Monday, June 16, 2014

New! Chaim Dalfin's "Habad Portraits" vol. 2 - an excerpt: Shlomo Carlebach: Lakewood, Chabad, the REAL story!

The book is in "pre-order" mode now. E-mail: or call 212-444-9102. Thirty dollars ($30.00) including S&H and it's yours!


  1. very shallow. will not be buying this book.

  2. Dalfin has to again proofread, if he has not already.There are some spelling errors etc

  3. גאר א שוואכע מעשה
    Written less stilted and academic than the first but unless there is another ten pages about shlomo quite lacking.
    Where was he sent on his original shlichus? How long did it last? What proclivities got him booted? Remember, R' Aaron begged him NOT to leave yeshiva...

  4. yes, there is lots more to the chapter. I only whet your appetite.

  5. any information of that era is useful, and Rabbi Dalfin fills the void, I will definitely buy the book and recommend it to my multiple friends who have a interest on that era..

  6. I read the first volume. There were some interesting points - particularly about Barry, but overall I was not so pleased.

    He writes it not as a chosid, but as someone that is seeking a following among university judaic studies departments. That should be clear by his choosing to spell Chabad without a "c." It manifests itself throughout the work.

    Where he quoted raw material or anecdotes, I enjoyed it quite a bit. In those areas where he tried to psychoanalyze and critically interpret, I enjoyed it much less.

  7. I purchased and read volume 1.
    Horrible grammar is just a start. He makes extremely foolish mistakes and in general the book is in no way professional.

  8. I think we may need to get the actual final version up here...

  9. R' Dalfin is in the league of R' Shimi Deutsch: Lubavitch-educated mediocre scholars who write & research like high-schoolers… They get their hands on some interesting primary sources - then patchke it up with their puerile analyses, even blatant mistakes (the latter more with Sh. Deutsch). Still, at least they are publicizing materials that were heretofore not accessible to the public.

    It is one thing to be a good scavenger hunter. It is another to know how to understand the treasures discovered.

    So we can take the materials that they unearthed - & figure out on our own what it means in historical context.

    As for Shlomo Carlebach:

    MIPI REB LEIBEL GRONER I HEARD FIRSTHAND that he & Shlomo were chavruses in 770 in 5709. & that the reason why Shlomo was not an official tomim in 770 is because he was already way older than acceptance age (around 23-24 y.o.). But he would learn with Reb Leibel in 770 anyways whenever he came to 770 (this makes sense, since this was the year that Reb Leibel started helping the Rebbe Ramash as a mazkir-helfer - so Leibel was also preoccupied with extra-yeshiva responsibilities; agav, when the Rebbe Ramash needed Reb Leibel to help him during seder, the Rebbe Ramash would come into the zal, stand near the bimah, & be meramez very subtly to Leibel to go out to help him, in such a way as to not disturb the other bochurim learning).

    Also Heard from Reb Leibel Groner: When Rav Gustman left 770 as Rosh Yeshivah & they were testing different lamdonim to become the new Rosh Yeshivah & couldn't find anyone yet - there was consideration to make a rosh yeshiva from one of the "eltere bochurim." Shlomo Carlebach was on top of the list - especially with his reputation as an iluy from Lakewood - & the fact that he was already at post-yeshiva-bochur age. Then they tried out Rabbi Piekarsky, which gave a fiery shiur whig the bochurim liked etc. - & so R' Piekarsky was chosen.

    -- ZIY

  10. BTW Tzig - does Dalfin actually print the Rebbe Maharash's picture? For this alone it may be worth getting the book….

    -- ZIY

  11. Stam
    why is everybody so judgmental of a book put out by a chasidic yungerman. he has a collection of good stuff om interesting people and thats it.

  12. re shlomo carlebach

    i once heard in the name of groner and i do not know how true the story but the moshel and nimshal is good

    shlomo sent a message to the rebbe why is he person non gratta in 770 he is for sure no worse then any other non frum yid that comes to 770

    the rebbe anwsered with a question what is the diffrence between a loan that if the borrower defaults you will chase him till the end of the earth and a investment that goes sour that you will not be so angry so the rebbe said a investments ther is a element of risk by a loan ther is no risk

    so the rebbe said carlebach was a loan he came to lubavitch as a frum yid and i want to see him today as a frum and ehrlicher yid but the non frum yidden who come to 770 are investments we invest and we hope that the investments bears fruit and they will go from 770 with more yiidishkeit then what they came with

    does anybody know if the story is true

  13. Anonymous of 5:53 AM fame:

    Do you have something against basic rules of punctuation and grammar? Not a single capital or period (or even Reb) in your entire post. Even if the content you have to contribute is intelligent, it makes you sound like the opposite.

    I guess I should be grateful that there are at least paragraphs.

  14. there is a picture of the Maharash in the book.

  15. Is R. Groner reliable? I hear from great Chabad scholars that not very.

  16. DYC, is it one of the pictures here towards bottom of page?

  17. ZIY
    "R' Dalfin is in the league of R' Shimi Deutsch: Lubavitch-educated mediocre scholars"
    Rabbi Dalfin is a talmid chochem in nigleh and chasidus. learned alot in his life. Shimi is a blatant Am Oretz.
    Noting to do with your arguments on who's facts are more accurate or who's style of writing is better,when shimi started his publishing he used to put out work like simple translations, of loshen hakodesh, he was a laughing stock by all. Long before he became the Nosi Hashmini

  18. Our famed resident lurker r shneur is listed in the credits. I have to get deeper along into the book to comment on the rest.

  19. Page 92 refers to one rabbi eliezer Steinman. Anyone know who that may be?

    Shoddy scholarship Shoddy editing.

  20. Replies
    1. Check the book on page 92. R yoel Kahn is claimed to have visited him just a couple years ago along with rav chaim kanievsky...

  21. Dead link, Hirshele

    Conjecture makes up the bulk of the book.

  22. That kofer died 40 years ago. If he had basic knowledge or had done rudimentary research he would have written correctly that R yoel Kahn visited rayls...

  23. Any yeshiva bochur could have fact checked most parts of the book.

  24. Finally finished schlepping through this silly book.
    Total waste of time. I have to assume that the author knows as little about the subjects I'm unfamiliar with as the ones I am. In essence totally unreliable. The best quotes from R Y Hutner are derided as fallacy. Overkill on the psychoanalysis of shlomo carlebach and a very lame attempt at making Lakewood look bad for his failings.
    ע' אור החיים הק' בעניין גזל ועריות

    I'm sure part 3 will have chapters on why R Mendel Futerfas was a mishichist and how R Yoel Kahn changed his whole theology in the face of gimmel tammuz.

  25. Add a interview with benzoin halberstam too

  26. Dalfin took pictures from the nasson ophir book without giving credit... Oye la oso busha...

  27. Guys, guys, guys. "The Rebbe Ramash" is the old name for the Lubavitcher Rebbe (RaMaSh = Rabbi Menachem Schneerson); not the Maharash (Reb Shmuel) who lived in the 1800's.


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