Tuesday, April 29, 2014

FINALLY! The Oylem in the ERCSD is getting their act together and FIGHTING BACK!

It's been years of negative press and outright lies. Years that our blood has been sucked. Years that we've been made to look like thieves stealing from the poor and unfortunate. Taking away their after school programs and daycare. Their band practice. Their football uniforms. The politicians, who are supposed to help ALL peoples in the community, have thrown us to the dogs, rather than change funding formulas or work on a solution. We've become fair game when all other groups are off limits. It's OK to talk about the Orthodox/Ultra-Orthodox leeches who steal our school taxes. The press, of course, is in on this mass-lynching hook, line and sinker. Guys like that "goody-goody" from Uri-L'Tzedek have also chimed in... Many of us have wondered where our so-called community activists are, and why they allow the community to be so viciously maligned?! But now I hear these a concerted effort to fight back.

See what Rabbi Avi Shafran has to say about this issue

Step 1 is the press conference today in Monsey today:

 Inter-Community Press Conference with major announcement regarding the East Ramapo predicament. 

 WHAT: Clergy, elected officials, activists and leaders from a broad spectrum of the East Ramapo family will make a major announcement regarding the East Ramapo Central School District WHERE: The Atrium, 401 W Route 59, Monsey NY 10952.
(between E-Z Line Carwash and Chase Bank) 

When: Tuesday April 29, 1:30 PM

It's a start. Let's see where this get us.

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