Monday, December 22, 2014

Rare Footage, First Knessia Gedolah, Vienna, August, 1923


  1. i would pay i dime to find out who is this platshiga biber hit?
    and a quarter for all others

  2. ווייסע ז'יבעצעסMonday, December 22, 2014 9:19:00 PM

    saw this on bhol this morning is that Rav Chaim ozer calling someone over with his finger?

  3. Is that R Yaakov Rosenheim at the 1 minute mark?

    I agree that it might be R Chaim Ozer from 0:26 to 0:36 motioning with his finger, but I can't be sure.

    Any idea who the Rav is in the middle from about 1:46 to 2:00?

    If anyone could give a real summary of who appears in the video it would be much appreciated.

  4. Source:

    "The famous 90 year old Rabbi Jisreol Meier Hakohen (Radin), also called "Chofez Chaim" after his great work. Identifications of delegates may be incorrect."

    Where did they see any 90 year old man in this clip?

  5. who is the guy with flat beaver hat?
    can pass for a tuna bagel.....
    the mood looks very casual...

  6. ווייסע ז'יבעצעסTuesday, December 23, 2014 1:57:00 PM

    from comments on bhol

    1.15 בערך רואים את מורנו יעקב רוזנהיים ניצב בקרב עסקנים, נראה מאחוריו האדמו"ר רבי שלמה מבאבוב בבחרותו! הוא נראה עוד צועד כמה שניות לפני קטע זה
    מדקה 2:00 נראה הגאון ר' חצ'קל סרנא ר"י חברון,

  7. Is that Rav Yosef Tzvi Carlebach towards the end?

  8. it...wish I knew who we are looking's like using a time machine going back in time!
    Also funny how so many people are smoking....amazing how that has B'H changed.

  9. מדבר עם ר"י ראזנהיים מדקה 1:30 עד 1:45 הוא הרב דר' אלי' (ליא) יאנג, אחריו מ1:46 עד 2:00 רואים את ר' אשר לעמל שפיצער אב"ד קירכדארף מהרבנים הפעילים באגו"י

    הטונא-ביגל נראה בנש"ק ואולי אף אדמו"ר בידו מקל מחופה בכסף עם בעקיטשע פרחוני

  10. At what time in the video is the person who ppl say might look like a tuna beigel? I don't see him, or his silver cane...

  11. Always interesting to see photos from the 'old days'...particularly interesting to see 'gedoilim' and rabonnim going about their business without a phalanx of gabboim and 'gophers' to prop them up.

    I suppose its due to the fact that the vast majority of people had to actually work for a living in those days...and money was hard to come by, hence no extra fat in the budget to support the varied cast of clowns, groupies and hangers on that surround the super-stars who masquerade as manhiggim nowadays....

  12. Very interesting!
    Amazing how these people from a 91 years ago and a world away that has disappeared, could easily be from your local shtiebel in Boro Park.Same mannerisms and look

  13. Also note the lady pushing the stroller between 0:06 and 0:09. Is that a Bugaboo?

  14. Heshy,
    I c u don't like my questions.
    u still hven't answered, why all the chasidoshe chagasnikehs, forgot about the only "real" chsides and instead go to the Mir, or even BMG?
    HQ has not given u the ok??

  15. Bpunblound,
    Hey, long time no c!
    We have had our run ins but u make the blog interesting.

    Actually the vast majority of people in Poland or a very large number were unemployed or under employed because there was little work, so i imagine that there were more hangers-on around the various dignitaries, and u obviously cannot tell by tiny snippets of staged movie reels.They did not have hand held cell phone videos, filming was a very serious business

  16. "they go for the good cholent"
    Look, i know its not fair to ask tough questions that we both know the answer for,BUT, you are the one who causes these questions by always bragging about how special lubab is and how everyone needs to be m'kabel malchus, and how everyone who does not agree with lubab m'shigasen is a hater etc

    1. Lubavitch is special in their own ways just all Kraisen are.Each Krais believes that they posses a superiority that no one else has..All Kraisen have meshugassen and Meshugoim.And by the way whether you care to admit it or not, you calling Lubavitchers 'Lubabs' is derogatory and you know it full well. You definitely are a Soineh Lubavitch, but not because you are not 'Mekabel Malchus' (Ha ha very funny!)as you put it, but rather because of your terrible upbringing which has embedded in you this Sinah which prevents you from appreciating the Maalos which Lubavitch has. You are a real Rachmonos. By the way, after your derogatory remarks, you should have enough integrity never to step into any Chabad houses and take advantage of their meals and Minyonim as many of your kind do. Not that we don't welcome you anyway, but you should have some Ehrlechkeit Mitzad yourself. And by the way your question to Herschel was nothing but a display of your dislike to Chabad. Get a life!

    2. כך אנו נוהגים

  17. These 164 seconds struck a chord, with your audience, but with me too. I don't know why, but it's brought me to tears a few times.

    I wonder who they were. Most of all, I wonder how many of them were alive 22 years later. The mannerisms, the smoking, the confusion that the camera brought...

  18. Reb Shloma of Bobov was not by the Aguda event
    his father RBZ was against the agudah?

  19. Aliba de'emes
    To be truthful (pardon the pun) you are a classic Lubab, who sees in others a projection of themselves.You talk a lot about sinah, because you are soneh, just like the gemara says, kol haposel posul, ubemumoi posel and as the Besh"t darshened the mishna:Kol hanegoim odom roeh chutz, minigei atzmo.
    Sorry to remind you, that your group, is the only group that continues to inculcate in small kids already, a terrible sinah to the "snag" and rehash 200 year old history again and again and......again.
    BTW, those Chabad houses?Wondeful in many cases, but do remember that the funding comes from non Chabad Jews in most cases and are given to support all Jews, not only mekablei malchus.

  20. Just as I states in my previous comment you are a Soineh with no other agenda here other than bash Lubavitch. The support that Chabad houses get are not from Sonim like you. People like you come only to take and never give. One day you will come crawling to Chabad for help.You'll see. Your comment has no Toichen whatsoever, only blind hatred. You are a bitter Rachmonos.

  21. this is from the knessia gedola in 1937 not in 1923. definitely not r' chaim ozer. at :45 is r' tuvia horowitz of sanok. at 2:03 looks very much like r' sarna. at 2:28 looks like r' moshe blau in the center

  22. Aliba,
    I"m not interested into getting into an argument with someone who lacks introspection

  23. I would not be surprised if this is from 1937 as Unkonwn claims.


    For those looking for the Tuna_beigel


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