Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ami Magazine's tribute to R' Immanuel Schochet ע"ה - by Dovid Zaklikowski link


  1. He was a gaon olam. His Bekius in shas and poskim was little recognized because a. he was a chabadnik, b. his main askanus was in disseminating toras HaBesh"t. I was lucky to correspond with him both in print and face to face on several occassions and his bekius and amkus hamachshava was outstanding.

    I still remember how I would daven at his shul occassionally a decade ago and while removing his tallis and tefillin he would learn his shiurim in Rambam (and whatever he didn't finish then he would finish after Mincha). Every moment was precious by him. Whenever you would talk with him you could feel him wanting to rush back to his learning and work.

    Er vet hubben a zai'er lichte gan eden.

  2. Torontonian
    I think that Hirshel and also the readers would appreciate if you would send him some of your correspondence from Rav Imanuel, withyour name or without your name, the main is the contents.
    Chaval Al Deovdin

  3. There are a couple of teshuvos to him in Igros Moshe. One of them is Reb Moshe's famous heter for blended scotch.

  4. There are a couple of teshuvos to him in Igros Moshe. One of them is Reb Moshe's famous heter for blended scotch.

  5. אני חושב שהבעיה של הרב שוחאט אינו זה שהתעסק בהפצת תורת חב"ד, אלא זה שתמיד מופיע ליד שמו הד"ר, וזה לא מקובל בעולם התורה.
    האם כתב פסקים ובירורי הלכה?

  6. Ben Torah
    There is a bigger crowd out there that will respect you only if you have the title DR

  7. בעל הבית,
    אתה צודק אבל הקהל שצריך את הד"ר לא צריך ולא מעריך את הרב...
    עליך להחליט האם הרב חשוב חשוב או הד"ר.
    ובאם החלטת שהד"ר חשוב, אז אל תבכה שהקהל השני לא רוצה להכיר אותך, ולא מעריך אותך.

  8. Ben Torah
    Who am I to decide which crowd is more important, you got to put out both, who ever has a blockage in his mind for the title doctor, its his loss, there are not too many Balie Sechel out there who will not overcome it

  9. yosef gavriel:

    i'm sure you can come up with more than barely one line on your uncle..

  10. True. But I don't like the tone of this conversation.

  11. True, but I don't like the turn this conversation took.

  12. YGB
    "True. But I don't like the tone of this conversation."
    easy way out,
    Chazal have sharp words on a Talmid Chochen Sheloi Nispad Kehalocha, just write a nice hesped like a Mensch, and dont use lame excuses

  13. Anonymous and Bal habayis,

    OK. Od chazon l'mo'ed. My son is getting married this Sun., not sure when I'll have time.

  14. YGB,
    iirc, R' Moshe zt"l wrote a tshuva to him regarding goises and life support and he ends the tshuva saying he is msupak what the final halacha is.
    i think it's one of his last tshuvas


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