Monday, August 25, 2014

דער מיררער ראש ישיבה קען פירען א קומזיץ אויך

ראש הישיבה הרב לייזער יודל פינקל שליט''א שליט''א בדרשה עם ליווי מיוזיק בקעמפ "יעלזו חסידים" מיר מוצש''ק. סיפור על מסי"נ לתורה. ניגוני קרליבך וחב"ד. תמיד ידענו שאם יש תורה אצל בנאדם אז יש הכל. דער ראש ישיבה איז צו זינגען און צו זאגען! ממש א בא'חנ'טער איד מלא טעם. אשרי הדור



  1. Are you sure it's him? It doesn't sound like him...

  2. Hafloh V'feleh!!
    Thank you for posting.
    I'm getting gaguim think about my years spent learning in E"Y. I see that normalcy is not dead by the Litvishe velt (of which I am an authentic member). Hopefully, R' L"Y will counter the stupidity, ignorance, and sinas Yisroel of the Tzvi Kaplans and Sholom Schechters (who have as you put it "Amerikaner Syndrome" and follow the Y. Kalmanowitz derech).....

  3. Kovner
    Its him
    I got a report from the kumzitz the night it happened.
    He has a good geshmake yiddish, his father the yankee.. couldnt do that.He has a uncle Karlibach, that maybe gives him the talent.

  4. Anyway to get a copy of the file?

  5. R' Don Segal infuses elements of tish / kumzitz into what he does. The problem arises however, as R' Shmuel Berenbaum put it, that there are bochurim who are not learning well and the ikker becomes by them that I sang with R' Don.

  6. radish whatever,
    you are definitely not part of any litvishe velt, guaranteed. you're just a silly poser who has no clue who rav sholom shechter is.

  7. Dovy,
    I actually am part of the litvishe velt as my grandfather was from Der Lita and learned in a yeshiva there for many years before the war, as opposed to all the yeshivishe Hungarians that populate Lakewood these day. I learned for may years in very prestigious yeshivos. Obviously, you have no clue who Schechter is - unless you do and consider it normal for him to give a shmuess in his yeshiva during the latest war and tell his bochurim not to daven for the soldiers.....
    All I can say is that R' Berel never said anything like that. This is simply a case of a krumeh mentch. Period.

  8. It's true about all the phony yeshivish Hungarians. This is a result of it becoming the style in Boro Park & Flatbush to send their sons to Lakewood feeder yeshivos, especially Philly. These types are also generally more middlebrow and Philly was definitely not a big hit by R' Avrohom Yehoshua.

  9. I never heard that before about R' Sholom Schechter but I do know the following. His sister was "married" to a rosh yeshiva, who while he himself was very controversial, off the wall, and once put in cherem by a special beis din headed by R' Elya Svei, he got a heter meah to remarry because she never accepted a get even on his dying day. R' Sholom also had a relative in one of the Brisks who was a major clown that could not even make a leining in Gemara.

  10. radish,
    i actually know Rav Sholom personally from when I learnt in Brisk. in case you didn't know he used to have a yeshiva for shavache bochurim and he is very down to earth and was very good with them. even though they were not "yeshivish" at all, they all loved him and continue o maintain a connection with him. having a grandfather born in Der Lita does not make you part of the "litvishe velt" any more than having a grandfather born in Pupa would make you an Ashkenzishe Yekke.
    i would be very interested in knowing which "prestigious" yeshiva you learned in. no yeshiva I know of produces angry haters like you.

  11. Dovy,
    I actually learned in Brisk (RAYS's) as well. Before that I learned by one of R' Aaron Kotler's premier talmidim.... and I spent many years in Lakewood as well. So I guess that certainly doesn't make me a born again yeshivisheh Hungarian.... Let me see... (1) I am Litvish by birth, (2) I learned in Litvishe yeshivos in the USA, (3) I learned in Brisk, and (4) I learned in Lakewood for many years. Additionally, I very much identify with the mainstream Litvishe mehalech.
    Your words make no sense. You obviously did not learn in Brisk for long enough, because you have real trouble understanding and saying the vort. (If you really learned in Brisk, you would understand what I mean.)
    Having a yeshiva for shvacheh bochurim does not give someone the right to spout dayos that literally have no precedent in anyone's (except maybe Satmar) mesoirah.
    Fact: Schecter got up in public in his yeshiva when Jewish soldiers were under a very real threat of death, and indeed were being killed, and stated unequivocally that frumeh Yidden should not daven for them because they are Tziyoinim, mechalelai Shabbos, etc.
    Fact: Gedoilai Yisroel never spouted such drivel. As I said, even R' Berel said to say Tehilim during war times.
    Fact: Even if Shechter were to believe that what he was saying is true, where is his common sense?! I simply cannot understand how a person could have so little common sense.
    I am not a hater. I simply see things clearly, and as an authentic Litvak (unlike you I presume) I am allergic to such people. Unfortunately, most choshuveh people that I know - even though they are repulsed by such statements - will not speak out.... Someone has to speak out and call these people on their statements.

  12. Radishko...
    " As I said, even R' Berel said to say Tehilim during war times."
    what means "EVEN" was he a certified Jew Hater?


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