR Skver suffers perhaps more than most with peiros hanoshrim, leider, r'l.

  14. That article says nothing. I am happy to read something against skver, but this article is meaningless drivel, random letters meeting on the page.

  15. Yankel
    "I am happy to read something against skver"
    how is a Jew mamin bashem vetorosoi,Happy to hear good Loshem Hora on a huge Kehila Beyisroel. Its beyond me

  16. chasidus is history.nepotism=new "chsides"Thursday, May 23, 2013 1:59:00 PM

    The eynikel is probably going out to work and earn his own keep.
    In my book that is a "tzadik"
    The guys with the geblimteh kaftens and black socks???
    Don't know...........

  17. Please Hershel you are out of line a
    n unhealthy child is hard on parents on siblings and on the child as well Skvere Rebbe saved loads of homes from collapsing by sending these kids to professional care homes that help these children in an amazing way and keeps the home of this special child unharmed....
    But kids that go off the derech is a very strong question if the child of the derech will have an influence on the other kids or the other kids will influence the of the derech child?
    Now the Skvere Rebbes opinion is that with love and care these kids will come back

    very simple
    dont get out of line

  18. most people would tell that an off the derech kid influences his or her siblings. I think.

  19. the bigger question on this issue. How do you get a OTD kid in the most isolated/insulated in the universe, since world creation?
    Does that not tell that this overly protected society had a opposite effect. And the question is why and how, if you hear no evil see no evil all should off been pure as Gan Eden?
    There are some haters of Square that claim, its all the Rebbes fault, that this kids feel the nepotism, greediness, corruption of the Rebbes court choking them.
    but aren't all kehilas run that way?

  20. Anonymous Chaim Moshe said...

    the bigger question on this issue. How do you get a OTD kid in the most isolated/insulated in the universe, since world creation?

    don't go overboard, the tribes in the Amazon don't have cell phones

  21. Chaim Moishe,

    "Sick-Where' (or Skvira) is a cult, which has nothing to do with Skvirer Chasidus the way it was in der heim.
    Tsadikin Yelchu BO ETC.
    They have a huge percent of OTD kids or very empty neshumes, because the do not give any serious rochnius to their crowd-the only thing they care is az m'darf folgen :)
    Very familiar to me:)

  22. Fred
    you are leider 100% right, and it passed the stage of OTR it's on record/a fact

  23. russian chusid said...

    " "Sick-Where' (or Skvira) is a cult, which has nothing to do with Skvirer Chasidus the way it was in der heim.
    Tsadikin Yelchu BO ETC.
    They have a huge percent of OTD kids or very empty neshumes, because the do not give any serious rochnius to their crowd-the only thing they care is az m'darf folgen :)
    Very familiar to me:)"

    Hey take it easy, I am no Skverer but I stem from chasidim that were Chasidim of Skver, outside of the OTD kids that we debate, the place has 100's of nice Chasidic Yungeliet, that I assume are not less of the nostalgic Skver of the Ukraine...
    this cult label is a term that you can label the whole orthodoxy.


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