Thursday, October 24, 2013

In book news...

If you thought you were the velt's chochom who knew all the "secrets" over all the generations, all the stories that Chabad tries to "cover up" because it's so terribly "embarrassed" by them - this book is for you. As if. Portraits include: "Reb Nochum the Mitteler Rebbe's son, "DER MALACH," Reb Mendel Schneersohn בן אדמו"ר מהר"ש, and Berke Gurary.  If you're a Barry Gurary fan only because you hate The Rebbe and Lubavitch - and you know who you are - read the book and you might actually learn a few things. You may actually be surprised that a whole lot of what you heard about all of the above is hearsay, half-truths, and even lies. The book is due out today and can be ordered through or e-mail RCD at Now let me see Satmar put out a book about The Satmar Rebbe's daughter and what was done to her, or such similar events... And they say Chabad has secrets. Ha!


  1. Yeah, and Chana Gurary beat herself up.

  2. to Snag, get over it...Chana Gurary made a choice and if you'' read this book, the chapter on her son Barry, you'll understand the greater picture. Don't be closed minded...

  3. snag

    in order to be a snag, we need to believe a lot of emuna tfielas, included .....

    that the guy that beat up Rav Shtienman was a loony,
    but the guy that beat Chana was a stable run of the mill person

  4. I never heard anyting about the satmar rebbes daughter? what is this?

  5. Tzig,
    do u think that reading some lubobs hagiography will pass for "history"

    they spiked ur lool aid today?

    btw. dalfin claims to be a "parevist"
    not shlitanik
    not so called anti mashichist

    kool aid fest

  6. true, which is why I get all my Israeli news from al-Jazeera, only they're objective...

  7. Aljezeera is part of global zionist controlled media. you should know better.

  8. Listen my friends, fellow yidden. You are all worked up about chana gurary, but never has anyone thought that she was mevaze shem lubavitch. She went out writing against lubavitch, missionizing against it, eventually totally left, her son was barely frum, if at all. And then they come along and start fight that has not been parralled in history, against the chassidus that she felt was hers, and then you want to know why people beat her up? Come on?! Look at things as if you were in lubavitcher position. Don't just stand outside and make conclusions. All of you. Get your facts straight. Get a feeling of what was actually going on. And then make your decision. Otherwise find a different dogs bowl to steal from. Just to point out, they didn't want to go to a din torah, at her behest.

  9. so at least one Lubab on this site, Mr. Ohel Torah, thinks it was just fine to beat up Reb. Gurary.

  10. barely frum?? so where was your chabadsker kiruv and ahavas yisroel?

    I dont want a lubavitcher like you ever to talk smack to me about "poilshers" yelling shabbos at cars after what you just said.

  11. I didn't say it was fine. I said don't be so quick to judge. The way you snags come out and pout against this incident is just incredibly stupid. There's a lot to go at us for, why pick the one that can be explained emotionally? Whether right or wrong. If you still looking for topics to get tzukratzet over, I can give you some. Otherwise get a life.

  12. "why pick the one that can be explained emotionally?"

    Beating up an old lady can be explained emotionally?

    How many Lubavitchers feel the same way as you? These comments are very disturbing. Maybe the one who attacked her is more normal (using a Lubavitch litmus test) than might appear...

  13. " Maybe the one who attacked her is more normal"

    Unfortunately, Lubavitch has many kooks so this fellow was relatively normal.
    You know, though I think Lubavitch is a dangerous and sometimes incredibly silly movement, the fact that many disturbed individuals hang out there is because Lubavitch is a very accepting place (besides for certain things)I mean this a compliment.Unfortunately, instead of being accepting, but not letting disturbed or radical elements run the show, that is what happens sometimes

  14. You make her sound like a nrbach old lady who did nothing wrong. She asked for it. Again I never said it was justified. But she definitely asked for it.

  15. Ohel Torah
    "There's a lot to go at us for, why pick the one that can be explained emotionally"
    Emotionally, can not be explained, as chazal say Kanoin Pogin Boi, is
    Halocha vein morin Kien,
    It was a irrational violent move, It is understandable that a chosid that is not Moach Shalit al halev, to be Oiver on Rosho Loi Sake Riecho... even tough halachicaly there are poskim that write that if a talmid hit someone for the Kovad of his Rebbe, he can not be blamed,
    But it caused only a blemish on the Rebbe and harmed the case in the short term

  16. snag
    "Yeah, and Chana Gurary beat herself up."
    after a month where the snag world went berserk. where reb chaim the GODAL had a melt down with all the cursing,just for not Listening to his decision on who is the manhig..I would shut up for a week.

  17. 2 hours after the rebbe at the shabbos afternoon farbrangen stormed against those help Barry, screaming out of his lungs that they are playing with bombs that will explode,
    some one who was a shmash in the rebbes Secretariat broke into chanas apartment 2 floors above in 770 and attempted to murder her, luckily someone saved her, she survived her injuries,
    but got the message she should not dare to testify against her Sister in court
    that she was an equal partner in their parents inheritance ,
    so this is how the rebbes BOMBES resulted in the DIDON NUTZECH

  18. It's a free for all out there today.

  19. Ex lubavitcher you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

  20. A question to the author: would you be comfortable hink about it...

  21. Actually, it's the naked truth.

  22. Ex nobody
    "some one who was a shmash in the rebbes Secretariat broke into chanas apartment 2 floors above in 770 and attempted to murder her, luckily someone saved her, she survived her injuries,"
    blood libel 2013, are you working for Al sharpton, he is good at modern day blood libels

  23. Why "habad hasidism"?
    Is the lack of a "C" supposed to make him look like a non-habad observer?

  24. to Zelig,

    I don't understand yr question.

  25. Ex Nobody
    is your family name Piltz?

    "אני נגד הרב", צעק פילץ וטלטל את הגראי"ל שטיינמן
    כתב האישום שהוגש נגד יהודה פילץ החשוד בתקיפת מרן הגראי"ל שטיינמן מתאר שלב אחר שלב כיצד התנפל על ראש הישיבה, אחז בכתפו השמאלית ומשך אותו בחוזקה תוך שמטלטל אותו וצועק: "אני נגד הרב שטיינמן". פרקליטו: קיבל "הארה" שהגראי"ל הינו משיח בן דוד והוא משיח בן יוסף ולכן ניערו (חרדים)
    ישראל כהן|כ"ג בחשוון תשעד 14:4

  26. $13. 82 on amazon

  27. to תקלין עתיקי
    the amazon price is for the soft cover bk. the hard cover which has an entirely different feel etc is $25 plus shipping at

  28. This book was written according to academic standards which spells it Habad Hasidism. The Ch is the yiddish-loshon kodesh way of writing it. Clear?

  29. Sorry my keyboard went beserk. Question to Rabbi Dalfin: would you be comfortable presenting the Rebbe with a copy of your book?

  30. Zelig,
    The Rebbe was comfortable with the truth. Deutch (author of Larger Than Life)wrote a pamphlet mentioning the Rebbe's insane brother,gave it to the Rebbe, and the Rebbe didn't bat an eyelash.

  31. "hard cover which has an entirely different feel etc"


  32. Kvner
    its true that the Rebbe liked the truth, but he did not like the idiot Shinmi Dietchs work and Shimi never gave it.

  33. The text in the hard cover is identical

  34. Just spent an hour at my local bookseller, overly needless academic syntax. With editorializing why the Rayatz admittedly read haskola books.

    If he'll rewrite the book in normal readable English, it'll be a bestseller.


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