Monday, January 6, 2014

is it the Chabad that bothers MK Gafni? Maybe not.

MK Gafni of UTJ is upset that Chabad shluchim would be recognized as having performed National Service

I don't claim to understand Israeli politics. Never really did. As an American Jew I have a hard time understanding the Israeli Charedi mentality sometimes. I don't claim to know better, but I'm puzzled by what gets published in the frum press over there. I can understand that they're in a major bind over there - with mandatory military conscription making it impossible for most men to seek employment, but what I don't get is why they don't come out and say it! Say that you want to go to work but the Government won't allow you to. You hear it here and there from guys like Yisroel Eichler, but the Litvakkes make as if mamesh they all wanna learn in Kolel forever... But I gotta believe that when Gafni saw that Chabad shluchim would be recognized as having done שירות לאומי he blew a gasket. Here he is fighting the Government for months and months, and then these blasted Chabadskers go and pull the rug out from under him! Remember now; Moshe Gafni is an old Degel guy, brought to power by the late Ponovizher Rosh Yeshiva. He has no real love for us Chabadskers. We all and always knew they weren't חרדים. I couldn't even tell you if this was an officially-sanctioned idea, or whether it was a few politically connected guys in Chabad who came up with the idea and pushed it through. I don't even like it, truthfully; it seems like אני את נפשי הצלתי and everyone else can figure it out on their own...


  1. it makes chabad look like zionists. the zionists consider it a benefit to themselves what chabad does? I guess being a hotel for israeli chilonim in Nepal is a service for the State.. somehow...

    But i wouldnt see why gafne would be pissed off about it. he could learn a few tricks from chabad. They always copy chabad eventually. Maybe now the shachniks will go on shlichus to avoid the army.

  2. Do you think Zaka or Hatzala would ever agree to this arrangement?

  3. now that chabad has set the precedent, gafni should be working to try to get volunteer work for mosdos like hatzolah,zakah, and yad sarah, and tomchei shabbos (or whatever it's israeli equivelant is) recognized as national service. eli beer from hatzolah told me like a year ago that he was working on this for hatzolah. not sure if he ever succeeded.
    this wouldn't solve everything, but it would be a big help for a lot of people who want to work legally but for now are forced to hondel unter der tish.

  4. I think it is rather simple to explain. The Israeli public in general has a positive view of Lubavitchers because they see that Lubavitchers have a positive view of them.

  5. Does merkos or whoever is in charge really want the zionist regime to dictate the parameters of shlichus, who where and how long? It's a dangerous move. Short term benefits long term harm.

  6. שירת הים in yiddish

  7. Shazar was the head shliach in Israel, so it makes sense.

  8. Not a Harry
    "Does merkos or whoever is in charge really want the zionist regime to dictate the parameters of shlichus, who where and how long? It's a dangerous move. Short term benefits long term harm. "
    Majority of the mosdois in Israel,outside of some yerushalmi mosdois are taking money from the Government for the last 60 years. noting bad happened out of it, it just build up torah on a mass scale. the same in KJ NY the mosdois are funded thru the government too. Now, there are some bumps on the road, and it will be smootened out. So why should chabad not take whatever funds they could get.

  9. Accepting such a deal means accepting the principal of the tmimim doing sherut leumi. Once your suckered in, the evil ones can always change the definitions, but the bochrim are already stuck serving.

  10. Divide and conquer is the MO of today's anti-charedi politicians. They created the beney Berak - Yerushalayim fight, or exploited splits already extant and magnified them. This is a conspiracy and it is sad to see people blame this one or that one, when a more powerful force is behind it. By removing Chabad from the fight, they have increased the divisions amongst their opposition. That is the true danger.
    I do not think that Chabad would have been such a major influence here, but you never know. Maybe some politician somewhere could be influenced by a chabad shliach somewhere. Now they have removed one problem.

  11. It didn't sound right and I'm glad I followed the link. He says not a word against Chabad:

    ח"כ משה גפני, תקף את הצביעות של הממשלה, בדבריו אמר, "במהלך השנים טענו בפניי שפעילויות החסד של הציבור החרדי, הינו דבר מבורך, אך המדינה אינה מכירה בפעילויות אלה, מהסיבה שזה צריך להיות במסגרת המערכת. מתברר שכל הוויכוח איתי במהלך השנים, אינו נכון, לא רוצים את החרדים, ומכיוון שאני נגד החוק, אני רוצה שההסתייגות של שטרן לא תתקבל". בהמשך דבריו, תקף ח"כ גפני את המדינה ואמר " פשוט מתנהגים בצביעות, אף אחד אינו מתווכח על התרומה של שליחי חב"ד, מישהו מתווכח על תרומתם של ארגוני החסד החרדים. אך עתה מתברר, שזה לא מעניין אף אחד, רק לא רוצים חרדים"

    BTW does this blog count as Sherut Ezrachi?


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