Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In a little shtiebel, on the outskirts of Boro Park, this Yiddele was davening like it was going out of style

ר' נחמן האט אין אים געברענט


  1. nice gartel peeking out from the bottom!

    reb hirshel, I know you posted about this before, but is it possible we could get some more posts on the new(ish) 'mashpiim' i.e. r morgenstern, r kluger, stuchiner rebbe etc.

  2. אט אזוי דארף מען דאך דאווינען

  3. Why is a Picture of a guy In Shomer Shabbos Basment Blog Worthy?

  4. וואָלט איר לאָזן אים דאַוונען פון די אַמוד

  5. I love the photo
    you put a smile on my face for the day

  6. Instead of taking photos the photographer should have told him his retzieh is twisted and the harbkeit derfin.


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