Tuesday, November 5, 2013

happenings at YU with @Hamashpia

 "Farbrengen with the Mashpia"

Sources from the farbrengen tell me it was an unbelievable sight. Dancing with a jam-packed crowd singing the Rosh Chodesh Kislev niggun! The air was electric. The crowd was estimated at 200 people!

 Listen to the farbrengen Here (h/t Menachem Butler @myshtender)


  1. I don't know why, but this guy gets under my skin. Maybe it's just the idea of an active YU guy putting on the levush and calling himself a Rebbe...

  2. the Rebbe with the golden bekiche, eating expensive grapes in silver bowls should go under your skin.They are one of the causes of kids leaving the fold....

  3. Anon 7:31, notice has been taken of the fact that you don't seem to be aware of what a chossid actually is.

  4. Why do kids leave the fold because the rebbe's wear golden bekitches and eat grapes?! Honestly what do you expect them to do, sit on the couch and fress potato chips? Your comment was a total non-sequiter. Now it may be that the mentioned rebbes do other things that cause kids to leave the fold, I don't know, but certainly eating grapes is not one of them.

    Anyway, they behave as such because they are trying to imitate their fathers, and please their chassidim.

    Weinberger, however, is worldly and a YUer, and the whole "Rebbe" thing just comes off to me as phony.

  5. To Anon- I've been listening to his shiurim for many, many years and he has never ever called himself a rebbe.

    To Chosid of the Besht- he doesn't do that type of rebbeshe stuff. He's very humble.

  6. I wonder if HaMasphia know's he's on twitter?

  7. Next stop 770 Eastern Parkway.

  8. what the heck are you all talking about ?,does wearing a chasidishe lvush make you a rebbe ?,he is Rav in an amazing kehila in Woodmere,and an amazing mashpia who has turned around the lives of thousands of Jews.
    The most amazing thing about him,in the same breath he can quote you the Satmarer and harav Kook,and by him it's both divrei elokim chaim

  9. He lights the public menora in the park for Lubavitch of the 5 towns.

    Let us know what was/is his shaychus with the Rebbe please. Did he ever get a brocho from the Rebbe? Dollars? Yechidus? Someone told me he used to visit Heichal Menachem in Boro Park. Does he visit the Ayhel?

    What is he - half Hagas and half Habad?

  10. not sure about the percentages of Hagat and Habad, but I do remember seeing him at HM in BP

  11. His daughter just married the Novominsker's nephew - or grand nephew - a few weeks ago. But the eidem had no beard. Oy vey.

    Nebech, some of those MO YU guys are so starved for spirituality, they are going mad over him. Like a starving person grabs at any morsel of food, even if it might be moldy.

  12. Lubavitcher are enjoying seeing the adoption of their terminology at YU, namely mashpia and farbrengen.

    Did they have mashkeh there too?

    Maybe the mashpia will brings some buses from YU on a trip to the Ayhel next!

    דידן נצח!

  13. Rabbi Weinberger does not proclaim himself a rebbe. But he does know much about Chassidus Breslov, Piasetzna, the writing sof rav A.I. Kook and Chaagas in general. I suspect he knows Chabad writings better than most of the shluchim as he does not have to fund raise 24-7 and run after PR So the problem is that Weinberger went to YU and "worldly" and can't be a rebbe well, there was another rebbe who attended a secular university and was worldly and became a well known rebbe
    Rabbi Weinberger is a great asset to YU's student body as a teacher and guide.
    I detect more than bit of jealousy in many of the comments here. Is it because some Yu guys will actualylbe able to discuss Cahssiduth with a master teacher rather than with a cohort of teen age Ohelei Torah guys who have issues in expressing themselves in any language. Rabbi Weinberger's seforim , and recoreded lectures speak for themselves.

  14. In answer to a question above, a friend of mine who is close to Rav Weinberger told me that the Rav visits the Ohel weekly.

  15. אוי מעלבונה של תורהWednesday, November 06, 2013 3:27:00 PM

    What is going on there at RIETS/YU? Used to be that one heard of Torah from there, from Roshei Yeshivos, the Beis Medrash, the gedolim there such as Rav Hershel Schachter shlita and so on. Now it is R. Weinberger-Weinberger-Weinberger?

    Kol zman Rav Charlop shlita was in charge, such a thing didn't happen. He kept the place on the Litvish derech of the mesorah of RIETS. Now they are all mixed up it seems.

    What kind of bizoyon is it to the real gedoilim there like Rav Schachter shlita, when a farbrengen gets a big crowd and buzz and clamor, people run to it, but a great shiur in niglah is considered not exciting, nothing special? A great gadol, sought from all over the world with sheilos is considered boring chas veshalom compared to this new faculty member?

    Oy, for the bizayon of Torah!

  16. By the way this is not yesh ma-ayin. The Koidenover rebbe R. Erlich has visited Yu several times and each time over 75 talmidim and even a few faculty (roshim) listen to him (and he speaks a poor English) and some give him kvitlech (no money needed. The Kaliver rebbe of Williamsburg also comes here and has 'yechidusen" I was curious to see the scene dozens of Yu boys came to him for brachos.
    Many years ago the Sadigerer Rebbe ZTL was off campus in the home of a rosh yeshiva . Well voer 120 bachurim came to see him. It was a meyridike Kiddush hashem. neither the Rebbe or his children (his son and son in law Sharf) spoke down to anyone. They accepted th talmidim as they were . many talmidim asked for brachos.. I was honored to meet he current Rebbe at that point.
    Instead of sending down teens to YU , why not send own a serious person from 770 to talk to students,In the years I have been here I can not recall a serious Lubavitcher either in nigle or Dach being here for this purpose.
    Efser heybt men on dem yor fun Yat Kislev ??? Start with a baal nigle as the people here think Chabad peoole can not learn. Lets show them the truth !!

  17. Oy Me'elbona:

    You are correct that since Rav Charlop was pushed out, the Yeshiva has lost its rudder.

    Such a talmid chacham, an ish eshkolos, who kept the yeshiva a yeshiva...he is not easily replaced. But nebuch, he wasn't kafuf to el Presidente, so he had to be pushed out.


  18. I guess you'd rather have מ"ז clubs in YU rather than have RMW preach Chassidus (gasp!)

  19. NO need to worry the kavod of the roshe yeshiva is in tact. Their shiurim are well attended but many talmidim coming back from Israel need chizuk and are looking for alternate means of achieving ruchnius.

  20. So el president is a chasid ? C"mon stop this nonsense , The successor to Rabbi Charlop is also gone. This post is administrative with some fund raising duties.Since when did this post set the spiritual tone of the yeshiva Did Norman Abrams set the tone of the yeshiva when he held this position ? The spiritual affairs in the yeshiva are guided by the roshe yeshiva not the dean or acting dean of RIETS or the president of YU. And in fact Rabbis Willig, Schachter, Simon, Goldzweig, Twersky (who himself has adopted certain nekudos of being an Admor of Tolna) Neuberger,Tendler and others set the tone of the yeshiva.
    TVD also had options besides the roshe yeshiva from Lita there were men like Rabbi Rivkin , Rav Wolfson , rav Sekula and others who gave the institution a bissel Chasidishkayt without taking away from the roshe yeshiva.
    YU is ahuge place with probably close to 1500 guys here. So Ia sk you everyone is supposed to have the same spiritual path ?

  21. Rabbi Weinberger's theology should be scrutinizedWednesday, November 06, 2013 5:44:00 PM

    People do not understand the radical and extreme stuff Rabbi Weinberger is preaching to the young, vulnerable, impressionable students.

    So some examples are in order, with mareh mekomos. A small selection follows.


    48:40 - If not for the light of the Baal Shem Tov there would be no one putting on tefillin today.

    51:13 - If there is someone who can give a strong krechtz of tshuvah or who puts on tefillin today it is due to the Baal Shem Tov

    8:20 Without Chassidus who knows if there would be one Jew left today.


    26:45 - The klal of niskatnu hadoros doesn't apply to Chassidic leaders. The Riminover And Lubliner had nothing to be embarrassed from Abaye veRava.

    Is no one in the administration monitoring him? They muzzled Roshei Yeshivas in the past, great men, but he is allowed to spout forth all kinds of nonsense and propaganda?

    Anyone awake in the hanhala?

  22. Oi Vey
    "Nebech, some of those MO YU guys are so starved for spirituality,"
    Why you call it nebech???

  23. Shneur
    "I detect more than bit of jealousy in many of the comments here. Is it because some Yu guys will actualylbe able to discuss Cahssiduth with a master teacher rather than with a cohort of teen age Ohelei Torah guys who have issues in expressing themselves in any language."
    you snide anti chabad comments are placed wrong.
    all the comments that criticize him are not from the chabad side, your chabad hate has to come up in each comment of yours.
    I listened to many chabad boys give a shiur Chasidus in Yiddish, for boys in a hiemishe chasidic yeshiva,The boys were extremely impressed and so was 1 mashgiach there....it was 3 sets of oholie torah boys changing every few weeks.I guess all the non articulate and ignorants meet you

  24. theology

    this is in line with basic Chassidic teachings. No big chiddushim here. And no, it's not necessarily Chabad either.

  25. Rabbi Weinberger's theology should be scrutinized said..
    I agree on every Vort that Rabbi Wienberg said, and so did the Avnie Nezer, Chidushie Harim, and the Marsham etc....And I am not so sure that RJBS was against some of this statements

  26. Elbono shel Torah
    "Kol zman Rav Charlop shlita was in charge, such a thing didn't happen. He kept the place on the Litvish derech of the mesorah of RIETS. Now they are all mixed up it seems."
    you are a old farbissene rosha,all the Talmidim of RIETS, sooner or later learn in college, and they hear every piece of Kefira on earth, and you have a problem with Rabbi Wienberg...

  27. Schneur
    "Instead of sending down teens to YU , why not send own a serious person from 770 to talk to students,In the years I have been here I can not recall a serious Lubavitcher either in nigle or Dach being here for this purpose.
    Efser heybt men on dem yor fun Yat Kislev ??? Start with a baal nigle as the people here think Chabad peoole can not learn. Lets show them the truth !!"
    It seems you are bored, you want they should come to get fodder for your chabad love affair.
    Leave YU for Kalev, Koidenev and Sadigur ... why are you instigating stealing their turg

  28. Anonymous Rabbi Weinberger's theology should be scrutinized said...

    all the quotes that you think are radical, is self undestood to every baal daas. if not for the baal shem tov, who would learn toras hagra?

  29. tzig, saying the Rimanover was as big in Torah as Abaya and Rava is standard chasidic theology? Are you sure? Is there a single real Gemara thought said from the Rimanover, or halachis teshuvah? I went to a chasidishe cheder, but i never knew we were that nuts.

    yes, i did hear the besht saved Yiddishkeit one many times.

  30. well, maybe not the Rimanover quote, his halachic tshuves (what??) not withstanding. But I'd bet dollars to donuts he didn't make it up

  31. "Start with a baal nigle as the people here think Chabad peoole can not learn. Lets show them the truth !!"

    Sadly you know the truth.....
    Very few Lubavitchers know too much, and none can hold a candle to the chosheve people in RIETS.
    So bringing a mediocre beard to bebbeh a sicheh will not do much.Probably just reiterate that Lubavitchers are mediocre at best

  32. "8:20 Without Chassidus who knows if there would be one Jew left today."


    This is absolute hogwash.
    Very silly.
    That being said, I have met Rabbi Weinberger and he is the sweetest of the sweet.Mosoik medavash, a real mentsch.
    If these quotes from him are accurate, it's just plain nonsense.But Chasidic seforim are full of this type of stuff, i mean early seforim even.Unbelievable for many is that CHABAD had the least amount of these bombastic statements!
    Yes, you heard me right!
    Chabad was moiach, deep toireh, much less focus on the leader/rebbe.The tragedy is that Chabad of the last two generations outdid the Chagasnikkes at their own game.
    I wonder where it will lead to

  33. ":45 - The klal of niskatnu hadoros doesn't apply to Chassidic leaders. The Riminover And Lubliner had nothing to be embarrassed from Abaye veRava".

    zig, saying the Rimanover was as big in Torah as Abaya and Rava is standard chasidic theology? Are you sure? Is there a single real Gemara thought said from the Rimanover, or halachis teshuvah? I went to a chasidishe cheder, but i never knew we were that nuts.

    in fact it is obvious that in chabad this statement is false; the chiddush is about the Alter Rebbe that "had he been itimesof tannoim he would be at tanna..." and on and on...but it is self understood that "niskatno hadoross" between regular tzadikim and abayeh verovoh,

    and btw...it seems that this talk (about the rebbes greatness and the amoraim etc.), by lubavitchers ends and nichtam by the Lubavitcher Rebbes...as a testimony you can see how this blog itself and many others belittles all rebbes and rebelelech from nowadays (just look at the post a day ago about their visits ....)

  34. Off topic: but see Rivkin family auction www.kestenbaum.net/hi_0513.php

  35. Anon
    "zig, saying the Rimanover was as big in Torah as Abaya and Rava is standard chasidic theology? Are you sure? Is there a single real Gemara thought said from the Rimanover, or halachis teshuvah? I went to a chasidishe cheder, but i never knew we were that nuts."
    Bringing proof is for Maskilim, chasidim are maminim...

  36. Anon
    "in fact it is obvious that in chabad this statement is false; the chiddush is about the Alter Rebbe that "had he been itimesof tannoim he would be at tanna..." and on and on...but it is self understood that "niskatno hadoross" between regular tzadikim and abayeh verovoh,"
    the chazon Ish writes in the Igrois.. on certain gedolim that he believed, I dont need the CI, since I am maamin, I am talking to you that obviously is Mikatnie Emuna

  37. Anon
    "and many others belittles all rebbes and rebelelech from nowadays"
    there were always charlatan. Look in Degel and in Komarner....
    Noting with Yeridas Hadoirois

  38. Shea
    "Very few Lubavitchers know too much, and none can hold a candle to the chosheve people in RIETS."
    you really think that chabad does not have the level of talmidie chachomim as RIETs..
    do you know both places that good to spew out this fact?

  39. alte chasid,
    what are you a maimin in exactly?

  40. Zionist Chasidus is the path to YUThursday, November 07, 2013 7:39:00 PM

    Why has Rabbi Weinberger been able to make this historic breakthrough and become the new darling sensation of (parts of) the YU-MO crowd?

    There are various reasons. One is that they were starved for spirituality like deep machshovoh. But another important reason, is that unlike many other Chasidim, he embraces, even teaches from the school of Rav Kook. That removes a significant barrier separating MO and other Chasidim.

  41. Watch Rabbi Weinbeger when the crowd is smaller and RY's and menahel aren't thereThursday, November 07, 2013 7:44:00 PM

    Rabbi Weinberger is very clever. He also conceals his disdain for the Litvish way of RIETS. If you follow him carefully you will still catch it, but when he speaks for an oilam like Monday night, with RIETS menahel and Roshei Yeshivos there, he sounds like he is just about machshovoh and hisoirerus, and what could be bad?

    But they need to watch him carefully, not just when they are there and he is more guarded in his speech. He is feeding dangerous things to the naive young MO crowd from Teaneck, 5T and so on. Like bobbe mayses of alleged Chagas mofsim. They don't know enough about Chasidim to be on guard sufficiently.

  42. Dovy in NJ
    "what are you a maimin in exactly?"
    Veyamini Beshem Uvemoshe Avdoi

  43. alte,
    oh my bad. i thought you meant you were a maimin that the Rimanover and Lubliner were on par with Abaye and Rava. Of course no one could be that obtuse.

  44. Rabbi Moshe Weinberger talesFriday, November 08, 2013 4:22:00 PM

    Some other things he said in his intro to Chasidus

    1) When the Berdichever died R. Nachman Breslaver said to check tefillin, all tefillin became posul.

    Give me a break.

    Did the Alter Rebbe tell all Chabadskers the same?

    2) The chozeh could see tow hundred miles ahead of him.

    That is what he is teaching the bochurim from Teaneck at YU? That is Chasidus? HT, you accept those Paylishe bobbe mayses?

  45. Rabbi Moshe wienberger
    Rabbi Wienberger read all the Hakodomas of Reb chaim Valozhiner on his Rebbe the Gra, and adapted it to chasidic names...
    its the Misnagdic education that did it... dont blame him... blame the Misnagdim of Yu

  46. וימת יוסף וכל אחיו

    ויקם מלך חדש אשר לא ידע את יוסף

    Josephh passed away and all his brothers.

    And there arose a new king that did not know (Rabbi) Joseph (B. Soloveichik). Unlike his predecessor he was not a student of the Rav and didn't have the YU-Brisker-Litvish mesorah in his bones. The new people didn't have the Litvish intellectual tradition of the Rav engrained in them. So they took an unprecendented step, bringing in the anti-Soloveitchik, a Chassidic Rebbe. After all, what is the worth of staying faithful to the legacy of the Rav, if we can get a few more students with a new hire?

    And the new hire proceeded to thank them by stating that all Yiddishkeit that exists today is due to Chassidus. If a Jew puts on tefllin now it is due to the Baal Shem Tov. Basically telling them that all your Brisker-YU-Litvish mesorah is worth nothing and a colossal waste of time. How nice and polite and grateful.

    They should at least formally change his title to Chassidic mashpia, or Chassidic Rebbe on campus, so people should know what he actually is. The naive young students shouldn't think that he is an old fashioned Litvish mashgiach, while he is far from it!

  47. to vayomos yaisef:
    Shaiteh shekimaischa!
    Read Soloveichik's own words about (Chabad) Chasidus and its influence on him and his Yiddishkeit (hint: it is huge). It is not far from what Weinberger is saying!
    True, though, that Chabad generally does not speak with such vildkeit. Theatrics (including mental theatrics) smells from chitzoinios, which is not a derech arucha uktzara.
    Shalom al yisroel, kol haneharos holchim el hayam, i will even forgive him the Rav Kookisms.

  48. Paid hasbaranchik -

    Which of the following of Rabbi Weinberger's recent teachings at YU do you think the Rav would agree with?

    1) Without Chassidus there would be no one putting on tefillin.

    2) No yeridas hadoros with Chasidus, the Lubliner and Riminover had nothing to be ashamed of ligabei Abaye VeRava.

    3) If a Yid has a krechtz of tshuva it is due to the Baal Shem Tov.

    4) All tefillin became posul when the Berdichever was niftar.

    5) The Chozeh could see two hundred miles away.

    Answer - none of the above.

    And you claim that the Rabbi Weinberger is going in the derech of the Rav??

  49. "kol haneharos holchim el hayam"

    עיין רש"י בראשית פרק א

    אינו דומה טעם דג העולה בעכו לטעם דג העולה באספמיא

  50. Einoi Domeh
    both are good, just different flavors....like the flavors of Ben and Jerrys

  51. reality check:
    i did not say the Rav and MW were identical. I said they were "not far." Certainly not as far as you would like to imagine them. You are like the student who the Rav berated when he was trying to give a shiur in Likuttei Torah during Elul and you wanted to hear nigleh. HE then cited a story from Peretz about a misnaged killing the mood at a Rebbe's raavin d'raavin.
    If you have not heard the recording of the Rav's speech on Yat Kislev, in which he hints that he is a hidden chosid, then i can't blame you for being clueless.

  52. The Rav was a Marrano hidden Chasid??Friday, November 15, 2013 4:09:00 PM

    "Rav's speech on Yat Kislev, in which he hints that he is a hidden chosid"

    Oy vey. Now you are blowing the Rav's cover! You are outing the Rav as a Chosid, who nebech was forced to pose as a Brisker Litvak!

    I wonder what his children would say about that claim.

    This shows how people need to be careful about what they say, lest people come later and twist their words or draw mistaken conclusions.

    Perhaps the Rav was also a Chasid of the Rebbe and came to the farbrengen in 1980 to be mekabel malchus?

  53. Yud tes Kislev at YU this year - Massive Didan Notzach Farbrengen, Chasidic New Year Bash with new Mahspia?Friday, November 15, 2013 4:12:00 PM

    A week from today is Yud tes Kislev. They should make a big celebration at YU for the the Lubavitcher New Year, it being the first year that they have a real Chassidic Rebbe on staff!

    HT, will you be attending? Big farbrengen, didan notzach at YU?

    Who's bringing the mashkeh?

  54. Sigh. The single biggest influence at YU remains R' Schachter Shlita. He is the link in the chain from the Rav. R' Weinberger will appeal to a certain type of individual. Good luck to him. If that makes them learn and do, that's great. One forgets that YU had R' Shimon Schwab and R' Dovid Lifshitz on staff. They weren't exactly Torah U'Madda types. YU takes the best and those who have an open mind. The Rav attempted to teach Likutei Torah, and Rav Schachter has no problems quoting the Tanya (and neither does Rabbi Lamm). Kerem B'Yavneh used to have a Mashgiach Ruchni who read palms!

  55. When was Rav Schwab on the staff at yu?

  56. Marrano (and i don't mean that im kol harimazim shebazeh):
    When I say the Rav was a hidden chosid, I don't mean of the Rebbe. I mean of Chasidus.
    For those who did not hear the tape. He says: By the end of my lecture, you will know whether perhaps I am a chosid. He then goes on to talk about how his Yiddishkeit is very much informed by the Alter Rebbe. There, or elsewhere, he talks about how Rosh Hashanah meant nothing to him unless he recalled the words of his Chabad melamed.

  57. Rabbi Moshe Weinberger is not continuing the old derech at YUTuesday, November 19, 2013 2:28:00 PM

    "The Rav attempted to teach Likutei Torah, and Rav Schachter has no problems quoting the Tanya (and neither does Rabbi Lamm)."

    The Rav taught Likutei Torah on a limited level during the summer in Boston, not at Yeshiva. That was on his own, not part of YU. And he did it as a Misnaged, not as a Chosid.

    If Rabbi Schachter and Dr. Lamm mention the Tanya, similarly, it is just occasionally and not part of a formal Chassidus class. And Rav Schachter would be open to acknowledge questions on it. As opposed to Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, who is not teaching it in the same critical way, rather as part of a systematic effort to bring Chassidus to YU.

  58. The Rav was not a ChassidTuesday, November 19, 2013 2:30:00 PM

    "When I say the Rav was a hidden chosid, I don't mean of the Rebbe. I mean of Chasidus.
    For those who did not hear the tape. He says: By the end of my lecture, you will know whether perhaps I am a chosid. He then goes on to talk about how his Yiddishkeit is very much informed by the Alter Rebbe. There, or elsewhere, he talks about how Rosh Hashanah meant nothing to him unless he recalled the words of his Chabad melamed."

    Perhaps a Chossid, safeik Chossid is not a Chossid.

    ספק חסיד אינו חסיד

    Yes, he was influenced by it, but influenced by is not same as being one

  59. Rabbi Moshe Weinberger is not continuing the old derech at YU said...

    "The Rav taught Likutei Torah on a limited level during the summer in Boston, not at Yeshiva. That was on his own, not part of YU. And he did it as a Misnaged, not as a Chosid."

    the Rav quoted the Alter Rebbe in the Moriah shull shiurim, He quoted it by the shiurim in yshiva, he gave lectures in Likutie torah and he was no chosid..
    What more do u need for proof, eat Kugel on Reb Mier Premishlaners Yartziet

  60. Setting the record straightWednesday, November 20, 2013 2:10:00 PM

    There is a big difference between occasionally using or borrowing ideas from a sefer and endorsing all the shitos of the author and his group.

    If Chassidim say over Brisker Torah from Rav Chaim, does that mean that they are Briskers and have renounced Chassidus? Same here.

  61. Whoever owns this blog is allowing a lot of lashon hara and bizayon talmidei chachamim. Not good things

  62. The comments here are so saddening and one of the big reasons why Moshiach is still delayed.

    Why are we discussing as some kind of problem a Rebbe who is inspiring Jews to deepen their Judaism? If Rav Weinberger is not your speed, so go find a Rav or Rebbe who is, but why detract? Why be negative? Why discuss these issues? Do they add any goodness to life, to Torah, to Hashem? I guarantee you that Hashem is not pleased at all with so many of the comments here. YU asked Rav Weinberger to teach there because they felt there is a population there who would greatly appreciate him there and there is. YU is known for having a very eclectic and amazing staff and they created that even more by hiring Rav Weinberger. What is the problem? Stop being negative and move on.

  63. Yasher koach HT for hosting this important discussion.

    The fact that this site allows frank and honest exchanges, and the high quality, often exclusive scoops, type of material it presents, is why it is so popular among mevinim.

    Keep up the great work!

  64. "Why be negative? Why discuss these issues?"

    Why is Rabbi Weinberger negative when discussing the Litvish derech in Yiddishkeit?


Please think before you write!
Thanks for taking the time to comment
ביטע טראכטן פאר'ן קאמענטירן, און שרייבן בכבוד'דיג, ווי עס פאסט פאר אידן יראי השם

ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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