Tuesday, December 16, 2014

!אוי, ווי די ליטוויקעס האבען מורא פאר די שקיעה

Don't get me wrong, ביי אונז אין ליובאוויטש we also light soon after the shkiah, but these guys are like terrified! And how does the saying go? Shabbos ahin, Shabbos aher, m'darf doch tzinden Chanikeh licht! This sefer is about Reb Dovid בהר"ן, a great gaon and tzaddik in Yerushalayim, son of Reb Nochum Shadiker, hence the name בהר"ן. I heard a story from a Yerushalayimer Yid who was Reb Dovid's son's - Reb Hillel Vaisfiche - neighbor. ממש א טיר נאך א טיר. Reb Hillel would wait for the muezzin at the mosque to start croaking - they pray at sunset too, להבדיל - and he'd yell "פייגע, די גוי שרייט שוין!" and immediately begin the brochos....


  1. In Yerushalayim in general the people are pretty uptight about lighting exactly at shkiah during the week, and as early as possible Motzaei Shabbos (in Bnei Brak many people light after shkiah even during the week). When I was learning in a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, there were a lot of Israelis who davened in the Yeshiva as well. Motzaei Shabbos Chanukah there was a shmues after shalosh seudos. When we came up for Maariv, the locals were signalling us to hurry up!

  2. These hanhogos are not accordance with shulchon oruch , and all these type of hidurim are al derech yotzo sechoroi behefseidoi. Typical litvishe hashkofo of misplaced priorities. Ashreinu mah toiv chelkeinu that we are chasidim veshehivdilonu min hatoiyim.

  3. Dear level header - I agree with you in principle, although I don't think that only litvaks have such problematic practices....

  4. all this chumros were happening only in Yerushaliem too many gedoilm resided close to each other with no rabunass to work for.In Europe the same litvaks were not in to so many chumros, the Kovner Ruv and the Divrie malkiel had rabunass jobs, wrote teshuvas for all klal yisroel, were doing there mitzvas as the next door jew....
    We are lucky that the Chofetz Chaim and Orech hashulchan were in europe....in meah sheorim,there halocha seforim would be chock full of chumros, and the Gedolim of today would have to come up with new ones on top of the basics....

  5. There maybe others who have problematic practices but few have it to this degree. This is bichlal not a chumro because a chumro hamevio lidei issur is not a chumro. Its even worse than a mitzvo habao baaveiro.
    The man is trying to keep a chumro shebechumro on a mitzvo derabonon that is not brought down in shulchon oruch and do things that are exactly the opposite of what it says on shulchon oruch. He is going into a sofek deouraiso of being mechalel shabbos , skipping havdolo as per shulchon oruch, all to be mekayem something that doesn't say in shulchon oruch. In other words this litvak thinks he can outsmart the shulchon oruch! Its so absurd, that i would never have believed there exists someone like that, had i not seen it in print.

  6. Tipsy headed chosid, your gevaldike amaratzus shines like the sun. Have you no clue who are these gedolei oilam you so callously mock?!

  7. As a chasid, perhaps naive, I read the story more like the story of Reb LY of Berdichev and bentching esrog.


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