Saturday, June 28, 2014

עיה"ת איז "מקבל מרות" פונעם גדול הדור ושר התורה... צי ר' מלכיאל וויל צי ער וויל נישט

I've been made to understand that the visit this week of Reb Aryeh Finkel, son חז"פ, grandson of Reb Lazer Yudel, and Roshiveh of Mir-Brachfeld is not so poshut. Despite the grapes and glass of tea it wasn't what Reb Malkiel had in mind to be doing that day. And it wasn't his choice in guest speaker. But he too had to bow to the folks at Hazon Ish 5 --- not that RALS actually is at the helm of this באנדע, they just use him. But what I don't understand is why they sent a B-list (excuse the expression) gadol over here. Yes, he's elderly, but still. No REAL star power. Then again, Reb Moshe Hillel Hirsh is there every second week. Reb Berel Povarski is not welcome there, (הערה לאח"ז  - at least he wasn't until this week...) and Reb Aron Leib is too old. That leaves whom? Reb Dov Yaffe? nah. So RAF was the only choice. They already used the Satmar Rebbe... LOL.


  1. What is your definition of being מקבל מרות מרות?

  2. Don't believe everything you read on Shoulzon's blog

  3. I realized that 2 weeks ago Rav Povarsky gave his shiur in Pinters shul on the other side of the lake, not in BMG.There was a huge crowd there, the Yeshiva is not too effective this days on their selection who is in who is out.

  4. What do they have against R. Berel?

  5. Reb Berl was on the צד שני in the מעשה הידוע

  6. No you people are all dead wrong. Reb Berel did in fact give a Shuir in BMG. He then met with Reb Malkiel at his home. The pictures can be seen in this weeks Yated Ne'eman.

  7. Tziggy, for your own benefit remove this post. You have no idea how your insulting yourself by ploppling about this issue and there is almost nothing that you wrote that is even close to being on the the mark. They say about Shoulson: whatever he writes assume the opposite. Don't do this to yourself. even by mistake...

  8. Lakewood works a little different
    Ramk could care less which gadol they import from china as long as he brings along a checkbook

  9. Bais Shalom coffee roomFriday, July 04, 2014 1:49:00 PM

    OMG, I cant I cant! this article is hilarious! anyone who read this and knows anything about Lakewood is surely laughing so hard, enough to be hospitalized! Hershel You have it so wrong. From the first word to the last.
    Boy whoever your sources are they must really have something against to make you look like a fool like this,
    The only comparison I have for this is "Noach mit ziben greisen"....

  10. Everything here couldn't be further from the truth.
    They really aren't too involved in all the Israeli politics at BMG. Maybe the bare minimum. Also They always bring a guest speaker for the tent event. RAF was by far the biggest star yet.

  11. Noooo....Basiclly I disagree along with everyone else that knows anything.
    Maybe ur 2nd grader can explain it to u

  12. IIRC r dov yaffa was there already in the past few years, so was rav hirsh. they try to bring someone "new" every year to the kollel event. keep on dreaming.

  13. the only thing i'd say you wrote that is glaringly wrong is that RAF is not a "b-lister". He has been an "A-lister" for quite some time now (on the same level as Rav Y. Sheiner, Rav M.H. Hirsh, Rav B. Povarsky, Rav Y. and G. Edelstein, Rav Yoffe (who came last year), Rav Y Hillel, Rav BM Ezrachi vechulu, meaning slightly below the level of Maran of which there are only 3 now.)
    surprised no mention of the noted Mechaber Sefer, Hagaon Rav DH's drasha in the tent. I guess you're not up on that part of the circus.

  14. dovy I agree its only fitting that a blog with the name "circus tent" should at least have all the info. of "The Great Tent Event".

  15. to dovy, i must say i had a good laugh.

    finkel is not A or B he is C after sheiner, and for sure after hirsh and ezrachi, and of course does not come close to reb gershon.

  16. anon,
    I'm glad you're on a last name basis with them all. I guess you have to be "of course" bigger to even deserve a "Reb".


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