Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday Morning Links

 Kolel Shomrei HaChomos 1929: "Miss Landau" School Verboten
More about Miss Landau, More
1936: Italian Governor orders Jewish Shops in Tripoli open on Shabbos
LOL! Griz Notebook: Berland gets a chance to shine
45 years later Iosif Mendelevitch returns to Petersburg


  1. Hirshel
    Did you see the name of the town of Rav Fried the signer? Its HODI NANASH, I always knew that some Yoeli Lebovich type comedian came up with that name...

  2. Hodi Nanash is real, as are Sharashpotok and Pishpoklodany

  3. tzig,
    you trolled me on that berland one. early april fools.

  4. Heya Brother, just wanted to say...The Berland link made my day :-)


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