Friday, May 9, 2014

They had threatening Tznius posters in pre-War Hungary too!

  come to shul with short sleeves - or revealing clothing - and lose your seat and no refund on your dues!


  1. please put some effort to read it,
    if not ask grandma to read for you the Magyar part

  2. hirshel
    Ausgesniten is not revealing..

  3. closest translation I could think of

    "cut-out" clothing in English doesn't sound right

  4. Hungary? It was all of Klal Yisroel. The Chofetz Chaim, no Hungarian by any means, wrote in a famous letter:

    “A huge fire has broken out in many places through the despicable styles which the power of uncleanliness has unleashed”... The is why blessing and prosperity has left us...

    To a large degree this despicable style negates the statement of the Torah:

    “Your camp should be holy and there should not be found therein erveh”

  5. See also a letter from the Tiferes Shmuel of Alexander about covering hair.

  6. If I remember correctly, the Imrie Emes spoke by 1 of the Kniesiah Gedolah about the low cut dresses, I think he called it Ausgeblezed...
    But this piece is news since the Hungarians claim that only Poland and Galicia were impure, but we were pure as a the new snow.

  7. mishkoltzer, I was just thinking what you wrote about.

    Anyone read those english books about the satmar rebbe that came out in recent years? The author makes it seem like Hungary was the bastion of Torah while Poland was New Orleans or something.

  8. Yanover
    there are 2 things the hungarians dont tell you, in order to whitewash their non glorious history.
    1) They made a tielung 100 years before the war, to establish that all the non frummies are goyim, so they are not counted as Frie Hungarian Jews, since they are goyim,eventough they were the majority of all the kehilas. On the other hand in all of other countries they were all still one kehila, if your legal papers has you listed as a Jew, you were part of 1 kehila.As some eldery Jews (who were not so hot on Kedishas Hetilung) used to tell me, Warsaw had less Jews married to shikses, then Budapest,and in Warsaw 60%of Jewish owned stores were closed on shabos, and in Budapest 95% was open on shabos.
    2)Even in the new established Kehilas in Hungary,there were too many Zionists,Mizrachi etc... before WW11 which they try to push under the rug, the Galanter Undsdofer and Munkacher biographies will avoid all this talmidim.

  9. all the communities were loosing people by the day secular modernity was on the rise everywhere without exception.


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