Thursday, September 11, 2014

בע"כ יענה אמן - הבעש"ט הוא חלק ממסורת התורה כמו הגר"א, ועם ישראל זקוק לחסידות

 קובץ מאמרים - להגר"א וסרמן הי"ד - ח"ב דף י"ח


  1. Hirshel
    does it stop by the 8th generation?

  2. How do you puck and choose who gets into the mesorah

  3. Even if the Chofetz Chaim did have respect for the besh"t, that's still a pretty wacky statement. On the other hand, its source is "m'pee hashmua", so I think you are able to not really believe it but still be a good Jew.

  4. Quite a triumphant posting.

  5. I'm not sure why Chasidim feel good that "they" think we have a use in this world..

  6. A new bubbeh mayseh.

    R. Bergman is a Yekke, he is a not a meivin on Hisnagdus from a Litvish perspective like the holy Vilna Gaon. Maybe he got something from his shver, but not everything. He is not on the madreigeh of his great shver zt"l, מרן הגה"צ, מנהיג הדור, לוחם למען האמת במסירות נפש, הרב אלעזר מנחם מן שך זצוקללה"ה, נבג"מ, זי"ע

    Sounds like a Chasidishe mayseh that he was duped with.

    If the Chofetz Chaim said it, why did no one ever hear of it before? Why isn't it in any of the many works on the Chofetz Chaim, from R. M.M. Yoshor and others, over so many years. No one else heard of it, just a Yekke by the name of R. Bergman?

    I don't think Rav Schach would have bought such a bobbeh mayseh, he would have sniffed it out as glatt kosher baloney, Chasidishe propaganda. Nebech, his eidem was duped.

  7. Harav Bergman shlita is meyaches himself to his elte-elte-zeide Rav Avrohom Shag, Kobersdorfer Rov, a talmid of Chasam Sofer who settled in yerusholayim in 1870. Thus he combines Hungarian mesorah, with yishuv hayashan and the world of yeshivos and the mesorah he absorbed from his shver. This combination gives him the breadth of understanding which makes his seforim so valuable.


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