Wednesday, August 14, 2013

הביאור של הבעלזער רוב בשטיקל לקוטי תורה


  1. The Holy Ruv does not read this blog, but someone should notify him that if he would learn the Mamar with Chasidus Mevueres, there would be no question and no need of his weak answer...we would be saved of the dramatization of the search for the answer.
    I realize that he is lately in a Chabad phase, by the Big Wedding he quoted a Alte Rebbe's sidur verbatim. He is known for getting hooked on phases in his life, every year or two he is in to something else...

  2. Can u plz share how the chassidus mevueres learns the shtikel shkoyach

  3. Anon
    I am not capable to translate this concepts in to (Bla"z) English,it needs philosophical terminology. May it should be scanned with underlined or highlighted the biur in this question

  4. the shaaloh is famous and his answer is standard fare.
    the simple answer is that in chodesh elul the people can approach the king as they are in "livushei sodeh" and tishrei its "v'gilu birodoh" so he may be close but u have to be on level to receive it.

  5. this is all he can muster after "ה' חנן אותו בדעה"?
    nu, nu...

  6. Anonymous said...
    Can u plz share how the chassidus mevueres learns the shtikel shkoyach

    Elul is a zman of "isarusa d'lisata" when we awaken ourselves to improve our relationship, and this causes a revelation from above within us.
    Every yomtov, esp. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the revelation starts above and awakens us - 13 middos harachamim are revealed.
    This Elul awakening does receive a boost from above, hence the "king in the field". it's not a revelation as a king in his full glory but it's an "energy boost" to help us in our elul avoidah. therefore the AR uses the king in the field moshol, where u see 2 things.
    1. anyone can approach him as they are (elul is regular weekdays, not yomtov - issur melacha)
    2. the person has to go from the city to the field to approach him - we start the process
    3. u don't get awed and overwhelmed by seeing him, it's l'havdil like the president campaigning in blue jeans and a plaid shirt. u can love him and get excited, but it's not dread and fear as when he's in his palace.

    this is a very short and butchered version of likkutei torah and how the Rebbe explains melech b'sodeh.

  7. I see Reb Yoel will give a shiur In Monsey in big Toshnad shul ,
    I would appreciate if our Great Hirshel will report on the event

  8. Is this Belzer publication available online?


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