Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday Afternoon Links

Thank G-d for Chassidim that support Litvishe Yeshivos
Otwock due for a comeback?
More about Rabbi Chaim D. Ginsberg of Vancouver
י"ז כסלו איז דער יארצייט פון דער אלטער פון נאווארדאק
ספר חדש: הרבי בפאריז. ליקט וערך הרב שמואל בוטמאן


  1. there are at least a thousand chasidishe bochurim and yungaleit in mir and all the attendees seem to be alumni. so it's not just chasidim supportin litvaks. i have never heard of any chasidim supporting a litvishe yeshiva that has no major chasidic presence.

  2. yea, Dovy, no big chiddushim in what you wrote. Just saying. They've REALLY begun to capitalize on the Chassidim and their gelt. So does Slabodka.

  3. Surprised not see a post on the lateset auditioning on איך ביו שטאלץ צי זיין א בובאער.

  4. איך בין שטאלץ צו זיין א חלק פון באבוב!!!!!!!!!!

  5. it seems that some Jews do not honor the Lubavitcher Teilung

  6. Tzig,
    Ever asked yourself why The Mir,Brisk,BMG get so many Chasidic boys while the Central Rabbinical College of America(and the whole world) gets nada?
    Probably because they are "haters",eh?

  7. Like you? Just learn chasidus and shut up.

  8. Mir should not kowtow to the Chasidim. If there are Chasidim that want to learn there and come close to the eylem haTeyreh as yechidim, that is one thing, but a distance should be maintained.

    Memo to R. Leizer Yudel - mach zich nit naarish. What are you doing with Spinka Rebbe oiben on at the dinner? No other Rebbe would come? Still, don't sit next to someone like that!

  9. where is the Spinka rebbe - that is Rav Binyomin Carlebach?

  10. both Spinker Rebbes from BP were there to honor their cousin Berish Bronstein

  11. Tzig,
    I NOTICED you did not answer the question, eh?
    Lubabs don't like tough questions.
    Kibush, hafotzas hamaayonos?


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