Saturday, February 15, 2014

סיפורו של המנהיג הניאו נאצי שחזר בתשובה - בזכות שלוחי כ"ק אדמו"ר זי"ע



    How times have changed! Read Rav Elyashiv's psak in the artice

  2. Chabad in Buda, is constantly in the News...

  3. where in BP or Willy could the (REAL) Pester Rov get such an apartment?! It's for the books.

  4. it brought tears to my eyes to see him put on a tallis. oy ma yihiyeh lanu.

  5. the apartment is for the books, Because the rav has a lot of seforim.
    I visited him once, he has a lot of Seforim and knows them all,
    His house is on a very historic spot.. its across the court yard of the Neolog temple where many Jews were buried by the Budapest ghetto era....
    Layers upon layers


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