Monday, May 5, 2014

הרב ר' יאשע בער סאלאווייטשיק ע"ה רעדט אין תשכ"ה פון מזרחי, בריסק, ליובאוויטש און זייערע באציאונגען צו מדינת ישראל - אידיש

 part of it we played a while back here.


  1. As entertaining as listening to R Yontiv Ehrlich... But not as frum, though better than Dzigan.

  2. Not as frum? Do me a favour, he was medakdek B'halocho Kchut Hasaroh. Ay, it's not your halocho, good luck to you. I'm with him, any time, any day,

  3. Not as frum. I'll take the Rav's frumkeit where he was medakdek B'Halocho Kchut Ha'saaroh anyway anytime.

  4. The way he practiced dikduk bhalocha is what kept him religious, unlike heshel etc.

    I read his discussion about יום העצמות in holtzers book when it first came out. What I found most striking was his lack of clear vision and mostly leadership. 20 plus years after the founding of your medinaleh, you still have not established how you want it ceremonied? Sit and laugh at the amaratzis of his own students. Why didn't he teach them anything?! Establish what part of hallel to say, when to say kadish tiskabel etc.

  5. Krum not frum

    The letter of the Lubavitcher rebbe contains the concerns of all gedolei Yisroel in dealing with him. He was a lonely man of faith, but what he believed was subject to change.

    His talmidim and moosmakhim span the spectrum of a rainbow tallis. They will all honestly be telling you that they act based on his teachings. Fealty to halacha, shulchan aruch halacha, not so fast...

  6. Not a Harry. Can I politely suggest that you really need to read Kol Dodi Dofek in English. Sichas Chulin verbatim doesn't do justice to a Brisker Gaon who made sure his full feelings were known, understood, medusas, and mekubal by an Oilom HaTorah of Yereim and Shleimim, who may not be your Oilom.

    He was an authentic Gadol B'Yisroel whom Gedolay Olom engaged in Torah constantly. Even his Uncle, who differed with him on matters of Hashkofo, exchanged Torah with him in letters which are printed in the back of Chidushei HaGriz. He and his Uncle disagreed on matters of Israel, but that's hardly something that is much more than a repeat of our history M'dor Dor. Holzers books are nice, but they aren't the Ksovim of the Rav, which are Mugah. Like a typical Brisker, the Rav's Ksovim are plentiful and sit in filing cabinets but he wouldn't release them unless he was 120% happy with every word. Ignore the Oilom HaSheker and understand that he was a Gadol and Gaon BeYisrael who dares to have a view to the extent that he broke away from Aguda. At the same time, he criticised the Mizrachi for some things and wasn't afraid to pick up the phone, for example after the Sabra and Shatilla massacres and insist it was a Chillul Hashem not to investigate what happened. I admit, his English is sophisticated, but you need to realise that even in Yiddish, his language was stupendous and unparalleled.

  7. I read plenty. English Yiddish and heebroo. He was a gaon olam, albeit krum. He failed in his role as a leader and "melamed".

    This debacle regarding independence day is a prime example. The chaxan in a shul, certainly in a yeshiva can do nothing without the gabai. The gabai is dependent on the rav/rabbinical leadership of the makom tefila. At least such is the case on this side of the pond. I would love to see an explanation.

  8. His sabra and shatila kiddush Hashem concerns haunt Israel to this very day. Needlessly.

  9. Isaac, you seem to view and judge the rav by his writings rather than by his actions.

  10. Pitput provided the fuel which left his getchgalach cut down to size and can't deal with the logical conclusion. The Lubavitcher rebbe wrote the well known American truth about JB.


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