Monday, September 30, 2013

דא, אויף דער בוידעם, האט דער קאצקער רבי אפשר געפראוועט התבודדות


  1. source please?

  2. did you verify it?

  3. וואס קען שוין זיין דא? the worst thing that can come out of my post is what?

  4. r' ahron used to Koch zich in emes

  5. Hirshel
    The holy Avnie Nezer writes in his famous foreword that in this room he visited the Mekor Hachochma get a derech halimud. It was not a a simple shed for hisbodedois, the deep of the deepest torah was discussed in that holy attic

  6. I have pictures of the kotzker rebbes one story house taking in the 1960's. a gypsie family lives in it.

    so where is this banyan?

  7. הבית הזה הוא ביתו של אחד מנכדי האדמו"ר השרף מקאצק זי"ע, ששימש באדמורו"ת לפני המלחמה

    ולא של סבו האדמו"ר הזקן

  8. Anon is right. The famous house of the Kotzker Rebbe burned down and was on a different street. This is the house of the rebbe right before WWII. But all the tour groups go to this house.

  9. ואס קען שוין זיין דא? the worst thing that can come out of my post is what?

    Its one thing to blog without conforming to facts AKA being mayfitz untruth AKA lying s'tam...its quite another to do so about the ahmud HaEmes of Kotzk
    אמת מארץ תצמח...ארץ בגימטריא קאצק


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