Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to put on a Tallis Koton and other Wednesday Morning Links

ווי אנצוטוהן א טלית קטן - הר"ר בערל לוין
Crown Heights in the (early) 90's
Listen To Sarah

Not only the Novominsker Rebbe is worried about Jews going up to the Har haBayis In Buffalo, NY the snow just keeps on coming

ויקרא שמו בישראל: באבוב-45


  1. I have a question to Reb zalman Lieb.
    If rav Kook was against going on the Har Habis, then whats the reason of the Hebron Massacre????
    Its a pity that he is not in talking terms with his brother the genius, he would find some answer
    Rabosai!its our lose...

  2. Hebron was credited at least partially to the fellow you just named

  3. Consider the parallel between the actions of the poor shoite that got shot and the protests in its aftermath. הר הבית שלנו

    To the above link describing the beitar groups demonstrations and marches, with speeches by their chief rabbi.

    The aftermath was תרפ"ט
    Today it's שנת ע'ת ה'סתרה

  4. and here I thought the Lubavitcher Rebbe was to blame because he used his contacts in Hebron to actually enter the cave, not just walk up the 7 steps

  5. all of a sudden Machlokes is OK? nobody blames Machlokes anymore? Maybe because they're all fighting, and nobody wants to point the finger at himself. So now we blame the poor zhlobs in Ne'emanei Har HaBayit. Nice scapegoat.


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