Monday, June 2, 2014


The "enlightened" ones like to point to the Bilgorajer Rov's parting droshoh in 1944 as proof that the Tzaddikim at that time had no idea what was coming. Even as late as Spring 1944. That the secular take issue with that is a given. Even the Belzers have a problem with it... See what the Lubavitcher Rav Oberlander says about that speech in the caption.

אשרי חלקו.


  1. HaShem rid the "catastrophe" from even the greatest Tzaddikim.


  2. Mr Woolstone
    Obviously you did not see what rav Oberlander is saying on that matter

  3. you left out the "L" in Bilgorajer.

  4. mr. woolstone,
    "rid the catastrophe"? did you mean "hid"? if so that's definitely not true about many gedolim such as the Ohr Sameach who totally called it years before.

  5. Unbelievable that someone could be so ignorant of what was going on. I remember. Maybe that's why he was thrown out of a window....

  6. thrown out of a window? who? ignorant who?

  7. Hasn't been a war in that neck of the woods in 70 years...

  8. As far as I know many yidden in the ghetto died, or were killed.

  9. i challenge anyone to provide another instance in all of Chassidic mythology/Bubbe mayses,that come close to stories about Bilgrei Ruv's petirah.

    ok, there are a lot of narishe mayses from hundreds of years ago, but we're talking 1949 here, and yet the swirl of silliness is amazing.

    The koyach of Belz

  10. le'zeicher nishmas tzadik

    my zeide was taken from Budapest towards end of war to Arbeitslager (Munka Tabor(sp?) , and was niftar 3 days after war ended, in Horsching, Austria, in the care of Allied field hospital, and buried in a mass grave there.

  11. Reb Charles

    so you're trying to shlog op whom here? the Ruv z"l or R. Oberlander?

  12. tayere R Tzig

    Shlogging op wont bring anyone back from Alma D"Kshoit

    At this point in my life, I wanna hear more about the Bilgrieyer Ruv, jumping/pushed out of window, Urel'tehs being present or not.

    Having a good understanding of that time, and the meshigas surrounding it, will go a long way to explain the Belz of haynt

  13. and u wanna know that only for sociological research purposes??

  14. Reb Charles
    My Ziede and father did survive, they were both in Auschwitz and Birkenau and on the infamous death march,
    I asked them both, they were a well to do family before the war, why did you not run in 41,42,43,44,? they both answered after 39 there was no big option , we were circled around by countries that were occupied by the Germans, the USA was closed for foreigners, Palestine was impossible to get certificates. The options of leaving was miniscule, and telling for a town that looks safe, all to run is suicidal....
    This blaming business is easy to do on a couch in a salon with a can of diet coke. His speech was for a reason and not for a selfish one.
    This is all besides the argument that Rabbi Oberlander is saying, that the majority of Budapest survived. Rabbi Oberlander does not deny that 1000's perished, If I remember well his house faces the temple that has the cemetery for the budapest ghetto...

  15. Reb Charles
    "At this point in my life, I wanna hear more about the Bilgrieyer Ruv, jumping/pushed out of window, Urel'tehs being present or not."
    dod you know for sure that incident happened?
    why is it important for you to know the details, at this stage in life?

  16. why do I need to know about Bilgreyer Ruv, and the mayses surrounding him - you ask?

    Vayl du ligt der hint ba'gruben

    Everything you every wanted or needed to know about hayntiger Belz - dort shtekt ess.

    Mordim, Shvartze, Machnefk, inferiority complex, milchoomes, politik, who is in, who is out, etc.

    The larger Belz question is, and always will be, "Vos hut hayntiger Belz a shaychus mit amoolige Belz"?

    I cannot see how it is possible to think otherwise.

    My dream is to declare independence from Tzig, as geshmak as he is, and set up a blog, and a cable channel, devoted ach ve'rak to Belzer inyoonim, I can't fargin Shaulzon to have all the fun

  17. didn't you once have a very short-lived blog dedicated to all things Belz?

  18. afilu Blog she'be'haychal tzurich mazel

    alle zenen me'kane Tzig

    btw, the role model for my Belz reality TV show is , "Keeping up with the Kardashians"

  19. Reb Charles
    I think that on Belz from Amol and today i probaly have as much knowledge and probably more..
    But can you explain why did the Ruv throw out Moshe Tuvia?
    He was not the 1 of rodfim of his father? majority of his fathers enemies were the Galiciayner...he was his godfather since a young boy,
    I dont get it....
    maybe you have a biur

  20. why was this particular one thrown out, you ask?

    I have to say that the machinations of the ShtielRickers of Belz make Kim Il-Jun's Politburo look like a board meeting of the Ritual Committee of Kahal Adas Yeshurun in the Heights

    There's so much baggage, so much jostling, infighting, paranoia, and so much ambition, that all shtams from a deep inferiority complex. And it all comes from the top.

    While in many senses, Belz can be seen by today's Chasidishe standards, especially Israeli ones, as "Matzliach" , Be'Ikaron Belz is rushei tayvos, M'Igra Rumuh L'Boira Amikta.

    That is the other side of the equation, the departure point is that Less Man D'Polig that R Aharon was Igra D'Igra.

    Shoyn Moshiach's Tzieten

  21. Al Kol P'sho'im Te'Chaseh Ahava

    Now that Belzer Rebbe had massive Tehilim in his 'smedrash , I'm remembering his visiting the Mercaz boys in the hospital.

    Alle av'lehs, or percieved av'lehs, fall'en avek

  22. and the cynic in you, RC, doesn't say that it's all for attention? or to stick it to Satmar?

  23. haduh hu d'umar:
    Al Kol P'sho'im Te'Chaseh Ahava

    especially be'idna de'merubim tzorchei am'cho


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