Monday, December 29, 2014

What do Lutvakkes and Yekkes know about Yiddishkeit anyway!

A description of the 1922 conference in Csop, headed by the Munkatcher Rov, upon his return to Munkatch from Poland. The Rabbonim were told about the terrible plan of the Agudah, founded by Lutvakken, Yekkes and Italians whose idea of Yiddishkeit is foreign to us, the Orthodox of Marmures and Hungary. What is a flaw for us is not a flaw for them, and what they teach their children is not what we would teach ours. They are just like the Mizrachi. Their supposed differences and arguments are only to show the world that they are different, but they are really one and the same. They condone and encourage the building of the land, and they plan on splitting it with the Zionists. They're also taking the money meant for the kollelim, the charities of Reb Meir baal haNess, now that people will support them instead of the holy kollelim. And they're trying to bring "Gymnasiums" and
"Rabbiner Seminaren" into Poland, where all great Rabbonim of the past and present forbid it. The decision of that conference was to ban any and all association with the Agudah. Many chashuv'e Rabbonim, attended, including Rav Yonasan Steif, the Satmar Rov, then of Orshive, and Reb Mordche Leib Winkler of H'Mad. 
Similar to what the Rebbes of Lubavitch said about the AI, actually, but not in as many words.


  1. Boruch Hashem, the obscurantist Hungarians lost, and klal Yןsroel won with the establishment of מדינת ישראל הקדושה והטהורה

  2. "obscurantist" you win for best vocabulary word of the day!

  3. Hirshel
    Are you sure the Satmar ruv was there?
    I always thought he did not go to chop...

  4. so they signed his name without him being there? Not that it would so surprising though...

  5. can count on tzig to bring up old story's that will cause people who don't understand to talk bad about gedolim.

    tzig, you caused enough chillul Hashem (and a worldwide one, as well). You will pay big time.

  6. Hirshel
    I remember reading in Reb Chuna Halperins collection of stories, about the Satmar ruv talking to the Mharash Engel about the assifa, not going etc...

  7. As far as I remember, the Rashab's antipathy to the Aguda was based on (A) the fact that he did not see any point to an organization for it sown sake. A network of Yeshivos, that by virtue of its group learning had something to bind it, made sense. But an Aguda whose purpose is the Aguda did not make sense. (B) the danger of strange non-traditional ideas from Germany. (C) the general danger of an international authoritative organization. One rascal can come and change people's hashkafos with no counterpoint. Dissent is essential to a healthy society.
    This seems like a plain pashkevill trying to uncover nefarious ambitions and mendacious plans.
    If Chabad wants to take responsibility for this kind of thing, don't call anybody else Misnagdim. You end up being your own worst enemy. Or as they called in 'der alte heim', an own goal.

  8. Chuna Halpern is not a reliable source.

  9. Snag
    whats your conviction that RaV Halperin is not Musmach?
    What exactly are you saying, I am too stupid to get it,
    This event in Chop avoids 3 major league gedolim of Greater Hungary, The Pressburger Ruv, Rav Duschinsky of Chust and Rab Shmiel Duvid of Nitra, who were also leaders in the Agudah movement.
    Obviously they did not see this massive invented Kefira what the holy Munkacher Ruv saw..
    They can malign some Polish Rebbe as much as they want, but they would not dare to touch the local rabonim, who were big Poskim, roshie Yeshivos and Erliche yiden.

  10. "Observer of Chop said...
    whats your conviction that RaV Halperin is not Musmach?"

    I know him.

  11. Observer - I was taking issue with the idea that the Rashab had anything to do with this nonsense. His issue was more rational, not political. This is just a pashkevill. Remember, I get hired by some people to write pashkevillen. The main thing is a minimum of fact and a maximum of rhetoric. This badly written 'historical artifact' is a pashkevill of the finest.


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