Tuesday, May 6, 2014

?מי בתמונה

????משמאל הרב ר' בונים אלתר, מימין הרב מפוניבז'? ובאמצע


  1. r' avrohom kalmanovitz not ponovezh rov

  2. That's not not the Ponovitzer Rov, it's Rav Avrohom Kalmanovitz...

  3. 1) I asked if it is.

    2) You can't REALLY be sure it's him.

  4. The Chasenah looks like it took place in America, or at least the guests were American, so that would exclude R'Simcha Bunim, if it took place in America...
    The Chosson seems to be wearing a kappota, something a bit unusual at the time for a boy without a beard.

  5. look who's talking as if he knew them... OF COURSE it's Reb Binem!

  6. Shlomo
    The Lev Simcha visited the US both before anf after he became Rebbe. It was the Bais Yisrael who refused to leave Eretz Yisrael.

  7. Shlomo
    One other thing -- quite a few Gerrer that I grew up with who were the "moderner" -- that is clean shaven and students of American Yeshivas -- who might even have gone to college -- wore a beckedsha for their weddings or when they visited the Rebbe. Some even wore them every Shabbos.

  8. Sorry if i came off as "knowing" if it's R'Simcha Bunim.
    I don't know.Looks like
    him quite a bit.My thought process was that if the chasenah took place in America it's less likely that it would be him.Not impossible.There were alteh mirrer that were Gerrer chasidim, such as R'Tzodok Sheingartens brother from Chicago, R'Chaim Zimmermans brother in law, who went by the name Shain.
    I know that you have an eye for pictures so this is not a theological debate.You may very well be right
    So, i"m not sure its r'simcha bunim, and not sure it's the ponovizher rov

  9. i am 1000% that it is the lev simcha and r' kalmanovitz the chasunah was in America in the 50's the picture was taken by harry trainer.i do not know who the chosson is.

  10. I have the full picture in my collection

  11. @unknown
    Send em in!

  12. A friend of mine, whose father was one of those modern gerer chasidim, told me that he heard from his father, that he remembers that R' Bunim visited his shtibel in the '50s and advised the chasidim to invest in "sand dunes" in central Eretz Yisroel, claiming that someday they'll be worth a lot of mine. Everyone disregarded his advice. R' Bunim did invest, and by the time he was niftar they were worth a few hundred million dollars!

  13. I'm guessing, but might the Choson's initials be M.L.?

  14. Rav Binem Alter and Rav Avrohom Kalmanovich & the unknown Chosson?


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