Friday, July 12, 2013

אדאנק דעם רב זאל מאריך ימים ושנים זיין וועל איך האבען א בית מדרש


דער רבי פון תולדות אברהם יצחק דאווענט מעריב אונטער א בילד פון בעלזער רב נאכדעם וואס די בעלזער חסידים אין לאנדאן האבען פאר אים צאמגעשטעלט הונדערט אלפים. אלץ צו קנאקען אליש ענגלענדער, וועלכע איז ברוגז געווען אז די תוא"י רבי איז געגאנגען צו די בעלזער ש"ב פארגאנגענעם חודש סיון. זעהט אויס אז אויף פאליטיק איז אלעמאל דא געלט. שטעלט אייך פאר ווען דאס איז א ליובאוויטשער חסיד צו שליח וועלכע דאווענט אונטער א בילד פון רבי'ן, וואס מ'וואלט דעמאלט געזאגט

מי כעמך


  1. He's so bent in half, he never saw the picture.

  2. The rumor goes that after Elish saw that Belz in London raised money for the TAY Rebbe , he came runing with his check
    So he gained both worlds.
    Its a big zetz for the satmar power, they lately dont give too much money for this independent Rebbes in Israel, who are keeping the satmar shita for them alive. It seems their own fight for empire building is sucking the money well, with not too much Dineros left for the shita..

  3. tzig give me a break its in a house where he is davening

  4. is Belz not suppose to be against modernization?
    what does Belz stand for?

  5. Nice words about not selling his kiddush hashem, but:

    1- BIG shaleh if it was a kiddish hashem.

    Perhaps it was a chillul hashem because it showed that you can be mechabed someone who was geferlich metzaar the Minchas Ytizchok (also someone else but he asked him mechila, so we will forget it)without any questions, just for betza kessef.

    2- Why did he think these belzers suddenly came running to him? They had a divine revelation?

    They never heard of him the other 15 times he's been to London (at least)?

    The never gave him money before. Why does he think they're doing it now if not because of this "kiddush hashem"?

  6. its a good point and a good bash for him but it has no connection to the politics please...

  7. Yoishev
    "someone who was geferlich metzaar the Minchas Ytizchok "
    who was Metzar whom?
    you are a baby I was there I saw it happening.

  8. The minchas yitzchok told rav barauch horwitz of mamchester that B is shorting his life by the constant harassment. This I heard from rav horitz of yeshiva davar yerushalim.

  9. The minchas yitzchok told rav barauch horwitz of mamchester that B is shorting his life by the constant harassment. This I heard from rav horitz of yeshiva davar yerushalim.

  10. Tzikie Kedarie
    "The minchas yitzchok told rav barauch horwitz of mamchester that B is shorting his life by the constant harassment"
    Burech Horowitz might be a nice guy, but the facts were different.


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