Wednesday, January 15, 2014

יאללה, רבינו!

Who says being frum and chassidish can't be fun and kosher?


  1. What in the world does chasidish mean?

  2. this is so goyish. I finally joined the anti-lipa bandwagon after his most recent album. he really crossed the line.

    you cant make this kind of music without regularly listening to treife music that is filled with znus and kol isha.

  3. all for the greater good, Yanover. to purify the evil music...

  4. What kind of format are the videos posted in? I can't view them on my Galaxy 3.

  5. @yanover, where pray tell me was the line? What was kosher about his last cd that's lacking in his new one?

    Mbd started the concept of a 'hasidic' singer singing garbage for the dregs of society. He's now a bt and will only sing for separate seating crowds. Lipa has said that Mbd is his role model. Meaning that he will have to become a bigger shaigetz to be able to become a bigger bt.

    Music performed by a beard doesn't mean that it's Jewish. Certainly not Chasidishe.

    Matisyahoo, 8th day and Lipa all look / looked Jewish. Their music never was.

    For shame.

  6. Lipa used to have very varme gezangen in the old early yiddish tapes. Jewish music always adapts to the surrounding secular music. There is no such thing as "jewish music". We always borrow from others. But there is Kosher and unkosher for sure.

    MBD didnt take tunes and themes from secular music. (i think he did once, and he was called out on it, and as you say he doesnt anymore).

    Do you think Napoleons March and Sol Kokosh Mar are Jewish songs?

    for me the line was when the artist clearly spent hours listening to shikse pop-stars.

  7. yanover, once? he did it at least 5 times. shir hashalom, yidden, daddy dear, heilige shabbos that was taken from joseph and his technicolor dreamcoat...just to name a few.

  8. Do you think Napoleons March and Sol Kokosh Mar are Jewish songs?

    no. they arent jewish songs. they are goyishe songs that inexplicably had nigunom made from them, by very great yidden,not poshei yisrul.

  9. Dovy, I didnt realize there were so many. Honestly I couldnt recognize or name the songs that MBD got those from. Heilige shabbos?? wow. I never knew. The only one i knew of was Yiden yidden (though I dont know what it came from).

    My point is , im lenient with myself in listening to Jewish musicians who take a little bit from the nochrim, because its inevitable. Attack me for it if you want.

    But the truth is most jewish "music" is garbage anyway and isnt worth listening to. it rots your brain. whether its Baruch Levine or Lipa.

    I have a book i recieved called "the torah is not hefker." It is the most asinine and hilarious attempt to say why MBD and Avruhom Fried is assur to listen to. Based almost entirely off of misquoted torah sources and sily attempts at accademic sources (most from racist 1950's magazines). - I recommend it to those who canget their hands on it... just because.

  10. "for me the line was when the artist clearly spent hours listening to shikse pop-stars."

    Is this the only problem, that he stole it from some Goi or Shikse? why is it different then when Klien or Mehadrins Ice cream steal a flavor from Ben and Jerry's and make it Cholov Yisroel? its all taivas....
    I dont see the problem with Lipa Nigunim, you can say it is tasteless, it is wild, but why is it goyish? because this is the nigunum of america in 2014?. and Melitz and Modzitz were the nigunim of the opera in the 1920's and 1930's?
    For last 10 years certain Mechanchem (who don't understand chinuch)that claim Lipa is the root of all evil and he is the source for all OTD boys.... Abe Shor and many others are ranting against him. Lipa is a little tipesh from New Square and tries to make a living with his voice, like Abe Shor is making a living with is Iliuishe Kop....there is no difference. Nobody became Frie because of Lipa, its the opposite he produces entertainment for this boys on the verge, to keep them in the ghetto.We will be worse off without Lipa, when boys will go from the yeshiva that they were not accepted to the club with the shikses.Whoever has a little eidelkiet does not listen to him, but why all this war, this faux zealotry, that are turning off many youngsters.
    Lipa can be a vessel for great goodness, use him, don't ruin him, Avrohom shor is a vessel for faux zealotry waiting every morning for a new Pirtza, He was king for awhile when the war against smartphones broke out, now he is sitting in the fire station waiting for a caller with a fire on hand

  11. Why do tastes become opinions? Some people like this and some like that. we should stop making עיקרי הדת out of personal preferences.
    the poshei yisroel statement is unacceptable. he is a jew like any other and nobody can prove any outstanding issur he did that would classify him in such extremely terms

  12. This can't be any worse then call of the shofar? ah hirshil, you think it is worse, or even on the same level?

    Instead of you lubav's going crazy about what other's do, look in your own basket.

  13. I have only one thing to say about Lipa. Reb Boord vu is dayn boord !!


  15. Pinchas BenEluzer -

    The problem is not that Lipa "stole tunes" from nochrim and shikses, Country Yossi has done that for years.

    he problem is that Lipa clearly listens to Kol Isha. One can not make the references he does without doing so. This is an issur in halacha.

    Maybe we can be dan lchaf zchis and rely on the heter shebiHeter that recorded kol isha is not ervah. Though really rov poskim say that the erva of kol isha is a metzius, like a photo of uncovered hair etc.


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