Friday, October 31, 2014

די שיטה הקדושה (ויואל משה) און די 48'טע אסעמבלי דיסטריקט פארמעסט

What we're witnessing here - in my humble and uneducated opinion - is the organizing of new rules in the game of politics. All of a sudden their politicians need to be on par with them when it comes to their opinions regarding the State of Israel! What was important for the non-religious is just as important to the Satmorim. It's one issue (Israel) voting with a twist. I wonder if these same people are just as worried about what the goyim say in places like Williamsburg, Monsey, New Square and Kiryas Joel... If they're as concerned about the statements and actions made by and taken by the people in those communities. If the fact that 100% of non-Jews would tell you that they get preferential treatment and that Jews are rude and disgusting to their neighbors; if that bothers them as much as Hikind's statements about Obama, which really nobody cares about except these Satmorim. The non-binding name used here by the publishers of a graphic artist's dream doesn't tell us which of the many Satmar factions published this, but this has long been the opinion of all Satmar factions - way before their split. The fact that he's a disciple of Meir Kahane, the ריש בריוני, who long ago proved to the world that they hate us everywhere and always did, is a crime that Satmar cannot bear. And pay he must for that crime! It's just that up until now there was no real hope; Dov Hikind basically ran unopposed. So why waste your money? But this time around, with the demographics of Boro Park changing quickly, they figure they have a chance with Nachman Caller, who looks like he should be retiring right about now, not starting a political career... Now I realize that Mr. Hikind is not the only man that can ever represent the 48th AD, and that maybe it is time for him to go, just because we may need a fresh face representing us. But this is ludicrous!

ס'האט אמאל געהייסען אז די סאטמורים זענען קלוגע אידן

But tell me something I don't know. Link

לייענט און שטוינט


  1. hirshel
    its not satmar
    the Caller people are down and ugly, this Caller reminds me of some Alter shtoltzer ungarishe ferd....

  2. I don't see what you are kvetching about,
    I read the booklet the writer is requesting his readers to live up to teachings of the satmer rebbe
    and clearly points out that was approach of other gedoilem before the hertzelits started to influence with money and propaganda

  3. Caller has working for him two young Chasidim, Moishe Freidman, from Seagate, a modern Satmar, with a fancy title of senior strategist, or something like that, and Jacob Kornbluh from Boro Park, a modern Belzer. My guess is that is where this came from. Since Kornbluh, as a Belzer, is not following the Satmar shitah, my suspicion is that it is from the Satmar side. Certain chevreh have done dirty tricks in the past, as in the previous city council election, making up a phony alleged endorsement to pin on Joseph Hayon. Now they are trying again it seems.

    I may be wrong, but that is my suspicion.

  4. באתי ולהתחנן בפני אלה ההולכות בבגדים צמודים וצרים ויש גם קצרים ומושכות את עיני האנשים ומביאות אותם שלא במודע לידי חטא . והן נודע מה שכתבו חז״ל שכל אשה ההולכת בצניעות תזכה שבניה יהיו גדולים בתורה וביראה . והאם בדור אשר כזה שבעוונותינו הרבים רבים וטובים נופלים ויוצאים מדרך הישרה , ואסונות נוראים פוקדים את בתי ישראל , תינוקות מתים בעריסותיהם , אמהות צעירות מסתלקות בחטף ומניחות יתומים ועוללים רכים , העל אלה לא נבכה ולא נעשה חשבון נפש ?

  5. I didn't read the whole pamphlet, but I don't see a big story here. Hikind represents Boro Park of 20 years ago. Nowadays, most people there do not care if he supports Israel or not. They do not need someone to fight Westboro Baptist Church and they do not care for rhetoric about anti-semitism. I am not the one saying this. In all of Hikind's re-election campaign, he has not mentioned those 'accomplishments'. He has realized that people want to vote their own pockets and nothing else.
    Hikind claims tuition relief is imprtant and Caller claims affordable housing s important. Everybody should figure out what is best for him and let the majority win.
    Leave ideology and background out of it.

  6. Now that I did read it I can see you are skewing their points. They are not demanding that their assemblyman be an anti-zionist. But when he uses their vote, the vote of people who want to live on their own in Brooklyn without being involved with people in texas, arkansas and idaho, then he has overstepped the line. When the kozyoner rov of russia claimed that Rabbi Bleich was mistaken for mixing in between russia and ukraine, he was essentially making the same point. Dont involve yidden in things you were not appointed to do. Hikinds push for racial profiling should in itself be the final straw. An idea with no chance of success (there is no way an American city can allow such a thing), all it can cause is making the surrounding minorities angry at us. And all this irresposibility is done in our names.
    We need an inward-looking politician, someone who will represent our interests and nothing else, someone who will not use authority to further his own personal issues, whether jdl Satmar or Chabad. Caller is not a Satmarer, his children have shaychus to Vizhnitz, but he strikes me as an oiberlander yid and he mayhave a good idea.
    I say give him a chance.

  7. Caler is a liar and a hypocrite, he developed houses that he owns in the midst of Heimishe BP,for the chevra that are buying all homes in the hospital vicinity....
    Vedoik Ki Kotzarti....

  8. Yankel
    "Hikind represents Boro Park of 20 years ago. Nowadays, most people there do not care if he supports Israel or not. They do not need someone to fight Westboro Baptist Church and they do not care for rhetoric about anti-semitism."
    I have a vote with a nice circle of friends that are voters too, who do agree with the policies of dov hikind, please do not represent me in your unfounded stats.
    But I do agree on the point, that he delivered pork(apoligize for the wrong word)for his constituents, much more than a average politician.

  9. We'll see on Tuesday who has the majority. I find it hard to imagine that you are the majority of people in bp, but you may be the majority of motivated voters.

  10. chove tzion
    Do you really agree with fighting the Westboro Baptist church? What could be the point? Who gains from it?

  11. Yankel
    I dont get up every morning, and check what is on Hikinds agenda. I have no idea what the westboro issue in particular, but its my assumption that they were anti semitic or aiding the enemies of the Am Hayoshev beTzion,
    then I would agree with Hikinds stance. Our country is based on freedom of speech, by silencing a citizen or in this instance a public figure from speaking his voice, is hisgarus beumois.
    We did not get further in europe when the Jew was scared to raise his voice.

  12. Hikind went after the Westboro people only when they came to his district.

  13. How does anybody gain from it?
    The fact that they came to his district is irrelevant. His actions were irresponsible and a direct outcome of his involvement with the JDL.
    The same is true regarding racial profiling. There is and was no way that the NYPD will admit or sanction racial profiling. But now that the representative of Chasidim has demanded it in public, he has declared war between Chasidim and minorities. DO we want that? If you do, go ahead and vote for him. But to me this seems irresponsible and cavalier about people's lives and welfare. If you claim that Kiryas Yoel also acts in that way. Well, I don't live in Kiryas Yoel either and two wrongs don't make a right.

  14. Yiddish video on old Borough ParkTuesday, November 04, 2014 5:30:00 PM

    הירשע-דוד כ"ץ אין בארא פארק וידיא

  15. yankel
    what is the story?

  16. google westboro baptist church and you will know who they are. You can figure out the rest. Or add dov hikind to the search.

  17. Somebody explain how a Shita becomes Kodosh, when people of the stature of the Or Sameach said it was nonsense.

  18. Pitput... Wow! With one cliche you want to through out torah learning you don't know with words you don't understand... How shallow can one be...


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