Monday, May 26, 2014

יותר מדי "קנאות" עושה אותך סתם רשע

שווער צו גלייבען אז דאס קומט פון סאטמאר רב, אבער אזוי שטייט


  1. וואס איז שווער? ער שאצט אפ, און מער ווי ער האלט איז צו פיל. ופשוט

  2. Hirshel
    check your files it was posted ion your blog once

  3. your caption is a distortion to his words
    BTW he also said many times that overly doing kiruv make you into a rusha like carlbach and schechter

  4. BTW, its also a fact that he tossed jokers out of Rodney Street for going overboard, like Shneebalg, Meir, Shvartza Satmer, Vech'...even Yossil Ashkenazi chapped a pesak for being a smart boy....

  5. Hello there....
    How have you been?
    Another Gimmel Tammuz is upon us...
    How long since the original?I've lost count.....
    A git schabbes, alles gits


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