Tuesday, July 22, 2014

פאטיקער רב זצ"ל דערציילט איבער זיינע איבערלעבענישען אין די מלחמה

און זאגט אויך זיין מיינונג איבער א אידישע מדינה

פאטיקער רב שטייענדיג אונטער הרב הרצוג, לינקס אינעם בילד, מיט ברילען

Rav Shlomo Zalman Horowitz z"l was the Rav in Potok-Zloty, Galicia before WW2. To bring it closer to home, he was - As far as I remember - the father of Reb Shmeel Horowitz, the Bobover Ruv's Gabbai. Here he tells David P. Broder about his experiences during WW2. It's quite eye-opening. The reader who sent this link to us tells me that it's interesting to hear what he thought then of an impending Jewish State in then-Palestine. א  חרד'ישע איד וואלט היינט נישט אזוי גערעדט, ווייל ער וואלט מורא האבען אז מ'וועט אים נאכשרייען אז ער איז א ציוניסט. 

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  1. A few times as a boy in the 1980s I went to the Bobover tish. The gabbai then had a white beard, looked like zayer a choshuve Yid. The oylam said he was a gadol in nistar besides nigleh. I think his name was Zeffren or episs azoy. When was R' Shmeel Horowitz the gabbai?

  2. Hersh, I Just wanted to thank you for this wonderful blog you have going here. Every time I'm on line browsing around, and I need a real quite place where its empty and void of anything, I can count on coming here and getting a real refreshing looong nap.
    Keep up the great work, and Im sorry if I woke you!

  3. Shoin lang tshive getiyn


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