Wednesday, July 24, 2013

אבא מאד גאה בך, יא איבני


  1. Hmmm.... This brings to mind the comment made by a certain British-born "bieber-hit" wearer in a British divorce court when asked by the judge why he doesn't abide by the decision of the Beis Din. He said and I paraphrase: "Your honor, you are a judge, of course, but are your family also judges, is your son a judge, etc.?"

  2. This blatant nepotism is a sickening. If Shoulson is correct, there's gonna be a lotta shmutz that will surface, especially on R. YY, that will just continue to scandalize the Chief Rabbinate. IMHO they won due to the secular votes (in favor of Lau) & the a split of those against Yosef & Lau (Eliyahu vs. Buraun, Stav vs. Shapiro). It's time to elect someone who does not want to run! & someone who has more creds than mere smily face (Lau) or sour face (Yosef) like Papa Bear.

    -- ZIY

  3. ZIY
    I don't see why Rav Yossef should not be a Rav Horoshi?
    he is a big Talmid Chochem... wrote work on Kol hatorah kulo for the Sefardi world and Ashkenazim use it too..he has 1 problem he is reb ovadia son, that people cry nepotism

  4. דער יונגער הרב יוסף קעו עפעס, אדער ער ווייסט נאר ווי צו איבערשרייבען דעם טאטען'ס פסקים? ער ווייסט ווי צומאכען פון 12 גרויסע תשובות ספרים 25 קליינע ספרים "אויף כל התורה כולה" ווי יענער שרייבער זאגט!?
    דער יונגער הרב לאו דאכט זיך איז נישט נחשד בכלל אויף גארנישט. ער פונקט ווי הרב יוסף, קען אויך אויסענווייניג זיין חשובע טאטענ'ס אלע פסקים.
    ער האט אויך איבערגעארבעט די אלע פסקים...

  5. IIAC R. YY did not have an official shtele or any experience in dealing with psokim (a Rosh Kolel doesn't count). His personal life also indicates that he is not a moral model for the position. Dont know about his seforim, but don't judge person's leadership skills by his book (let alone its cover).

    BTW Shapiro & Eliyahu were also using their fathers' rep - but at least they are reuyim lishmom...

    Also, all this Isreali media hoopla as if "the Chareidim" won is hogwash. Just because Lau doesn't wear a K"S (kilishon sephardi R. Kohen) doesn't mean he's a chareidi, v'aderabe...

  6. Why do we all care so much about what goes on with the zionist puppet rabbinate? The rabbinate has no validity when its under the thumb of the supreme court. Remember what happened witht he bakery in Ashdod that was owned by a Notzri 4 years ago? Rabanut doesnt concern the frum community.

  7. actually the young Rabbi Lau seems to be just like his father. A good face for the camera. Good speaker. Nice guy. Not known as much of a scholar.

  8. Yanover
    "Why do we all care so much about what goes on with the zionist puppet rabbinate? The rabbinate has no validity when its under the thumb of the supreme court. Remember what happened witht he bakery in Ashdod that was owned by a Notzri 4 years ago? Rabanut doesnt concern the frum community."
    Every dayan that is employed by a chasidus or kehila or Yeshiveyesh, is a Puppets, can a dayan of Skver, Belz,Eida Hachariedith Zali and Aroni? be independent, he has to pasken according the whim of the Grand Imam of the kehila.
    The Rabanut has more independence that these dayanim

  9. Anon
    " Just because Lau doesn't wear a K"S (kilishon sephardi R. Kohen"
    Lau the 2nd is not a Ponevezh product?

  10. dovy
    the young lau's beard is a drop shorter then his father, thats 1 difference, plus he can not say the dramatic shoah stories...

  11. Gorenchik

    A dayan of a chassidus paskent according to the Daas Toireh of his chassidus.

    The Rabanut has no authority other than the secular supreme court.

  12. ZIY
    " If Shoulson is correct,"
    Plz don't embarrass yourself to quote that lowlife liar

  13. all this makes R Lau Sr. see much less appealing as a gavra rabah, Er iz hoilekh u'Poikhes

    you might ask, why doesnt it also make R Yosef Sr. less appealing?

    The answer is: he cannot be any less appealing than he already was.

  14. I feel that there should a minimum age limit of 50 & a maximum limit of 65 when applying for this position.

  15. Sounds Like Lakewood where Everything is in The Family,You Have Rav Malkiel Kotlers Uncle Rabbi Gavriel Finkel Running The Local Beis Din "Vaad Hadayonim"

  16. Vaad Hadayonim Does Not Exist anymore It was Replaced By Bais Din Badatz of Lakewood Headed By Rav Yisroel Arye Knopfler

  17. Reb charles
    "The answer is: he cannot be any less appealing than he already was."
    in which bubble do u live?

  18. Rav Yisroel Arye Knopfler is a Talmid of Rav Sariel Rosenberg the Av Bais Din of Rav Nissim Karelitz Bais Din (his Father-in-law),Rabbi Knopfler also has a Ksav Horah from Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner who Refers To Rabbi Knopfler as an Expert in Gitten.

  19. No matter if we like it or not, must Poskim outside of the Chasam Sofer believe that sons should replace (memalie mokam) their fathers, and even in the CS there is some talk that he reversed himself on this. Awhile back there was a big article in the aperiodic Oir Yisroel Monsey, on the subject of nepotism in Rabunas.Undsorfer ruv was leading a campaign to stop it, thru his talmidim that printed seforim on this matter, but as usual he lost on that one. Many Rabonim(the Munkacher included) differed with him

  20. "Sounds Like Lakewood where Everything is in The Family,You Have Rav Malkiel Kotlers Uncle Rabbi Gavriel Finkel Running The Local Beis Din "Vaad Hadayonim" "

    Not anymore. It has been years since anyone took Finkel seriously. His Bes Din has basically fallen apart because he cant get ANYONE to sit with him. His stench proceeds him. The fact that he knows ZERO Chosen Misphat doesn't help!

  21. How did Lakewood become the issue? But while we are on the subject, can I see this kesav of Rav Wosner referring to the Ga'avad of The Badatz Of Lakewood as an expert in Gittin?
    ZIY - Here is a simple task. Find any story of Shaulson's, any single story and do your own research. Then come back to me and tell me there is the smallest chance he is correct.

  22. Go To Rav Yisroel Knopfler Bais din on Fernwood ave and You will see Rav Wosner Letter Of Horah To Rav Knopfler displayed There, I Saw It


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