Tuesday, August 12, 2014

!די בראסלאווער נעמען איין וויליאמסבורג

זעהט נאר אידן וואס היינט האט פאסירט אין דער עואב"י וויליאמסבורג! א לאסט אויטא שטעלט זיך אפ אינעם הויפט גאס און הענגט אויף אזא שילד! א שילד וואס רופט אידן צו וויילען ראש השנה אין אומאן ביים ציון פון רבי נחמן בראסלאווער! צי קען מען זאגען אז די דאזיגע שילדען זענען בעצם א מציבה אויפ'ן קבר פונעם אלטן חדר אין וויליאמסבורג? וואו טאמער עס וואלט אפילו ארויף געגאנגען אזא שילד וואלט עס נישט געדויערט קיין צוויי מינוט ביז עס פליהט אראפ? אדער איז בראסלאוו נישט קיין סטראשע אויף די אלגעמיינע סדר הדברים אין ווילי, ממילא גייט עס קיינעם נישט אהן? אבער א ליובאוויטשער שילד וואלט מען שוין נישט ערלויבט? אדער איז עס גאר א געראנגל צווישען די אלטע און נייע דארט? 'עמער זעהן


  1. I admire their guts,

  2. I'm not ignorant but it took me a while to get עואב"י. For the benefit of those who are not swifter than myself, עיר ואם בישראל

  3. JS
    there is a boog for Gomatrious
    get it and get acquainted

  4. to get the facts straight
    this statement that everyone should come to me was said when he was alive,
    Reb Nossen applied it for after the histalkus.
    I heard the Rav Y M Shechter never went to uman yet?

  5. My sense is that Satmar is pretty comfy with Breslov.
    I mean, I know plenty of Breslevers who consider themselves Satmarer chassidim. I remember one such fellow (last name Vitriol) once saying, "Satmar is yiddishkeit, Breslov is flavor." (To which a another Breslover who was not so fond of the Satmarer faction replied, "I think the better argument is the other way around.")
    And I dont think Satmar sees a threat in Breslov -- Honestly, Breslov is merely a few books and a semi-annual trip to the Ukraine. There is no conflict with the shita, Satmar Rov liked R Nachman, and there arent ant Breslover mosdos or rebbes to poach chassidim from the Teitelbaums. I'd assume that they're (for the most part) fine with it.

  6. the only thing in the world that makes them tremble is the possibility of someone having an independent thought...

    as far as Breslov goes, its turn on and tune out baby! no problem there...

  7. Yes Man
    "Satmar Rov liked R Nachman"
    the satmar rav quotes once reb Nachman that the world will be full of kefira. He needed this soundbite for his shitah. All the other stuff the Breslovers say is bogus as much as the Chazon Ish was a Breslover.

  8. Shpoler,
    I couldn't care less, but many a Satmarer guy that I've spoken to over the years have said your wrong (obviously, I never said or meant that the SR was a card-carrying member of the vast Breslover conspiracy for world domination, but you might have missed that). Ive also heard Skverer guys with tahynes on R Yoelish for being ok with Breslov... Whatever, man. Who cares anyway? All group politics are pretty pathetic (IMNOHO).

  9. Yes Man
    as I said he had nothing against Breslov, but he had no idea what it is and it entails.

  10. As a Brisker who gets some (at times hilarious) admiration from Satmar chevrah due to the Rov's shitos on Tzionim, here is my observation from a conversation in front of me at a Satmar beis medrash after maariv:

    A new face who by appearances looks out of place arouses some curiosity. Yoely 1: Ver iz der Yid? Yoely 2: Ah, er iz a Breslover. (Slight pause) Fin R' Shaul Morgenstern's chevrah.

    My perception is that Yoely 1 thought the guest was offbeat. Yoely 2 identifies him as Breslov but clarifies that he is from a certain faction that is not as wacko as the rest of them. Yoely 1 is still not impressed and you can see it on his face.

  11. Satmar is in a Bien Hazmanim period, the 2 Brothers are fighting there turf war.
    The holy brothers don't care if a few 100 guys will go to Uman.
    Their Real estate empire is still secure.
    The Breslover are taking advantage of that situation.
    Its nice to observe, how far this movement will go,I think that this grotesque sign can backfire and can kill the Breslov PR machine...


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