Saturday, December 6, 2014

How Lakewood פראוועט ליל שישי

The truth is that it's mamesh heartwarming to see the קירוב לבבות between Lubavitch and Lakewood. Only music can bring hearts and minds together. Not only music, kugel & chulent help too. I hear they sell, like, heaps and mounds of that stuff every week in Lakewood. Not what the original Kletzkers had in mind, that's for sure. Chassidus can bring people together too, but we'll take what we can...


  1. "קירוב לבבות between Lubavitch and Lakewood."

    רעד זיך ניט איין - don't delude yourself or anyone else.

    Show me Bnei Teyreh from BMG there. The crowd is kids, teenagers, who are looking for some entertainment. It is taking place at a place called Yapchik. Obviously not a gathering of the real Bnei Teyreh that the עיר התורה is famed for.

    Stop trying to fool the readers! You can always go back to selling that old bridge in Brooklyn.

  2. you'd think that after almost 10 years people here would understand my שפראך....

    כנראה שלא

  3. Actually I agree that there is a sort of קירוב לבבות .I don't think that there ever was a terrible richuk, it was more reactionary.Lubavitch was coming in with underground attempts at making people in to Lubavithers, with secret shiurim and masters at grabbing young impressionable kids.There is no question that those things caused the terrible fight with Satmar, that went from an ideological disagreement to war, what got Vechter and korf attacked.Today,Lubavitch is open about teaching and reaching out

  4. Boroparker
    Whar are you writing????
    the lubavichers do the thing? or not?

  5. Benny Freidman gets in to places like that because he doesn't wear the Rebbe and Lubavitch on his sleeve. The Rebbe and Lubavitch have become liabilities that people like Benny have to overcome in the eylem haTeyreh, and other aware circles, so they hide them or downplay their connection. Same with Benny's uncle, Avraham Fried.

    Lubavitch succeeds the most among the more naive and uneducated segments of Klal Yisroel. The more Jewishly educated people are, the more they tend to reject Lubavitch.


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