Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The ד' מינים only symbolize אחדות - Please keep the other types of Jews far, far away

You can say this about the Satmar Rov; he doesn't go with the flow. He sticks to his guns, no matter what. While everybody else is busy trying to unite, he keeps his fences up. Builds them even bigger and stronger. And he has all the proof in the world to back up his point. This is from the sefer חידושי תורה, not the דברי יואל. I wonder if it was published in the דבר"י as well.



  1. Hirshel
    Please ask your Satmar buddies that are updating you with satmar hatemongering torahs,
    the Rebbe starts out with the question, how come the torah does not write explicitly to bind together all the Jews....
    can I ask, how come Shloma haMelech in shir hashirim only wrote the 3 oaths, in poetry style, that you need the midrash to decipher its secrets....

  2. If you think the sukkos torah is good, look at the end of the machzor for yk

  3. Hirshel
    Please ask your Satmar buddies that according to the Zera Kodesh, Pesach is shining the concept of Daas by Yetzias Mitzraim, as the possek writes Leman Tiedhu (shemois 8-6)so that could pass for the reason that Chometz stands for Yetzer Hora and in a hidden fashion, because only Pesach you have to fight the Yetzer Hora.
    Its a Titelbaum style logic intertwined with a other Titelbaum torah, Mamesh Kafter voperach...
    or, this Zera Kodesh is Nishtakcho but the not the Zera kodesh of sukkos since it serves well the agenda


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